Prepiriform Region

The prepyriformis region (regio prepyriformis) is a small area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is located in the area in front of the anterior cingulate cortex. It is part of the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, behavior and regulation of the body's autonomic functions.

The prepiriform region is located in an area called the cingulate gyrus. It connects the anterior part of the frontal lobe to the posterior part of the cingulate lobe. This region plays an important role in the regulation of emotions, motivation, behavioral control and the regulation of autonomic functions.

The prepiriphoric region contains neurons that are responsible for regulating emotions. They are involved in responding to various stimuli such as sounds, smells, colors, as well as social interactions. In addition, the prepiriformal region is involved in behavioral control such as goal selection, planning, and implementation of actions.

Also in the prepiriform there are a large number of neurons that are associated with the regulation of autonomic functions, such as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, etc. These neurons are involved in the regulation of homeostasis in the body, that is, maintaining a constant level of the internal environment.

Thus, the prepiriformid region is an important region of the cerebral cortex. It plays a key role in regulating emotional reactions, controlling behavior and regulating the autonomic functions of the body.