Pressure gauge Differential

A differential pressure gauge is a device that is used to measure the difference in pressure between two gases or liquids in a system. It allows you to determine how much the pressure in one place differs from the pressure in another place.

A differential pressure gauge consists of two tubes that are connected to each other and filled with liquid. One tube is at rest and the other tube is moving, creating a pressure difference between them. This pressure difference is measured using a scale on the device.

Differential pressure gauges are widely used in various industries, such as oil production, chemical production, medicine and others. It helps control pressure in pipelines, tanks and other systems, which helps avoid accidents and equipment damage.

One of the main advantages of a differential pressure gauge is its accuracy. It can measure pressure differences with high precision, allowing you to obtain more accurate measurement results. Moreover, it is compact in size and lightweight, making it easy to use and store.

Thus, a differential pressure gauge is an important tool for measuring pressure differences in different systems. Its use allows you to control the operation of equipment and prevent possible accidents.

Differential pressure gauge

A pressure gauge is a gas and liquid measuring instrument that works based on the sealing effect of compressed air. The design is based on the principle of adding liquid to a discharged area through channels of different sizes (airtight and breathable)