Drug Native

Drug Native is a histological specimen that has not been exposed to fixatives, that is, it has not been fixed or treated with chemicals. This allows you to preserve the structure of tissues and cells in their natural state.

The native drug is used in various fields of medicine, such as histology, pathomorphology, immunology and others. It allows researchers to study tissues and cells in their natural form, which helps them better understand the processes occurring in the body.

One of the advantages of the native drug is its high accuracy and reliability of results. Due to this, the native drug is widely used in scientific research and clinical practice.

A truly unique and effective method of preserving tissue (in particular, surgical preparations of human tissue) using a means that promotes clearing of the section was invented at the State Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences by Professor Arnold Sergeevich Rusanov. This remedy is called a matogenic fixative with the name “Sikrolite”. This