Preiser's Disease

Preser disease is a rare complex lesion of the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum bones of the wrist, developing during a period of intensive growth.

Damage to the scaphoid bone is accompanied by the development of pathological, predominantly transverse, growth cartilage, spreading caudally along the bone and forming a peculiar

Preisser's disease, also known as osteochondropathy of the metacarpal-scaphoid joint and osteochondropathy of the carpal tunnel syndrome, is a pathological process that can occur in the distal radius and lead to a narrowing of the joint space between the scaphoid and the second metacarpal bone, as well as the development of chronic pain and swelling in the hands, especially when flexing and extending the thumb and index fingers.

This disease occurs quite often. According to experts, it is diagnosed in approximately 2% of people who seek help from a surgeon, traumatologist or orthopedist with