Beauty injections

With the development of cosmetology, many opportunities have appeared for ladies in the form of comprehensive care for their body, eliminating certain skin imperfections using cutting-edge methods, which can include both gentle and more intensive methods.

Women's intense struggle with signs of aging has led to the development of a number of procedures and complexes for the face, which are injections. Although this method involves penetration through the skin barrier, it is quite effective and fast-acting.


Visual impact of “beauty injections”

Injection cosmetology involves the introduction of various substances that have a specific effect on the skin and eliminate problems for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid

The procedure for introducing this substance by injection has been carried out for quite a long time; it has become very popular among the fair sex for its highly effective action. This is not surprising, since this acid is capable of:

  1. reduce the number of small wrinkles and the depth of more significant ones;
  2. correction of facial contour (chin, cheekbones), eyelids and lips;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, hands, neck, décolleté;
  4. get rid of skin imperfections (acne, post-acne) and rejuvenate it, anti-rosacea properties appear.

For the above purposes, different concentrations of the drug are used, and the depth of administration also varies. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. In this case, the drug Reneall or Princess Rich can be used.

The use of hyaluron-containing preparations is recommended after reaching 35 years of age. Before this, other products containing this acid are used.

To determine how many injections of hyaluronic acid are needed for the face, you should consult with a specialist cosmetologist who will determine further actions and announce the number of sessions. Their number ranges from 3 to 10, for the entire course and directly depends on the places of their introduction and the condition of the skin before the start of the procedures.


Before and after using hyaluronic acid injections

It may be necessary to use more than just injections. Mesotherapy for facial skin involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid using a mesoscooter (there are variations in the length and number of needles on the drum).

Mixtures with the addition of collagen, various vitamin complexes, and amino acids are also used. This is how biorevitalization occurs. The effect lasts from six months to two years, it all depends on individual characteristics. Radiesse, which is close to the natural properties of hyaluronic acid, has a similar effect.


Outwardly noticeable facial rejuvenation occurs with the help of Botox injections (the name of the active substance is botulinum toxin). It is aimed more at sculpting the face than introducing mega-useful substances under the skin to maintain its beauty and youth.

It acts as a blocker of susceptibility to nerve impulses, because of this the muscles lose their increased tone and stop contracting, which results in smoothing out wrinkles. The drug should be used:

  1. if you want to get rid of wrinkles (age-related, facial, for example, around the eyes);
  2. if necessary, tighten the oval of the face (Botox lifting, tightening is provided).

The latter effect can remove jowls on the face, which become obvious in older women. Not recommended for use under 30 years of age.

After the drug administration procedure, it takes up to a week to notice the long-awaited result. The amount of Botox injected depends on the number of wrinkles and the area affected. Bruises do not remain at the injection sites. The youth effect lasts up to six months.


Before and after Botox injections

If lifting without injections is needed, then serums become popular. For example, they include Diamonds as a safe and painless therapy.

Collagen injections

Another popular type of injections that are administered to those who want to get rid of the signs of aging. After all, the amount of this substance in the body directly affects the appearance of the skin. His injections help:

  1. elimination of pigment spots, post-acne;
  2. remove scars and facial wrinkles;
  3. reduce deep wrinkles, eliminate small ones, for lifting.

By replenishing the lack of collagen in the skin, the injection produces an immediate effect that can last up to six months. Although the effect is not particularly long-lasting, such manipulations can stimulate the production of the body’s own substance, which will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin. Recommended for women over 35 years of age. Before this, collagen-containing products are used.


Before and after using collagen injections

Collagen injections lead to elasticity and smoothness of the skin. It is administered through injections into the necessary areas of the face, décolleté, and neck. Both artificial and natural species are used. Moreover, the former can cause allergic reactions, which cannot be said about a natural product.

A small number of injections are used in one course - up to 5. After a while they are given again. Often used as beauty injections for the face after 50 years. A prominent representative is the drug Collost.


Rejuvenation at the cellular level occurs precisely from injections with peptides. If there are skin problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, loss of elasticity (sagging), sessions of introducing this compound are used. Biorevitalization occurs, which is carried out as mesotherapy.

Active influence is aimed at the following processes:

  1. activation of regeneration, skin elasticity, synthesis of intercellular substances;
  2. optimization of antioxidant protection;

For optimal action of peptides on problem areas, you can select targeted products:

  1. for reconstruction of the dermis;
  2. for whitening;
  3. for immunomodulatory and anti-edematous effect (Timalin);
  4. for botulinum-like effects.

It can also be used to get rid of recent acne scars, cure inflammatory processes and heal wounds. Modern fillers contain peptides as the main active ingredient.

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Photos before and after vitamin injections

Vitamins A, E, C, K, and group B are popular and so lacking for the skin. They are the best helpers in the fight against imperfections if they are injected under the skin. The course is carried out in 3-5 sessions, once every year or two. Can be used upon reaching 25 years of age.

Vitamin injections can also cause negative consequences, especially if you are allergic to one of their components.

A new-fangled remedy for combating many skin imperfections, capable of exhibiting anti-aging properties. Ozone therapy is used as one of the components of a skin care complex; it may include facial massage, placental masks, and peelings. Ozone procedures are carried out in 5 – 10 sessions, the number is determined by a cosmetologist. The possibilities of this therapy are:

  1. rejuvenation and care;
  2. combating acne;
  3. anti-rosacea and anti-burn effect;

Ozone therapy does not have any period of effectiveness, since it is of a healing nature, and not temporary cosmetic. Widely used even from adolescence.


Before and after using ozone therapy

It is also used for figure correction.


Almost all of the above options for “beauty injections” also have contraindications, if present, you should refuse to use them. Are they harmful? Not if you follow a few rules. Namely, do not apply for the procedure if:

  1. there is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  2. inflammatory processes occur in the body or there are viral diseases, oncology;
  3. pregnancy and lactation, blood diseases;
  4. problems with the nervous system (epilepsy).

All possible negative consequences or contraindications for each facial injection procedure are discussed individually with the specialist who will conduct the session. The consequences of neglecting the rules can be varied: from peeling and redness to purulent rashes and itching.

Video: 9 reasons not to get beauty injections

As you know, no one gets younger over time. Women are especially concerned about appearance. And since, first of all, the face gives away age, the most pressing issue for women is finding means to combat wrinkles. One of the ways to improve the appearance of the face and restore the skin to its former elasticity and softness is the well-known beauty injections, or, as they are also called, youth injections.

What are beauty injections and why are they needed?


These are special injections of various substances that are used by cosmetologists to rejuvenate facial skin. Beauty injections can easily replace plastic surgery, because the operation has many more health consequences, it requires more time, special training and a long rehabilitation period. And beauty injections are characterized by minimal pain and high efficiency, they have fewer contraindications, and the result is more predictable.

How to choose a cosmetologist for beauty injections

A good specialist, even before the procedure, should:

  1. Tell about the drug he is going to use,
  2. About his action
  3. About your feelings during the procedure
  4. About the duration of action of the drug
  5. About how your face will change,
  6. Find out about drug allergies,
  7. Tell us about possible complications
  8. Provide information about the rehabilitation period.

Beauty ampoules for face

With the help of beauty injections, facial skin is tightened (lifting effect), fine and deep wrinkles are smoothed out, elasticity is restored to the skin and it is moisturized. There are different drugs to achieve different goals. Let's take a closer look at these cosmetic injections.

The following drugs are used in cosmetology:

  1. hyaluronic acid,
  2. peptides,
  3. collagen,
  4. synthetic polylactic acid,
  5. calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse),
  6. botox (botulinum toxin),
  7. polycapronolactone
  8. vitamins and vitamin complexes.

Hyaluronic acid

Perhaps rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is one of the most famous methods of youth injections. Hyaluronic acid itself is a glycosaminoglycan. It is part of the skin and connective tissue and has the ability to bind water and retain it, which ensures skin elasticity. With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid synthesized by cells decreases; it ceases to retain water in sufficient quantities, which is why wrinkles appear. The procedure in which hyaluronic acid is injected is called biorevitalization.


The choice of the drug is made by a cosmetologist.

  1. First, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. If necessary, an anesthetic cream is applied, but sometimes the drug already contains an anesthetic component, then additional anesthesia is not required.
  3. Then the cosmetologist injects hyaluronic acid.

The administration regimen is developed individually for each patient. The duration of the course of anti-aging injections varies in each specific case, from two or three to ten. Between procedures, a break of at least one week is required. It is recommended to repeat the course no earlier than a year later.

In addition to the injection method, there is a laser (hardware) method of biorevitalization. This is a more comfortable and effective way.


Peptides are small sequences of amino acids that resemble proteins but are smaller in size. They enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid, so they are often used together in complex preparations. They stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and remove pigmentation. The use of peptides in combination with hyaluronic acid and other substances is called mesotherapy.

Preparation for the procedure is similar to preparation for the introduction of hyaluronic acid.




You can often hear that the drug contains “plant collagen”. You should know that this is a myth invented by manufacturers, because collagen is purely animal protein. In fact, such preparations include hydrolyzed wheat protein, individual fragments of which resemble collagen in structure, but it is not as effective. All preparations with collagen are divided into 3 types: low, medium and high concentrations. The first is used to eliminate shallow wrinkles, the second – for larger ones, the third – for facial modeling.

Using collagen for beauty injections

1 hour before collagen injection, the skin is treated with anesthetic cream. Some beauty clinics cool the skin with ice cubes to reduce sensitivity, but there is an opinion that this reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. An additional anesthetic is also contained in the collagen preparation itself; a lidocaine solution is most often used. Collagen can be administered in two different ways: a thin stream or a series of injections.

The choice of method, selection of the drug and calculation of the number of procedures is carried out by a specialist depending on the problem that needs to be solved. The advantages of collagen injections include a quick and long-term effect (observed after the first procedure, lasting from three months to six months).

Synthetic polylactic acid

It is a polymer of lactic acid, which is formed in muscles during intense physical activity. For cosmetic purposes, it is produced in a laboratory, so the risk of allergic reactions is minimal. Produced under the brand "Sculptra".


The use of polylactic acid in cosmetology

Polylactic acid is used in two forms: fillers and threads. Both procedures solve the following age-related problems:

  1. swollen facial contour,
  2. sagging fabrics,
  3. wrinkles and folds on the skin,
  4. elimination of nasolabial folds,
  5. double chin,
  6. sagging skin,
  7. hollows and bags under the eyes.

This is explained by the fact that polylactic acid works in 2 stages: first it fills the voids itself, and then stimulates the production of collagen by cells, and new collagen fibers take its place.


The procedure takes no more than half an hour. It is not particularly different from other cosmetic procedures: first remove makeup, treat the skin with an anesthetic cream, inject the drug and massage the face when finished.

3 sessions are required with a break of a month and a half. Sculptra is considered one of the best drugs for eliminating wrinkles; after its administration, complications very rarely arise, and the effect lasts up to 2 years.


But there is also a fly in the ointment: polylactic acid cannot be injected into the forehead, lips, or around the eyes. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the presence of autoimmune diseases or blood diseases. The result does not appear immediately, but after a few weeks. And the cost of the drug is rather high.

Threads with polylactic acid

Another way to use polylactic acid is mesothreads (bio-reinforcement). In this case, fibers introduced under the skin create a frame that tightens and smoothes it. Subsequently, the mesothreads dissolve and turn into water and carbon dioxide. And in their place remains a collagen frame that maintains the skin in this condition for several years.

The procedure takes about an hour and usually does not cause side effects or complications. In some cases, swelling and bruising may appear, which will subsequently resolve. Contraindications - as in the previous method (fillers).

Calcium hydroxyapatite

Just like Sculptra, it acts in two stages: direct volume replenishment and stimulation of collagen synthesis. In cosmetology, the drug calcium hydroxyapatite is known under the brand name "Radiesse".


It is not used for lip augmentation, but, unlike Sculptra, Radiesse can be injected into the chin.

Vitamin injections for the face (mesotherapy)

Vitamin injections are also a fairly popular procedure among women. Their essence lies in the injection of a complex of vitamins into the skin. Mesotherapy treats inflammation, exfoliation, skin exhaustion, acne, bags and bruises under the eyes, weak epidersis.

Most often, the following vitamins are used for vitamin injections: A, E, C, K, group B. The course of treatment lasts 3-5 sessions and can be taken no more than twice a year. You can start procedures from the age of twenty, but doctors recommend waiting until you are 25-30 years old.


Vitamin injections cannot be performed in the following cases:

  1. diabetes;
  2. heart disease;
  3. exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  4. nephritis;
  5. renal failure;
  6. hypertension 3 degrees;
  7. postoperative period;
  8. gallstones;
  9. last trimester of pregnancy;
  10. lactation;
  11. hemophilia;
  12. oncology.


Botox is based on botulinum toxin, a toxin produced by the causative agent of botulism. When a person becomes infected with botulism, many of their muscles become paralyzed. This is the effect of botulinum toxin. It disrupts the conduction of electrical impulses along the nerves to the muscles, and the latter stop contracting. This property is used in cosmetology: with the introduction of small doses of botulinum toxin, the tone of facial muscles decreases and wrinkles on the face are smoothed out. In addition, Botox injections help tighten the shape of the face (Botox lifting). By the way, Botox is the name of the drug in America, which has become a household name in our country.


The skin is also cleansed of cosmetics, but not anesthetized - this will reduce the effect of the procedure. However, anesthesia is not really necessary - very thin needles are used for injections, and the pain is practically not felt. Then the face is divided into zones into which injections are made. Botox is administered subcutaneously (to eliminate facial wrinkles) or intramuscularly (for deeper wrinkles, for example, on the bridge of the nose, as well as to tighten the oval of the face).



In addition to the above drugs for beauty injections, you can also give injections of the patient’s own plasma (plasmolifting) and ozone (ozone therapy).

Can it be done at home?

Beauty injections use medications, and the injection itself is a complex cosmetic procedure. Therefore, they must be performed in a medical facility and only by a high-level professional.

Consequences of beauty injections, why they are dangerous

Consequences from “injections of youth” can only appear if the instructions are not followed, as well as the procedure is carried out despite contraindications. In the first case, these are minor swelling and bruises that go away on their own. In the second case, the side effects may be more serious.

A little about the consequences in this video:

Here we briefly review the main drugs used as beauty injections. They have different properties: some tighten the oval of the face, others fight wrinkles, and others moisturize. A cosmetologist will help you choose the right drug; he will also describe the scheme of cosmetic injections and at what points to administer them. And we should not forget about contraindications, so before facial rejuvenation it is better to go to your doctor and take the necessary tests.

Beauty injections - a new era of rejuvenation (without plastic surgery)

Beauty injections are a concept that combines various popular cosmetic procedures that serve to rejuvenate the skin on the face and body.

Human skin is constantly exposed to negative effects. Temperature changes, UV rays, poor ecology, bad habits, physical and mental overload lead to loss of moisture, tired appearance and premature aging.

The most popular method of combating age-related changes is beauty injections. As a result, the lost volume of the face is restored, the skin is tightened, and folds and wrinkles are smoothed out. But what can miracle injections do? What are the options for cosmetic injections?

Beauty injections – what are they?

Under this general name all injection techniques designed to combat skin imperfections are collected. With the help of special preparations it is possible to eliminate most aesthetic problems.

Some healing components heal and rejuvenate the face, fight the signs of aging, others are aimed at fighting wrinkles.

Beauty injections are suitable not only for treating the face and area around the eyes, but also the body. Injections are used to improve the condition of the neck, arms, and décolleté.

Subcutaneous administration of special preparations allows you to tighten the skin and give clear contours without surgical intervention. The price of beauty injections is significantly lower compared to plastic surgery.

After the injections, the medicinal components are evenly distributed under the skin and help smooth out wrinkles and improve the condition of the skin.

A similar effect is achieved with the help of gel-like preparations, which include hyaluronic acid or other substances.

The cosmetologist must decide on the advisability of beauty injections after conducting a thorough examination of the patient.

The opinions of experts are divided into pros and cons of the procedure, since some women abuse anti-aging drugs, which negatively affects their appearance.


Injections of medicinal compounds are recommended in the presence of certain aesthetic defects.


  1. pronounced symptoms of photoaging;
  2. wrinkles, creases, skin folds;
  3. dull complexion;
  4. flabbiness and sagging, loss of elasticity;
  5. excessive dryness, flaking, dehydration;
  6. hyperpigmentation;
  7. dark circles in the eye area;
  8. enlarged pores.

Injections give positive results to people of all ages. The procedures are used to prevent premature aging and correct existing imperfections.

Reviews of beauty injections for the face after 40 years indicate the successful elimination of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle and on the forehead.

After 50 years, such injections are necessary to replenish hyaluronic acid reserves and restore the water balance of the dermis.

Judging by the reviews, the price, for example, of mesotherapy starts from 2,200 rubles. In this case, injections are necessary to protect against negative external factors and restore the condition characteristic of young skin.

After 60 years, facial beauty injections allow women to look much younger than their own age. From reviews on thematic forums you can learn about prices and features of the procedure.


The cosmetologist must inform the patient about the presence of any contraindications.


  1. autoimmune pathologies;
  2. malignant and benign neoplasms;
  3. infectious, fungal, viral diseases;
  4. exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  5. period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding;
  6. increased sensitivity to hyaluronic acid.

Contraindications must be observed without fail. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable.

Top 5 popular injection techniques

There are several types of beauty injections in cosmetology. The most popular ones include the introduction of fillers, botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, and plasma lifting. Each technique has its own characteristics and advantages.

Fillers (contour plastic surgery)

They are produced in the form of a gel, which is injected subcutaneously along the chin line, into the forehead, lips, and around the eyes. Can be used to solve local problems: filling wrinkles, replenishing the volume of cheekbones and lips.

For each patient, the number of injections is determined individually. It all depends on the chosen product and the desired result.

In most cases, specialists use fillers made from collagen, hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite.

To eliminate discomfort, a painkiller is applied to problem areas. Some fillers already contain local anesthetic components.

Contour plastic surgery is also used for intimate rejuvenation. We recommend watching a video on this topic:

Botulinum toxin

Several generations of the fair sex have already become convinced of the high effectiveness of these beauty injections and have left reviews about them.

Botulinum toxin quickly smoothes skin folds in the upper part of the face. If the cosmetologist is highly professional, the so-called “mask effect” will not occur. Normal facial expressions will be the best recommendation for every specialist.

Botox injections are used to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. After the procedure, muscle sensitivity to nerve impulses is blocked.

The muscle fibers relax, then the creases that were formed by them are smoothed out.

The results obtained last for approximately 6 months. At the end of this period, muscle sensitivity returns, and the signs of aging become more pronounced again.


The procedure involves revitalizing the skin with the help of medicinal drugs. They have biological properties and a more liquid consistency compared to fillers.

Beneficial substances do not fill wrinkles, but serve to heal the skin and naturally increase the production of elastin and collagen.

Biorevitalization involves a course of beauty injections that eliminates shallow folds. The procedure improves the condition and color of the skin, giving the face a radiant, rested appearance.

Positive changes will be noticeable almost immediately: the skin acquires elasticity, dryness disappears, shallow folds smooth out and become less pronounced.


The procedure has a complex effect, allowing you to deliver active substances to the most inaccessible areas.

Injections can be placed either manually or using hardware. In the latter case, epidermal, linear and other techniques are used.

Currently, non-injection mesotherapy is being practiced, created specifically for patients who are afraid of injections.

The procedure is planned individually for each person. At the initial consultation, an anamnesis is collected, and the composition of the meso-cocktail that will be used for injection is identified.

In most cases, biological substances such as vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and amino acids are used.

The injections are designed to fight acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and signs of aging. Mesotherapy tightens the skin and makes facial contours clearer.


The procedure, which is becoming increasingly popular, involves the subcutaneous injection of plasma taken from the patient and then supplemented with beneficial components.

The effect of such facial beauty injections is not immediately visible, but will gradually appear over 1 to 2 weeks.

Typically, a course of 3 to 5 sessions is sufficient for significant rejuvenation. The achieved result will last up to 2 years.

Plasmolifting is indicated to combat the signs of aging, when the level of elasticity and firmness decreases, pigment spots and wrinkles form, and the clarity of contours is lost.

In the before and after photos on the Internet you can see the effect obtained from beauty injections. When choosing an appropriate technique, it is necessary to be guided by the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of dermatological problems.

Method of performing beauty injections

Procedures that are aimed at combating the signs of aging are carried out in several stages.

Injections cause discomfort, so a cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the treated areas.

During an appointment with a cosmetologist, the following manipulations are performed:

  1. Determining areas of the skin that need additional nutrition, hydration, or getting rid of wrinkles.
  2. Distribution of anesthetic over selected areas.
  3. Injection of the drug under the skin through the finest needles.

As evidenced by reviews, as well as before and after photos, beauty injections based on hyaluronic acid last up to one and a half years. The frequency of sessions depends on the choice of active component.

Thus, botulinum therapy is carried out no more than 3 times a year, biorevitalization and mesotherapy - once every six months to a year.

Question answer

Is it allowed to drink alcohol before or after any injection?

Is it possible to get rid of scars with injections?

Do beauty injections hurt?

Side effects

Some time after using injection techniques, the first positive changes will become noticeable: peeling and a feeling of tightness disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and moisturized.

In the first hours after injections, the following manifestations are considered quite natural:

  1. compactions (papules);
  2. pale skin;
  3. swelling;
  4. itching;
  5. painful sensations when washing or touching;
  6. hyperemia;
  7. hematomas.

In most patients, side effects are mild and go away quite quickly on their own.

The appearance of extensive bruises and inflammation often indicates low professionalism of the specialist who performed the procedure.

Such side effects occur when safety precautions are violated, unsterile instruments are used, or low-quality drugs are used.

Recovery period

After the procedure, you must follow special skin care rules. They will prevent complications and activate regeneration.

The principles of care usually do not cause any particular difficulties:

  1. Refusal of physical activity and other manipulations that cause increased sweating.
  2. In the first couple of days you should not use decorative cosmetics.
  3. For two weeks, visiting saunas, swimming pools, baths, and solariums is prohibited.
  4. Drinking alcohol is contraindicated for several days after the procedure.
  5. In the first days, taking anticoagulants is prohibited.
  6. It is important to avoid direct sunlight.

The listed rules are strictly observed. On average, regeneration takes no more than a week, it all depends on individual characteristics and external factors.

Benefits of beauty injections

The procedures are designed for quick and effective rejuvenation, great for people who are not ready to undergo a surgical face lift. With injection techniques, beauty and youth are now available to everyone.

The injections give a result that is practically impossible to achieve using conventional care products. After visiting a cosmetologist, the skin acquires a healthy, blooming appearance, folds are gradually smoothed out, and elasticity increases.

The main advantages of injections include:

  1. replenishment of tissue volume lost over the years;
  2. pronounced facelift;
  3. effective elimination of wrinkles;
  4. maintaining necessary moisture;
  5. increasing the level of elasticity;
  6. rapid rejuvenation.

Prices for beauty injections

Procedure Price (in rub.)
Botulinum therapy 5-6 thousand
Contour plastic surgery 8-15 thousand
Biorevitalization 1.5-2 thousand
Mesotherapy 1.2 thousand

It is worth noting that about 5-7 sessions of the last two procedures will be required.

Expert opinion

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

With the help of cosmetic injections you can achieve amazing results. To avoid any trouble, follow all recommendations. For example, after Botox injection, do not engage in facial expressions or go to the sauna. But, unfortunately, injections are not always able to help. If there is obvious tissue ptosis and severe wrinkles, then only plastic surgery will help.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Beauty injections are a wonderful breakthrough in cosmetology. With their help, you can fill or smooth out wrinkles, enlarge lips, improve the condition of the skin, get rid of pigmentation, acne, etc. For example, mesotherapy is considered a fairly popular procedure. The doctor introduces beneficial substances into the deep layers. This effect cannot be achieved with any cream.

The procedure is recommended for the prevention of age-related skin changes and premature formation of wrinkles.

Many women are guided by a special calendar, which indicates days favorable for beauty injections in 2018.

The duration of action of the administered drugs depends on the client’s age, the presence of addictions, the condition of the body, the rate of reduction in hyaluronic acid costs and other factors.
