
Presbyo: What is it and how to deal with it

Presbyo is a type of visual impairment. Occurs due to the need to focus on close or distant objects. Almost always accompanied by a headache. It is believed that the main factor in the occurrence of presbya is age-related changes. There are also a number of risk factors, such as: - heredity - if you had this disorder in your family, the risk increases; - stress and lack of sleep; - overweight; - age-related farsightedness; Presbyemia is usually discovered incidentally during a medical examination. Here is the simplest test - look through your palm at a light bulb. Light the light bulb brighter and cover it with your palm. If you can see where you need to look so that you don’t have to raise your head from your eye, your vision is closer to normal. If the glow is not enough for you, to read the words correctly you will need to raise your hand slightly above the light source.