Receiving and Sorting Department

The reception and triage department (RSD) is one of the most important units of medical evacuation. It performs the functions of receiving and triaging patients entering the next stage of medical care.

PSO is a functional unit that works in close cooperation with other departments of the medical organization. Its main task is to quickly and accurately diagnose the patient’s condition, determine its priority and refer it to the appropriate specialist.

Reception and sorting departments are equipped with all the necessary equipment for conducting diagnostic tests, such as radiography, ultrasound, ECG, laboratory tests, etc. Depending on the profile of the medical institution, the use of specialized equipment may be provided, for example, devices for invasive research or ventilators.

One of the key elements of the PSO is the medical personnel who receive patients and conduct primary diagnostics. The PSO includes doctors of various specializations, paramedics, nurses and other specialists. They examine the patient, assess his condition, determine the severity of the injury or illness, and decide whether to refer him to the appropriate department or institution.

When a patient is admitted to the PSO, he is assigned a certain priority, depending on the severity of his condition. This allows resources to be allocated and timely medical care to be provided to the patients most in need.

It is important to note that the correct organization of the work of the USAR team is of great importance for the effectiveness of medical evacuation as a whole. Inappropriate patient allocation can lead to delays in care and deterioration of patient conditions.

Thus, the reception and triage service is an integral part of medical evacuation and plays an important role in providing timely and high-quality medical care to the population.

Reception and Triage Unit: An effective stage of medical evacuation

The reception and triage department (RTD) is an important functional unit of medical evacuation, performing the reception and medical triage of the injured and sick arriving at this stage. It plays a key role in ensuring the effective organization and treatment of patients in conditions of mass disasters, major accidents, military conflicts and other emergency situations.

The task of the PSO is to accept and assess the condition of each incoming patient, determine the priority of medical care and refer them to the appropriate treatment facilities. For this purpose, the department is equipped with specialized equipment and qualified medical personnel who can quickly and accurately assess the severity of the patient’s condition and determine the need for urgent medical intervention.

One of the key functions of the PSO is to triage patients according to the severity and urgency of medical care. This optimizes the use of medical resources and ensures priority care for those in need of urgent medical care. Triage is based on triage systems that classify patients into categories: least severe, moderate and critical cases. This allows us to make the most of available resources and save as many lives as possible.

In addition, the USAR team plays an important role in maintaining communication between medical facilities and coordinating the evacuation process. The department provides information about its current workload and the availability of available beds in medical institutions, which allows for the efficient distribution of patients and ensures their rapid and accurate referral to the necessary medical resources.

One of the key aspects of the work of the PSO is the preparation and practical application of medical protocols and algorithms. This allows medical staff to make quick decisions based on standardized procedures and ensures a consistent approach to care. This approach is the basis for the efficient operation of the admission and triage department and contributes to achieving the best outcomes for patients.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the reception and triage department plays an indispensable role in the medical evacuation system. Its effective operation allows not only to organize the reception and triage of patients in emergency situations, but also to make the most efficient use of medical resources, reducing the risk of complex problems and ensuring higher survival rates for victims. The reception and triage department is an integral part of the medical evacuation system and serves as an example of organization and coordination in emergency situations.