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I provide links to sources that will help you make a complete analysis of information about the drug "Priloigan-10" with a full description of the instructions for use, side effects and interactions with other medications:, , , <>.

Separately, quotes about side effects, interactions and precautions will be presented:

“Being a non-selective inhibitor of neurotransmitter reuptake, the drug stimulates the processes of serotonergic transmission in the brain, the effect of which manifests itself from the first day after taking the drug and lasts up to a month. On the part of the central nervous system, dryness of the oral mucosa and thirst are possible. On the part of the digestive system, it can be observed nausea, vomiting and constipation. From the cardiovascular system, cardiac arrhythmias and angina pectoris are possible. From the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased appetite, cholestasis, jaundice, hepatitis and cholestatic hepatitis are possible. Headaches are possible. From the nervous system is possible the appearance of a feeling of fatigue, weakness and malaise. Convulsions are possible. On the part of the endocrine system, a violation of the accommodative ability, vasculitis of the lung and skin may appear. Side effects often appear at the beginning of treatment and decrease after normalization of the patient’s mood. Menstruation disorders, changes in pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes are possible , allergic reactions, dysuria.\nTo assess the effectiveness of the drug, it can be used with subsequent serotonin agonist drugs and antidepressants of different groups. It is also necessary to monitor the process of hematopoiesis, the condition of the liver, pancreatic function and carbohydrate metabolism.\nIt is recommended to avoid alcohol consumption and take meals with plenty of liquid.\nOral antidiabetic drugs should not be used simultaneously, since imipramine disrupts carbohydrate metabolism, which depends on hydrolysis and oxidation glucose as part of complex biological reactions. The dose of the drug is adjusted during therapy with antidiabetic agents. Before starting therapy, the attending physician must still monitor patients with suicidal tendencies and mental disorders. It is also necessary to monitor the number of white blood cells in a general blood test, the composition of peripheral cells and the condition of the liver, especially with long-term treatment.\nIn the mildest cases of overdose, the drug is used