The drug Papillek for removing warts on the skin

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Papilleka
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Real reviews about Papilleka
  7. Analogues of the product

Papillectomy is an effective remedy for combating benign skin growths, such as warts, papillomas, seborrheic keratomas, calluses, corns, and heel spurs. It is distinguished by its versatility, safety and ease of use. Can be used on different parts of the body, does not leave behind scars or scars.

Description and composition of the drug Papillek

Skin problems can occur at different ages. Thus, warts and papillomas, which are of a viral nature, appear with a decrease in general immunity in both adolescents and the elderly. Seborrheic keratomas, as a rule, are of the same nature, but usually appear in people after 40 years of age. In all cases, an effective way to eliminate these formations is the use of the external remedy Papilleque.

This drug has the consistency of an emulsion and is easy to apply pointwise to the affected areas of the skin. The product does not spread and leaves no traces.

The composition of the drug Papillek includes the following active ingredients:

  1. Celandine extract. Contains large quantities of alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, saponins, phytoncides. Since ancient times, celandine juice has been used to cauterize warts. The extract is a more concentrated form that has a pronounced effect, eliminates pigmentation, relieves redness and peeling.
  2. Acetic acid. Upon contact with the skin, a slight chemical burn occurs, as a result of which the neoplasm is removed - a white scab forms on the skin. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component.
  3. Lemon acid. Strengthens the local immune response, has a detrimental effect on the papilloma virus, and has a drying effect on papillomas, warts, and corns. Reduces the secretion of skin secretions, has a whitening effect, and relieves itching.
  4. Potassium iodide. Antifungal and antiviral substance. Active antiseptic.

In addition, the product additionally contains polysaccharides and a mixture of aromatic essential oils.

The price of Papillek is 750-800 rubles in Russia (120-160 hryvnia in Ukraine). The product can be purchased both in pharmacies and online on the manufacturer’s website.

Useful properties of Papilleka for papillomas and warts

Warts on the hands as an indication for the use of Papilleka

The drug effectively copes with various skin formations. It is especially effective in the fight against papillomas and warts - the product helps both with single small tumors and with massive rashes. Papillek also fights different types of warts: periungual, vulgar, plantar.

The product has a number of useful properties: anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, analgesic, drying. Also, the drug Papilleq stimulates local immunity, and after a course of treatment of skin imperfections, they will not appear in these places again.

Papillek has a number of advantages over similar drugs against papillomas and warts:

  1. Can be used on any part of the body;
  2. Does not leave any scars after a course of use;
  3. Does not change the natural shade of the epidermis;
  4. Lightweight and convenient to use;
  5. Can be used for multiple skin lesions;
  6. It is little absorbed into the blood, and therefore rarely has side effects.
Note! Papillectomy for papillomas and warts has a mild and prolonged effect. It does not damage healthy tissue, and regeneration of affected skin areas occurs quickly, thanks to the polysaccharides and essential oils included in the composition.

Instructions for use of the drug Papilleq

The drug is optimal for home use. Using the applicator, you can apply the thick emulsion pointwise, without going beyond the boundaries of the affected areas.

Instructions for Papillek is as follows:

  1. Using the sharp end of the applicator, apply the emulsion to the neoplasm.
  2. Cover the wart or papilloma with a thin, even layer.
  3. Avoid contact of the product with healthy skin around the affected area.
  4. Leave the Papilleque to dry for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Do not wash it off your skin for the next 10 hours.
  6. If the skin formation is located in places of increased friction, then after treating the problem areas they need to be sealed with a hygienic bandage.
  7. Repeat the procedure if necessary the next day.
Note! Large papillomas and warts are recommended to be treated up to 3 times at intervals of 24 hours.

If neoplasms are concentrated near the eyes or on the eyelids, Papillek for warts and papillomas should be applied extremely carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes. It is also not recommended to do this yourself: if the procedure is carried out at home, then ask your loved ones to help you. After applying the product, lie down for about 10 minutes with your eyes closed until the composition dries.

There is no need to treat the skin with any means after using Papillek. If healthy areas of the epidermis near a wart or papilloma are accidentally damaged, they should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil.

A slight burning sensation may be felt immediately after application. After some time, the shade of the treated formation may change and become darker. This indicates that the liquidation process has begun. After a few days it will dry out, peel off and fall off.

  1. Read about the treatment of flat papillomas

Contraindications to the use of Papilleka

Despite the fact that this drug is based on a plant extract of celandine, the product should be used with caution, as it can damage surrounding tissues and cause a chemical burn.

When applied liberally to a targeted spot, Papillek for papillomas and warts, the drug can cause a number of side effects: burning, hyperemia, pain.

In addition, this remedy has certain contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy, lactation;
  2. Children under 4 years of age;
  3. Unidentified or malignant nature of skin neoplasms;
  4. The presence of open skin lesions in the areas of intended treatment;
  5. Tendency to allergic reactions;
  6. Skin hypersensitivity;
  7. High individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the product.

Papillect is suitable for home use, but consultation with a dermatologist before starting use is required. This is necessary in order to establish the nature of skin formations.

Note! If there is any doubt about the benignity of epidermal defects, treatment with Papillecom should be discontinued.

Results of using Papilleka for papillomas and warts

The photo shows a wart after treatment with Papilleque

As a rule, the effect after using Papillek becomes noticeable after 3-4 days. During this time, warts and papillomas usually darken, the skin begins to actively peel off and renew itself. This indicates that tissues are regenerating and diseased areas are being replaced by healthy cells.

In any case, wait for complete tissue regeneration and exfoliation of the diseased epidermis before drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of Papillecom treatment of warts and papillomas. Complete tissue regeneration can take from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the epidermis.

Important! If it was not possible to achieve the desired result during the first course of treatment, it can be repeated after 14-20 days.

Real reviews about Papilleka

The remedy for benign skin formations has long been actively used by many patients. On the Internet you can find many reviews about Papilleka - both positive and negative.

Vera, 36 years old

I found an excellent gentle option for removing warts - Papilleque. Before this I had tried everything: liquid nitrogen, just celandine, and all sorts of folk remedies. Nothing really helped, warts kept popping up - on my feet, elbows, and hands. Then a friend advised me to buy Papillek. Small warts disappeared in just a few days. I had to tinker with the big ones - Papillek never took some. I had to go back to burning it with nitrogen. But there were no small warts left at all. Moreover, it is not at all as painful as I read in various reviews of it. Those who write that Papilleque burns for them have probably never been cauterized with nitrogen. That's where the pain is! And Papillek only bakes slightly. And, of course, remember that you can only use it when you are sure what you are cauterizing.

Olga, 32 years old

I ordered Papillek on the Internet. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in its effectiveness, because I had read a lot of negative reviews before. With his help I wanted to get rid of flat papillomas. This nasty thing appeared on me a couple of years ago in the form of a small rash on the lower part of my face. I went to a cosmetologist for nitrogen burning several times. A couple of large papillomas had to be removed with a laser. And now I decided to try Papillek. I was surprised from the first use. It really works! On the second day after application, crusts appeared on the skin. In 5 days they dried out thoroughly and fell off on their own on the sixth day. All that remained were pink spots, which also completely disappeared in a couple of weeks. Compared with nitrogen or laser, Papillek is the gentlest effect on the skin with the same effectiveness. I haven’t removed the smallest papillomas yet, because then the entire area will be covered with crusts. I plan to go for cryomassage to remove them gradually.

Evgeniya, 27 years old

I have been treating flat papillomas on my chest with Papillecom for a couple of years now. But I try not to abuse this drug, because it copes with defects, but leaves traces behind. Maybe it’s my skin that’s particularly sensitive, but where large papillomas were removed, I immediately get a red scar, then it turns pale and a lump, a lump, appears. I consulted a doctor, he said that it’s not scary, it’s something like a keloid scar, but it needs to be removed only with special skin polishing. This procedure is not cheap, so for now I’m still walking around with these scars. I try to treat carefully and only large papillomas. I've already left the little ones alone. I think I’ll go for resurfacing later, maybe the small papillomas will go away.

Analogs of Papilleka for warts and papillomas

The following drugs have a similar effect to Papillek:

  1. Super clean. Contains celandine concentrate, as well as potassium and sodium alkali. The product causes a local burn, thus burning out warts and papillomas. Read real reviews about Super Cleaner.
  2. Sunny Skin. Includes the following active ingredients: tea tree oil, castor oil and salicylic acid. Has a bactericidal, antiseptic and moisturizing effect.
  3. lapis pencil. This product contains silver nitrate, which has an antiseptic effect. The pencil kills bacteria and viruses, cauterizes warts and papillomas. Read in detail the instructions for the Lapis pencil.

How to use Papillek - watch the video:

Papillek is a combined herbal-synthetic preparation for the removal of benign skin tumors. Helps fight warts, papillomas, keratomas, as well as calluses and corns. Quickly and without a trace cleanses the epidermis, preventing the reappearance of formations on the body.

  1. Read also about the treatment of hanging papillomas