Prostatic ducts

The prostate duct is a structure found in the perineum in men that connects the prostate to the urethra. It is an important organ that is responsible for the reproductive function and health of men. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of the prostatic ducts and their role in the body.

Structure and functions


Prostate ducts are anatomical structures located in the prostate gland of a man. The prostate gland is a muscular-glandular organ that is located at the back wall of the bladder, under the urethra. Its function is to produce secretions and maintain prostate volume. The prostatic ducts serve to deliver prostate secretions into the urethra. They are narrow channels surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue and consist of two or three cylindrical layers of smooth muscle cells. The surface of the ducts is covered with endothelium and a mucous layer. Normally, the prostate ducts have a diameter of about 50 microns and a length of up to 30 centimeters. However, due to various factors, such as age, heredity, lifestyle, various pathologies can occur, for example, obstructive adenomas, hyperplasia, prostate cancer, which can lead to difficulty in the outflow of gland secretions and disruption of its function. Prostate pathologies are one of the most common men's health problems, affecting millions of men around the world. Most of them are not aware that prostate problems are occurring because they do not feel any symptoms of the disease. Therefore, there is a need to study this topic more thoroughly and educate people about what symptoms may indicate possible prostate problems. The article provides an overview of various pathologies associated with the prostate gland, their diagnosis and treatment. You can also find out in the article what treatment methods exist and what results can be achieved using such methods. It is important to note that much depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. The proposed methods can be used as first line of treatment or simultaneously with other methods to achieve optimal results.