Causes and treatment of papilloma on a child’s foot

Papillomas on the foot

The content of the article:
  1. Causes of papillomas on the feet of children
  2. What does it look like
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal
  4. Prevention of papillomas

Papillomas on the feet of children are a common occurrence among active children. It is extremely difficult for a growing body to overcome the virus that causes growths on the feet. The situation is complicated due to late diagnosis. Many parents confuse the emerging skin lumps with calluses and, instead of seeing a doctor, begin to treat their baby on their own. Naturally, such therapy will not be effective if the initial diagnosis is incorrect and the papilloma will continue to grow. In order to prevent the growth of papillomas on the feet of children, photos of which horrify many parents, it is necessary to recognize the pathology in time and consult a doctor.

Causes of papillomas on the feet of children

Papillomas on the feet of children begin to grow as soon as the immune system weakens. Reduced protective functions cannot suppress the effect of the virus, so its destructive effect on cells begins. Thus, all physiological conditions that reduce immunity (vitamin deficiency, inflammatory processes in the body, infectious diseases and others) are the causes of the appearance of unpleasant growths.

The main factors contributing to the occurrence of papillomas on the feet of children also include:

  1. incorrectly selected shoes;
  2. flat feet in a child, as well as improper pressure on the foot while walking;
  3. foot injuries;
  4. excessive sweating or, conversely, dry feet.

Such conditions can activate the human papillomavirus, which reaches children mainly through contact and household contact through the use of other people's hygiene items in public places. Viral microorganisms reach a person even through microcracks, of which there are a great many on the foot of an active child. Doctors also do not exclude the vertical method of infection of the child, that is, from the mother during the baby’s passage through the birth canal.

Important! Having established that a child has papilloma on the foot, measures should be taken not only to remove the growth, but also to eliminate the root cause that caused the activation of the virus. For this, you may need to consult a therapist or endocrinologist.
  1. See also the reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the heel of a child

What does papilloma look like on a child’s foot?

What does papilloma look like on a child’s foot?

Photo of papillomas on a child’s foot

As soon as papillomas on the feet of children begin to appear, they are actually quite easy to confuse with a callus - the structures look like a skin compaction. However, the etiology of these two formations is different: if the callus is formed by dead cells, then the papilloma is formed by epithelial cells that develop incorrectly due to the action of the virus.

The following types of papillomas can form on the foot:

  1. Ordinary - a small dome-shaped growth of brown-gray color.
  2. Plantar - compacted formations, in appearance they resemble small grayish pebbles.
  3. Flat - also small seals with a smooth surface. This type is extremely rare on the foot, but the possibility of their formation in this location cannot be completely excluded.

An attentive doctor determines the presence of papilloma on a child’s foot by a number of characteristic signs:

  1. a clear boundary of the formation, the shape is usually round;
  2. slight elevation above the surface of the skin;
  3. flesh-colored or pinkish tint of the formation, and in later stages yellow-gray;
  4. possible roughness of formation;
  5. brown or brown dots visible in the structure.

The main symptom that appears with the development of the disease is also pain when pressing on the growth.

Important! Papilloma on the feet of children, when it grows or forms clusters, does not allow the child to walk or play normally; peers may begin to put psychological pressure on the child due to unseemly growths on the foot. The sooner this disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the sooner the child will be freed from pain and other unpleasant consequences caused by the disease.
  1. See also how to distinguish a callus from a wart in children

Methods for treating papillomas on the feet of children

When parents discovered papillomas on their children’s feet, they compared photos of the formation with pictures found on the Internet and were convinced that there was a problem; it was necessary to urgently begin treatment. In order to remove the formation, medications, surgical methods and traditional medicine recipes can be used. Any of the chosen methods is best agreed with your doctor. Only an experienced dermatologist will be able to select a product that will remove the growth with minimal impact on the child’s entire body.

Medicines for papillomas on a child’s foot

Preparations for papillomas on a child’s foot

In the photo there are preparations for papillomas on the feet of a child

Therapy is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination of the formation. Tissue scrapings are performed to determine the strain of the virus, and if necessary, an ultrasound is prescribed to determine the depth of the growth. Treatment of papilloma on a child’s foot is complicated by the fact that the formation grows deep under the skin, so not all methods applicable to growths on other parts of the body are suitable in this case.

To combat papillomas on the feet of children, the following can be used:

  1. Salipod. This is an adhesive plaster with a layer impregnated with active substances. To avoid damaging healthy tissue, it is necessary to cut a strip of Salipod exactly to the size of the growth. It is inexpensive - from 74 rubles in Russia, from 18 hryvnia in Ukraine. Several procedures using adhesive tape may be necessary to completely remove papillomas.
  2. Oxolinic ointment. It is applied to the growth until the papilloma on the child’s foot is completely removed; treatment may take several weeks. The price of the ointment is only 8 hryvnia per 10 g tube; in Russian pharmacies the drug costs 51 rubles.
  3. lapis pencil. This is one of the most accessible means. The price per package in Russia is only 125 rubles, in Ukraine it is slightly more expensive - 139 hryvnia, since the drug is imported. The lapis pencil contains silver nitrate and potassium nitrate, which have a destructive effect on the growth. However, it should be used very carefully on children's skin, since a child's skin is thinner.
Note! Despite the fact that most remedies for combating papillomas on the feet of children are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, it is better to consult with your doctor before using them. The medicine may have age restrictions for use or cause allergic reactions. The effect of some drugs on the children's body has not been established.

Also, we should not forget that papillomas on the feet in children begin to appear after a decrease in immunity. By restoring the protective functions of the body, regression of the disease can be achieved. The formations will disappear on their own. To improve the functioning of the human immune system, it is necessary to pay attention to proper nutrition, daily routine, hygiene, and taking multivitamin complexes. A visit to an immunologist would be a good idea.

  1. Read also: how to cure papilloma on the heel

Folk remedies against papillomas on a child’s foot

Vinegar for papillomas on a child’s foot

Photo of apple cider vinegar for papillomas on a child’s foot

Often, parents completely try to avoid the influence of medications on the child, so they prefer to use traditional medicine recipes based on natural ingredients to treat foot papilloma in children. Such treatment will require much more time, but will help avoid surgery in mild forms of the disease.

Among the most popular recipes for papillomas on the feet of children are:

  1. compresses from grated potatoes at night;
  2. dandelion juice 3 times a day;
  3. night compresses from Kalanchoe;
  4. drip action on the growth with vinegar (up to 12 times a day);
  5. compress from a cut of a clove of garlic;
  6. steaming the growth and lubricating it with iodine.

You must understand that the effectiveness of such recipes has not been confirmed by official medicine, and some components and compositions of “grandmother’s recipes” can cause allergies in a child. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of such treatment of papillomas on a child’s foot, it is still recommended to discuss the admissibility of procedures in relation to children with a doctor.

Note! If within several weeks (2-4) of treatment with folk remedies the growth not only does not decrease, but even begins to grow, you should urgently consult a doctor. To keep the child healthy, you will have to continue treatment using traditional medicine.
  1. Read also about folk remedies for the treatment of warts between the toes of a child

Removal of papillomas on the feet of children

Removal of papillomas on the feet of children

In most cases, the treatment prescribed by your doctor will be medication. However, there are a number of indications that make surgical removal of papilloma on the foot in children inevitable:

  1. educational trauma;
  2. severe pain, the child cannot even step on his foot;
  3. a sharp increase in growth in size;
  4. increase in the number of formations.

Instrumental removal of papilloma on the feet of children can be carried out in various ways, based on the general health of the patient, indications, degree of growth and depth of formation.

The most common methods for removing papillomas on a child’s foot today are:

  1. Laser. A highly accurate, virtually painless method, high laser temperatures prevent secondary infection. The procedure leaves no marks on the body and is often chosen by parents for their children. The price for destruction starts from 1300 hryvnia in Ukraine, 2900 rubles in Russia.
  2. Radio wave removal. Destruction using targeted high frequencies. The procedure does not cause pain to the patient, but leaves a small scar, so its cost is slightly lower than laser removal - 1200 hryvnia in Ukraine, 3000 rubles in Russia.
  3. Cryodestruction. Removal of papilloma on the feet of children under the influence of low temperatures. The method is quite accurate and effective, but painful, so not every parent is ready to choose it for their child, even despite the affordable cost - from 150 hryvnia for the first session (from 360 rubles in Russia).
To remove papilloma on a child’s foot, electrocoagulation (electric current) and surgical methods can also be used. However, they are chosen extremely rarely. The reason is simple: painful procedures, long rehabilitation period, scars after surgery. The price of such intervention is calculated in each individual case individually.
  1. Read also about removing a viral wart on the foot in children

Prevention of the appearance of papillomas on a child’s foot

Washing baby's feet

With the modern development of medicine, papillomas on the foot in children are easy to cure, but it is still better to prevent any disease.

In order for the feet to remain clean, a person must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Monitor foot and shoe hygiene;
  2. Avoid walking in wet shoes and boots, as virus microorganisms thrive in a humid environment;
  3. Do not allow your child to wear someone else's shoes;
  4. Do not walk barefoot in public places; if a situation arises where you need to walk barefoot, say, in a public gym, you need to disinfect your feet;
  5. Treat any cuts and cracks with antiseptic solutions;
  6. Monitor your general health.

Read more about preventing papilloma virus infection.

Watch a video about warts on the feet:

Papilloma on a child’s foot is a very unpleasant disease that causes discomfort for both the little patient and his parents. However, if the growth is detected in time and treated with methods recommended by the doctor, the formations are eliminated quickly and almost painlessly. And if you follow basic preventive measures, you don’t have to worry about growths on your feet at all.

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