Causes of weak digestion

These are the same causes that we list in the paragraph on indigestion, and the signs are the same as the signs of indigestion. However, the outpouring of yellow bile, which is part of the totality of these symptoms, does not weaken digestion, but upsets it, while the outpouring of black bile combines both of these properties. In the same way, dry or wet nature, which also belongs to this group, does not in itself reach such harmfulness as to completely stop digestion, but sometimes weakens it. They say that sometimes it stops digestion. A wet nature leads to dropsy, and a dry nature leads to thinness. One of the causes of indigestion is the thinness and low fleshiness of the abdominal walls. Sometimes weakness of digestion occurs from the rapid descent of food, which is forced to slip out of the stomach by one of the reasons mentioned in the paragraph on the slipperiness of the stomach; This is not one of the causes of indigestion and is not one of them, but it is one of the causes of weak digestion. Such a premature descent sometimes occurs even when the stomach has properly absorbed food, if the expelling force is in a hurry to set it in motion and is powerful. The same thing sometimes happens, however, due to the weakness of the retaining force, which does not hold the food and does not embrace it properly until it has undergone complete digestion. Sometimes this happens due to hot tumors, mucous or black gall ulcers and the like, and the coverage of food is not correct.

The coverage may also be faulty due to a reason depending on the food, if it is heavy, or burning, bilious, or if it is spicy, and the nature of the stomach is hot, or if a person whose nature is hot, which interferes with good digestion, is given something hot to drink, preventing the digestion of food; in most cases it spoils digestion not only by interfering with it. Such a person, as you know, is sometimes cured by cold water, balancing his digestion. Digestion is also weakened if there are bad juices in the stomach, especially burning juices, which form a barrier between the stomach and nutrients, then the grasping and retention of food is not efficient and the desire to expel it is stronger.

As for the weakness of digestion due to the stomach properly covering food, the situation is like this: if the stomach covers the food completely and this does not cause suffering, but the digestion is somewhat weak, or if the covering is perfect, but causes heaviness, and the stomach holds the food, shuddering due to some burden , and strives to part with it, then digestion turns out to be weaker, but there is no belching or rumbling. If there is no coverage, then there is weakness of digestion, belching and rumbling. Sometimes weakness of digestion and the transition of food into mucus causes “goose bumps”, cold extremities and the idea of ​​an attack of fever, but the pulse is not the same as the pulse at the beginning of febrile attacks.

Sometimes weakness of digestion occurs due to previous fullness and indigestion. The Book of Imminent Death says: “If a person suffering from indigestion and slow digestion has a black pimple on his eye, similar to a chickpea grain, and part of his body turns red or blue, then he begins to become confused and dies on the seventeenth day." Among the causes of weakness and cessation of digestion is sadness, while one of the causes of good digestion is joy.

Treatment. When weakness of digestion arises from a mild cause or from an infrequent previous overflow, then sometimes it is enough to prolong sleep, give up physical exercise, screaming and baths, induce vomiting with warm water and soften the diet. If the disease manifests itself more clearly and strongly and after eating there is a burning sensation, nausea and belching, which causes the taste of the food eaten in the mouth, then the stomach should be cleansed with warm water, giving it to drink in large quantities, several times, and repeating this until until the patient vomits all the spoiled food. Then oil is poured over his head, heated rags are placed on his stomach and sides, and his limbs are rubbed with olive oil and rose oil, pouring warm water over them. The patient is prescribed long sleep and is prohibited from eating for the whole day; if he wakes up the next morning vigorous and strong, then he is taken to the bathhouse, but if not, sleep and a soft, meager and light diet are prescribed again. Sometimes he is put to sleep for three days in a row until the stomach returns to a healthy state, and sometimes relaxation is necessary.

Pepper is one of the most useful medicines for digestion. Any sleep helps digest food, but sleeping on the left side helps a lot with this, since the liver then completely covers the stomach. As for sleeping on the right side, it is the reason for the rapid descent of food into the intestines, because the position of the stomach requires this. Know that holding a boy who has almost reached maturity in the arms all night is one of the most beneficial things for digestion. At the same time, the boy should not sweat, because perspiration cools and interferes with the beneficial effect of warming from innate warmth. At the same time, there should be no lustful thoughts in the soul, for such thoughts and movements of passion disrupt the movement of nourishing forces. Some people hold a male puppy or black kitten in their arms.

As for the weakness of digestion resulting from heat with matter, useful remedies include quince sikanjubin, as well as astringent, sour gelatinous and sour-seasoned dishes and similar dishes that are cold in nature. It also helps to take two dirhams of powders made from ten parts of rose, three parts of bamboo nodules and five parts of dry coriander; They are given to drink with pomegranate juice or quince sikanjubip.