Pregnancy prevention

A doctor is sometimes forced to prevent pregnancy in a young woman for whom childbirth is dangerous, in a woman whose uterus is not healthy or whose bladder is weak: then the weight of the fetus can cause a crack in the bladder and urinary incontinence, and the woman will not be able to hold urine for the rest of her life. urine. One of the ways to prevent pregnancy is to avoid the position during copulation that leads to conception, which we discussed, and to emit semen not at the same time and disperse quickly. At the end of copulation, the woman is instructed to stand up and make several jumps back - up to seven or nine - from this the seed often comes out as for bouncing and leaping forward, they sometimes calm the seed Sneezing often contributes to the escape of the seed. One of the precautions that should be observed is the introduction of kitran into the vagina before and after copulation and lubricating the penis with it, as well as lubricating it with balsam oil and white lead. The introduction of pomegranate pulp before and after copulation, as well as alum, also helps the introduction of cabbage inflorescences and its seed during the period of purity and before copulation is a powerful remedy in this case, especially if put in kitran. or immerse in mint decoction. It is useful, after cleansing, to introduce willow leaves into the vagina on a woolen rag, especially if they were also soaked in the juice of willow leaves an excellent remedy is coloquinta pulp, steppe, iron oxide, cabbage, scammonium resin and cabbage seeds all this is taken in equal parts, tied with kitran and inserted into the vagina. The introduction of pepper into the vagina after copulation prevents pregnancy in the same way as the introduction of elephant feces - alone, or with fumigation with it during the mentioned periods of time. As a drinking medicine, they give you three ukiyas to drink basil juice, and this prevents pregnancy.