For atopic dermatitis in children, baths are used

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Atopic dermatitis is becoming more common in children. Traditional medicine offers treatment in the form of hormonal (corticosteroid ointments), antihistamines, antibiotics and other medications. Many parents are afraid of side effects from taking such a wide range of pharmaceutical products and resort to traditional medicine.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis (or eczema) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that appears mainly in childhood. This disease is not contagious, but causes a lot of inconvenience due to a number of skin symptoms: itching, redness, cracks, dry skin, blisters, bumps. Typically, dermatitis appears under the knees, ankles, wrists, face, neck and upper chest of the child.

In infants, the disease begins within a few weeks and manifests itself as redness and dry skin on the cheeks and outer parts of the limbs. From about three months, the baby may experience itching and, as a result, sleep disturbance.


Affected areas of skin are red, dry and flaky

In children from two years of age, atopic dermatitis appears on the flexor surfaces of the joints: in the popliteal areas, on the inner surfaces of the elbows, etc. Symptoms: itching, thickening and roughening of the affected areas of the skin. Bleeding occurs when scratched. As a rule, this eczema disappears on its own by the age of 4–5 years, but the child’s skin still remains dry and sensitive.


The localization of atopic dermatitis on the body in children of different ages is slightly different

Traditional treatment

For exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, hormonal ointments and creams are used once a day until the condition improves. Then doctors recommend switching to non-hormonal products to moisturize dry skin and regenerate it and use them until the next exacerbation.

The famous children's doctor E. O. Komarovsky recommends that parents adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not overfeed the child and do not provoke constipation to avoid stress on the intestines. You can use Smecta, sorbents, lactulose.
  2. Moisturize the skin (especially dry areas) with Panthenol, Bepanten, Dermopanten.
  3. Monitor calcium levels in the body (excess vitamin D leads to calcium deficiency and an allergic reaction).
  4. Use topical antihistamines (for example, Fenistil gel).
  5. If dermatitis causes discomfort to the child (itching, malaise, burning), it is advisable to use corticosteroid hormonal ointments and creams suitable for children.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about hormonal ointments for atopic dermatitis

The place of folk remedies in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Often, parents are afraid or simply do not want to use medications to treat their child and try to make do with folk remedies. There are many folk recipes against allergic eczema for children of different ages.

According to doctors, folk remedies can be used as a supplement to the main course of treatment. During the period of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin, as well as adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by a qualified doctor.. Various decoctions, baths, infusions, teas can ease the manifestation of the disease, reduce itching, soften the skin, reduce inflammation, but not always and to varying degrees. Since the main principle of treating eczema is to moisturize the skin, it is necessary to correctly and taking into account individual characteristics choose exactly those folk remedies that perform this function (for example, sage baths).

Herbs such as string or celandine, as well as ointments with zinc, can further dry out the already dry skin of a sick child. Their use is only possible in combination with moisturizers.

Video: dermatologist on the treatment of atopic dermatitis with drugs and folk remedies

The place of folk remedies in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Often, parents are afraid or simply do not want to use medications to treat their child and try to make do with folk remedies. There are many folk recipes against allergic eczema for children of different ages.

According to doctors, folk remedies can be used as a supplement to the main course of treatment. During the period of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin, as well as adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by a qualified doctor.. Various decoctions, baths, infusions, teas can ease the manifestation of the disease, reduce itching, soften the skin, reduce inflammation, but not always and to varying degrees. Since the main principle of treating eczema is to moisturize the skin, it is necessary to correctly and taking into account individual characteristics choose exactly those folk remedies that perform this function (for example, sage baths).

Herbs such as string or celandine, as well as ointments with zinc, can further dry out the already dry skin of a sick child. Their use is only possible in combination with moisturizers.

Video: dermatologist on the treatment of atopic dermatitis with drugs and folk remedies