Reason for conceiving boys and girls

The reason for the conception of boys is the heat and abundance of the man’s semen, as well as the fact that intercourse coincided with a period of purity, and the flow of semen was from the right vessel - it is hot, thicker in composition and comes from the right kidney, which is also hot and also higher and closer to the liver; the same thing happens if the seed enters the right side of the uterus. The mother's seed also matters in relation to its properties and its side. The coldness of the area, the cold season and the north winds contribute to the conception of boys, and the opposite of this is the opposite; age is also favorable - young, but not young and not old. One of the doctors says that if a man’s semen flows from the right to the right side of the uterus, then she conceives boys, and if from the left to the left side of the uterus, then girls; when it flows in men from the left to the right side of the uterus, then a girl with male properties is born, and when it flows from the right to the left side of the uterus, then an effeminate male being is born. One of those who claim insight says that at conception on the day of ablution until the fifth day, a boy will be born, then, until the eighth day, there will be a girl, then, until the eleventh, a boy, and then a bisexual being. The blood of a woman pregnant with a boy is much hotter than the blood of a woman pregnant with a girl.

Signs of conceiving a boy or girl. The one who wears a boy has a better complexion,  and she is more cheerful; her skin is cleaner and her appetite is healthier, the signs of pregnancy are calmer, and she feels heaviness on the right side, for this side most often gives birth to boys. The male child is generally born from the semen rushing into the right side of the uterus, and this happens because the right side receives the semen first, and because the discharge of the male semen comes from the right testicle; When a male fetus moves, it moves on the right side. When a woman is pregnant with a boy, her breasts become enlarged and the color of the nipple deteriorates, first on the right side; The right nipple especially enlarges, because milk flows to it earlier and is released from it earlier. The milk expressed from the nipples of a pregnant boy is thick and viscous, not thin or watery. If you drop milk from a pregnant woman with a boy on your nail and look at it in the sun, you will see that it is like a drop of mercury or a drop of pearl and flows without stopping. When pregnant with a boy, the nipple gradually turns red and does not become very dark, and the vessels on the legs are red, not black; Her pulse on the right side is fuller and more frequent. They say that when a woman pregnant with a boy begins to walk after stopping, she first moves her right leg; this has been established by experience.

Rising, the pregnant woman leans on her right hand, and her right eye moves more quickly and vividly. A boy's fetus begins to move after three months, and a girl's fetus moves after four months. They say: here is one of the tricks to find out. They take a misqal of aristolochia, grind it and mix it with honey, and the woman inserts it into the vagina on a green woolen rag and holds it from morning until noon, without eating anything. If her saliva becomes sweet, it means she is pregnant with a boy, and if it becomes bitter, then she is pregnant with a girl, but if her saliva does not change, then the woman is not pregnant. But there is controversy regarding this trick and it needs to be confirmed experimentally or more research into the cause of this phenomenon. As for the signs of pregnancy with a girl, they are the opposite of the above. Symptoms that support this include ulcers on the legs, especially on the legs, and their frequent swelling. Often, during pregnancy with a male fetus, the fetus is weak, and the pregnancy is worse and more severe in its manifestations than with a strong female fetus. A woman who has given birth to a boy is cleared of postpartum discharge in twenty-five days and up to thirty, if she is not sick, and if a girl is born, then in thirty-five to forty days. This happens in most cases.