Causes and methods of treating papillomas on a woman’s face

Papilloma on the face

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do papillomas look like on the face of women?
  3. Treatment options
    1. Folk remedies
    2. Medicines
    3. Removal of papilloma

Papilloma on a woman’s face is a neoplasm that appears in the nose, lips and other areas. It is the most uncomfortable for a person, because it is very noticeable to others and spoils the appearance. In some cases, for example, when localized on the eyelids, this also creates significant inconvenience.

Causes of papillomas on the face in women

HPV 3d model

The process of formation of papilloma on a woman’s face is triggered by HPV, which infects the body of a healthy person and penetrates into the DNA structure. Being active inside, it has a destructive effect on cells, leading to their death. This is where the growths appear, and, by the way, they are found here quite often.

Infection with a virus that causes papilloma on a woman’s face occurs in most cases sexually, during sexual contact without using contraception. The likelihood of this is increased by the presence of genital warts on the genitals, as well as damage to the skin.

In some cases, HPV is transmitted from sick to healthy in everyday life, when using things of an infected person.

This also contributes to visit to the bathhouse, swimming pool, saunawhere there are favorable conditions for its activities.

The risk of this increases failure to comply with hygiene rules and the habit of biting dirty nails. Frequently touching your face with unwashed hands also contributes to this.

One of the reasons for the appearance of papillomas on a woman’s face is self-infection when shaving, if the machine was previously used by a sick person. This applies not only to men, but also to girls, who also sometimes remove hair above their lips. Infection can also occur during depilation of the legs, armpits and other areas of the body.

Also relevant is the reason for the appearance of papillomas on a woman’s face in the form childbirth, operations and various cosmetic procedures, since the virus can easily enter the body at this time. The risk group also includes girls who visit doctors who do not take good care of proper sterilization of instruments.

Facial lesions do not appear immediately after HPV infection; months or even years pass before this occurs. This period is called the incubation period, and symptoms do not occur at this time. After its completion, you can notice small dots on the skin, which later usually turn into growths.

The formation of papilloma on the face in women is facilitated by weakened immunity, which occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. Poor nutrition. First of all, this applies to those who do not consume meat, fish and dairy products, which contain a lot of protein, vitamin B12 and iron. Without these substances, the body cannot cope with the active activity of HPV, which sooner or later leads to the formation of papilloma on the face. No less important is ascorbic acid, which is needed to maintain the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Stress. Chronic lack of sleep, time-limited physical and psychological rest, quarrels at work and at home - all this weakens the nerves and leads to suppression of the activity of the immune system. As a result of such exposure, it becomes more difficult for her to perform her protective functions and counteract the virus, which leads to the appearance of papilloma on a woman’s face.
  3. Bad ecology. Most often, growths, including on the face, are detected in people living in unfavorable areas, with a poor climate, polluted air and insufficient vegetation. All this, along with exhaust gases, the work of various chemical plants and oil companies, negatively affects the functioning of the immune system. If she is unable to fight HPV, then circumstances are already created for the appearance of papilloma.
  4. Treatment with certain types of drugs. First of all, antibiotics have a bad effect on the protective properties of the body. The reason here is that they reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and thus create good conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. With such an imbalance, the immune system immediately reacts to this by weakening, which in most cases entails the activation of HPV and the formation of papilloma on the face of women, which looks very unaesthetic in the photo.

What do papillomas look like on the face of women?

What do papillomas look like on a woman’s face?

Photos of papillomas on the face of women

The peculiarity of papillomas located on the face is that they are visible to other people. They are a growth that rises slightly above the skin. Their color can be pink, flesh, dirty gray, pale brown and even red. Depending on this, these formations are sometimes confused with warts and moles.

There are several types of papillomas on the face, the most common are flat. They look like small dots that are in close contact with the tissue.

If you look at photos of women with such problems, you can say that sometimes they appear on the face. spherical papillomas, attached to the skin through a stalk.

In addition to them, thread-like formations are sometimes noticeable here, called in medicine acrochords.

In rare cases there are genital warts, reminiscent of a cockscomb or cauliflower. They are the most dangerous for humans, since in the absence of proper treatment they can degenerate from benign to malignant.

The surface of papillomas on the face of women in the photo is usually not smooth, but rough. Their edges are not clear, their shape is not even. The root, that is, the base, is not visible from above; it goes deep into the tissue. Their sizes range from 0.3 to 0.7 cm; formations smaller or larger are rarely found.

The growth can be located absolutely anywhere, but most often it grows above the lip, near the eyebrows, on the upper or lower eyelid, near the nose, on the chin and near the ear. Judging by the photos of women with papillomas on the face, there are no large lesions of them; in most cases, 2-3 formations appear here.

  1. See also how to distinguish a wart from a pimple

Methods for treating papillomas on the face in women

The goal of therapy is to “put to sleep” the virus, strengthen the immune system, and increase the body’s resistance to it. It is simply impossible to get rid of it completely, even if you use the most effective drugs for this. If the growths are pronounced, you should think about removing them using cauterizing external agents. They are relevant regardless of how the papillomas on the face of women look in the photo.

Folk remedies for papilloma on the face in women

Aloe leaf for papillomas on the face in women

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to drink ginseng tincture prepared from the root of this plant (1 tsp) and vodka (100 ml). The product must be infused under the lid for 2 weeks, shaking it once every 3 days. It is recommended to take the tincture in strained form, 2 tsp. per day, washed down with water.

Here are some useful external remedies for removing papilloma on the face in women:

  1. Combine thyme (1 tsp) with birch leaves (1 tbsp) and nettle (2 tsp). Pour boiling water (250 ml) into this mixture and cover with a lid. Let it sit in a warm place for about 2-3 hours. After this, filter the composition and wipe the growths with it 2-3 times a day using a cotton pad. Before starting the course, a woman is recommended to take a photo of the papilloma on her face to compare it before and after treatment.
  2. Grind plantain leaves (3 pcs.), wormwood (2 tsp.) and celandine (1 tbsp.). Mix all this and add boiled water (300 ml). Keep this composition covered for about 3 hours, then strain it through a sieve and use it to treat papillomas on the face up to 3 times a day.
  3. Chop the Manchurian aralia flowers and marigold bark. Combine these components 2 tsp each. and pour boiling water (300 ml) into them. Keep the mixture covered for about 5 hours, then strain it. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the papilloma 2-3 times a day every day for a week.
  4. Cut a young leaf from the aloe and apply the cut part to the papilloma, leaving it there for a day and securing it with a bandage. Repeat this procedure until the growth is removed, usually 3-5 days are enough. It can be performed despite the reason for the appearance of papilloma on a woman’s face.
  5. Dissolve baking soda (1.5 tsp) in warm water (100 ml). Mix the mixture well with a spoon and soak a cotton pad in it. Now thoroughly wipe your face where there are papillomas and do not wash off the solution. Repeat these steps 2-3 times a day, treatment can be carried out for 2-3 weeks. This is not recommended for people with dry, flaky skin.
  6. Rub the papilloma on your face every day, once a day, with laundry soap, previously slightly moistened with water. It dries out the growth perfectly and promotes the formation of a crust.

Also, regardless of the reason for the appearance of papillomas on a woman’s face, they help compresses with apple cider vinegar, potato and lemon juice, with various oils - sea buckthorn, fir, lavender and a number of others.

Works great on growths and pork fat, ground with garlic in proportions 1:2. The mixture should be lubricated with the formation and left here for 20-30 minutes; it is enough to do this once a day for 10 days.

During the treatment of papilloma on a woman’s face, it is useful to monitor the process by periodically taking photos. At this time, you should consume orange juice, sweet peppers, black currants, sauerkraut and everything that is rich in ascorbic acid. This will help maintain the functioning of the immune system and cope with the papilloma virus.
  1. Read also: how to remove warts with thuja oil

Medications against papilloma on the face in women

Preparations against papilloma on the face in women

The photo shows medications for papillomas on the face of women

Drug treatment involves taking oral medications and using special external agents to dry out papilloma on the face. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to combine them within one course of therapy. At the same time, a therapist, family doctor, dermatologist or virologist should monitor its progress.

Here are the medications you can take to eliminate papilloma on a woman’s face:

  1. Lycopid. This is an antiviral and at the same time immunostimulating medicine made on the basis of glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. Additional substances here are sucrose, starch, calcium stearate and sucrose. The daily dosage is 1-2 mg sublingually, the duration of treatment is 10 days. The drug is available in tablets and is available with a prescription. The cost of Lykopid is 800 rubles. (380 UAH). Its very effective analogue is Galavit.
  2. Kagocel. These tablets for papillomas on a woman’s face can be given to children over 3 years of age; they belong to the group of immunostimulants and are sold without a prescription. They are produced by the Russian manufacturer Nearmedic Plus. The duration of treatment should be about 7 days. The cost of Kagocel is 650 rubles. (310 UAH). This medicine can be replaced with the same Lykopid mentioned above.
  3. Immunal. This is an antiviral and immunostimulating drug, sold in the form of tablets and syrup. It is made from Echinacea purpurea, so it is natural. A single dose is 2.5 mg. Immunal needs to be taken 3 times a day, it costs about 250 rubles. (100 UAH). Its analogue is the homeopathic supplement “Lymphomyosot”.
  4. Derinat. This is an injection solution for papilloma on a woman’s face; they are made to strengthen the immune system. It is administered intramuscularly; only 3-5 injections are given per course with a break of 2 days. The cost of the product is 800 rubles. (370 UAH). It is sometimes replaced with Cycloferon, sold in ampoules in liquid form.
  5. Vitrum Beauty. This is a vitamin and mineral complex useful for strengthening the immune system. It should be taken 1-2 tablets per day for a course of 1 month. If desired, this drug can be replaced with dietary supplements from the brands “Perfectil” and “Alfavit”.

Particular attention should be paid to cauterizing agents for papillomas on a woman’s face - Verrukacid, Cryopharma, Ferezol, Lapis pencil and Supercelandine. They must be used within 3-7 days, depending on the drug. You also need to take a closer look at Aldara cream, Oxolinic ointment and Stefalin, Panavir-gel, Antipapillom, Viferon, Betadine, Malavit and Derinat solution for external use. If they cannot remove the papilloma, you can try adhesive strips specially created for this purpose.

  1. Read also about the drug Papilite for removing papillomas and warts

Procedures for removing papilloma on a woman’s face

Removing papilloma on a woman’s face

If papillomas are located on a woman’s face, it is not recommended to remove them surgically using a scalpel. This can lead to a scar that will be difficult to remove later. In this case, physiotherapeutic techniques that are low invasive are most preferable.

Here are the treatments offered by physiotherapists:

  1. Cryodestruction. Its implementation involves applying liquid nitrogen to the formation, which destroys it along with the root. True, due to the aggressive effect of eliminating growth located near the eyes, this method is used with great caution. A woman can achieve a positive effect from removing papilloma on the street in one session, which lasts on average 30 minutes. The advantage of this technique is the absence of painful and uncomfortable sensations. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles. (from 150 UAH).
  2. Laser therapy. The meaning of this procedure is to remove papilloma on a woman’s face using a beam that affects it with a certain intensity and frequency. It penetrates deep into the tissue and destroys the growth from the inside along with the base, while healthy skin is not injured. This technique is painless and simple, therefore suitable for use in an outpatient setting. The procedure is performed in 20-40 minutes. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles. (from 1300 UAH).
  3. Radiosurgical removal. As the name suggests, a special knife is used for this. The peculiarity of this technique is that essentially healthy tissue does not need to be cut - the growth is eliminated without much contact with the skin. Thus, the likelihood of scarring and bleeding during the removal of papilloma on the street in a woman is minimized. The price of radiosurgical removal of the formation is 3000 rubles. (1200 UAH).
  4. Electrocoagulation. To remove papilloma on the face through this procedure, it is necessary to cauterize the formation with a low-frequency electric current. This is completely safe for humans, since healthy tissue is not covered and no painful sensations occur. Sometimes there may be slight discomfort, which can be prevented by local anesthesia. This procedure is performed within 30-40 minutes. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 UAH).

See the features of removing papillomas using the radio wave method.

How to get rid of papilloma on a woman’s face - watch the video:

A papilloma on a woman’s face can even affect her self-esteem if it is large and significantly spoils her appearance. In this case, naturally, it is necessary to think about its removal using conservative or surgical methods.

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