Application of contractubex on the face

Currently, various drugs and remedies are used to get rid of wrinkles. Among them, the gel “Contractubex” stands out for its positive properties. It is designed to combat scars, stretch marks and scars. The product helps restore the skin and stimulate the regenerative processes of the epithelium. This allows you to get rid of not only scars and scars, but also other skin problems. How to use Contractubex for wrinkles? The article will discuss the features of using the gel, its benefits and contraindications.

What is the drug

The drug appeared on the pharmaceutical market a long time ago. Its main purpose is to fight scars and stretch marks on the skin.

The manufacturer of the ointment is the German pharmaceutical company Merz. Its developers were among the first to release an anti-wrinkle cream.


Few people paid attention to Contractubex as a means that could minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Currently, information has appeared on the effectiveness of its use in reducing wrinkles on the face and décolleté. Judging by the reviews, “Kontraktubeks” against wrinkles is particularly effective, which is also facilitated by the composition of the drug. Thanks to this, it helps in the comprehensive treatment of skin problems. When used correctly, women achieve a positive effect in 1-2 months.

Composition of the product

"Kontraktubeks" for wrinkles contains the following components:

  1. Onion extract. It suppresses the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The component has an anti-inflammatory effect, destroys colloidal scars from the inside and prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands. The extract makes the face smoother, and scars and scars less noticeable.
  2. Heparin sodium. Improves skin nutrition, saturates it with oxygen, prevents the formation of blood clots and blockages in the area of ​​application. The substance can relieve minor inflammation and also reduce swelling in the shallow layers of the skin.
  3. Allantoin. A highly effective cosmetic product based on sprouted wheat grains and comfrey roots. It has healing and regenerating properties, exfoliates dead skin and promotes the formation of new ones.

In addition to the main components, Contractubex also contains auxiliary ones. These include xanthan gum, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbic acid and others.


Together, all components of the drug promote the production of hyaluronic acid. It is its deficiency that causes aging and withering of the skin.

Indications for use

Basically, "Kontraktubeks" is used in the following cases:

  1. Colloidal scars that form in areas of burns, injuries and surgical incisions.
  2. Atrophic scars that occur as a result of acne treatment, negative consequences from cosmetic facial cleansing.
  3. Stretch marks during pregnancy. They appear in places where the inner layers of the skin are torn due to the ever-increasing load of the growing fetus.
  4. With immobility or stiffness of the joints due to fusion of their moving parts.

The gel is effectively used after surgical interventions. It prevents the formation of rough scars, disinfects and relieves swelling at the incision sites. The product improves tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation and soothes the skin.


Due to its properties and wide spectrum of action, “Contractubex” is also used for wrinkles.

With constant use, the product has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin, namely:

  1. moisturizes the skin;
  2. promotes rapid tissue restoration;
  3. reduces redness and itching;
  4. restores pigment metabolism.

All this helps eliminate wrinkles on the skin and improve appearance.

How to use correctly

Before directly using Contractubex for wrinkles on the face, you should consult a cosmetologist. You should also study the instructions for using this product in detail.

Before applying it to your face, you need to make sure you are not allergic to the components. To do this, apply a small amount of gel to the wrist and observe the skin reaction. After all, the dermal structure of the skin of the face and the area around the eyes is particularly sensitive.

The instructions for use indicate that the effect of the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied, therefore it is necessary to refrain from using it at this time.

The gel is applied before bed to cleansed facial skin in a thin layer. It must be applied especially carefully to the area around the eyes. In this case, you should prevent the gel from getting on the mucous membranes.

"Contractubex" is easily applied to the skin without leaving any traces. Its single dose is only 0.5 cm.

According to reviews, “Kontraktubeks” for wrinkles (photo shown below) promotes the appearance of a positive result after 1-2 months of use. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin. For some people, results are noticeable after just a few uses, while for others, changes occur after a month of regular use.


With regular use, it is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to cold and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is best to apply the product at night.


A special feature of the drug is that it has virtually no contraindications. Women, regardless of age, can use Contractubex against wrinkles.


Persons with sensitive skin or a tendency to allergies should take special care. If after using the gel a burning sensation or redness occurs, then use of the drug should be stopped and seek help from a dermatologist.

The product should not be applied to the face of women who are hypersensitive to parabens. A small amount of them is present in Kontraktubex.

Attitude of specialists to the product

Why don't doctors prescribe Contractubex for facial wrinkles? Experts do not deny the effectiveness of the product. The gel can help in the fight against wrinkles, because it contains the same components as cosmetics. However, it is known that the effect of the drug largely depends not only on the components, but also on the dose, frequency and other important factors.


At its core, Contractubex, according to the instructions, is considered a remedy used to combat scars. It does not say anything about the effective assistance of a product that can counteract the appearance of wrinkles. In this situation, the positive properties of the drug cannot be completely excluded, but according to experts, appropriate cosmetics will be of great benefit.

Where to buy the drug?

You can buy the gel at any pharmacy without a prescription. This can be done in every city. The release form of the drug is tubes of 10, 20 and 50 g. The gel must be stored in places where sunlight does not reach.

The shelf life of the product is 4 years. After this time has passed, it is not recommended to use it.

The average price per package of the drug ranges from 500 to 900 rubles. It depends on the volume of the tube. Initially, you can use 10 g. Analogs of the drug include Lidaza, Venitan Forte.


Gel "Kontraktubeks" against wrinkles helps in getting rid of various skin problems. The positive effect occurs after 1-2 months of regular use, thanks to the action of the components of the product. The gel has virtually no contraindications, so it can be used by women of any age.

Contractubex for the treatment of post-acne

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Contractubex for post-acne is a gel for external use that has a brownish tint and a distinct odor.

The product has a powerful regenerating and “smoothing” effect, so it is used to combat scars, stretch marks and other dermatological problems (we will talk about this below).

The price of the composition starts from $10 (approximately), the specific cost depends on the region and place of sale.

The product is not considered the cheapest, but it has more affordable analogues - Mederma or Dermatix. True, these products are not highly effective.

How are funds released? In what pharmacological forms can they be found in the store?

The drug comes in the form of a watery light brown gel suitable for external use.

In pharmacies you can find the product in aluminum tubes of 20 g or 50 g.

The cardboard box contains a standard anti-acne gel, as well as instructions for use.

When can Contractubex be used to treat post-acne and other problems?

Indications for use:

You have stretch marks on your body after pregnancy, sudden weight gain and weight loss. You have been diagnosed with hypertrophic or atrophic scar growths on the surface of the face, neck, back, décolleté and other areas. After severe burns from boiling water, fire, chemicals or other substances, serious skin deformations appeared. You have been diagnosed with ankylosis of the joints. You have had surgery, and now you need to protect your skin from the risk of scarring (in the postoperative or post-traumatic period). After acne treatment, scars, deep changes in the dermis, “bluish” areas and other problems remain. You have keloid scars. Dupuytren's contracture was diagnosed in chronic alcoholic hepatitis. You need to prevent the occurrence of pathologically altered scars.

Why is the product so effective in the fight against scars and post-acne? Composition of the drug

The manufacturer of Contractubex anti-acne gel is the German company MerzPharmaGmbH&Co. KGaA (officially the tool is called Contractubex).

100 grams of ointment for scars, stretch marks and dermatological problems include:

  1. onion extract (Aliicepaesquamae extract) – 10 g;
  2. heparin (Heparin sodium) – 5000 IU (indicated in international units);
  3. allantoin – 1 gram.

Additional components that are responsible for the aroma, consistency and other characteristics of the composition are:

  1. sorbic acid;
  2. purified water;
  3. perfume DROM 2700;
  4. methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;
  5. polyethylene glycol-200.

Thanks to its composition, the product has a unique effect:

  1. Antiproliferative.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Smoothing.
  4. Softening.

What does onion (Aliicepaesquamae extract) contain?

Onion extract provides the following benefits:

Reduced release of local inflammatory mediators in the area of ​​application of the gel. Slowing (or stopping) a serious allergic reaction). Reducing the risk of scar tissue proliferation (achieved through extracellular matrix substances/proteoglycans). Reducing the risk of skin infection by a pathogenic (or conditionally pathogenic) environment. Reducing the risk of postoperative complications.

As a result, the product reduces the risk of an allergic reaction or inflammatory processes, normalizes the condition of the skin, eliminates postoperative complications, and helps protect against suppuration in the area of ​​mechanical trauma.

What does the sodium salt of heparin (Heparin sodium) do in the composition of the drug?

The compound is actively used in the medical field to relieve inflammation and swelling. Exposure to heparin salt helps protect against:

the appearance of swelling on the face or other areas of the skin; increased body temperature; development of severe pain syndrome; reproduction of pathogenic tissue and cellular structures.

The effect of the compound allows you to establish the water-salt balance in the skin cells, eliminate scars. Heparin sodium softens collagen-containing components and tissue structures, which ensures the cosmetic appearance of the scar, its elasticity and proximity to normal skin.

How does the substance Allantoin work in the anti-acne gel?

Allantoin is a substance that accelerates the processes of healing and tissue regeneration. If you developed a cosmetic defect not so long ago, then the substance will help eliminate it faster.

The main features of the component’s effect on the surface of your skin:

accelerates the healing of injuries that occur as a result of strong impact on the skin; reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases; stimulates trophic processes; softens tissues, eliminates itching and discomfort during post-acne.

The effectiveness of Contractubex gel ointment for acne scars has been proven in clinical trials and laboratory studies. The active components of the composition penetrate into the deep layers of the skin 4 hours after application of the product.

In what cases should you not use anti-acne gel?

You have an allergy (hereditary or acquired intolerance) to individual components of the composition. You have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis and have trichomycosis. The body experiences increased sensitivity to active or excipients (including parabens). Skin rashes in children (up to 12-14 years).

In addition to allergic reactions, you need to be prepared for other possible problems. Like other medications, the gel has side effects.

What side effects should you be prepared for?

Contractubex for acne scars can cause side effects. As a rule, even with prolonged use of the composition they are not observed, but some patients may experience:

Itching of the skin. This suggests that a structural restructuring of scar tissue is occurring. Allergy. An allergic reaction is observed on the skin (this is largely due to the hypersensitivity of tissues and integuments). Erythema or strong local pigmentation (change in skin color). Hives, discomfort. Irritation of external integuments. The appearance of single papules. Swelling of tissues. Pain when touched in the area where the product was applied. Infectious skin lesions and many others.

How to use Contractubex ointment-gel to combat post-acne?

The composition is suitable for external use; it is better for you to check the frequency of application with your treating specialist.

As a rule, the gel is applied to a scar or other defect in a layer of 0.5 cm, then rubbed in for 5-10 minutes until completely absorbed.

The recommended area for simultaneous use of the drug is 20-22 cm. The frequency of application is 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

Instructions for the use of Contractubex ointment-gel to combat post-acne in especially severe cases. If you have “old” post-acne scars, if there is a high density of connective elements, then the ointment should be used as a “mask” at night.

To do this, a sufficient layer of the composition is applied to the surface of the fabric, then fixed in the area of ​​the affected area.

Is there an overdose? What to do with it, how to fight it?

The medical literature does not describe cases of problems arising from a drug overdose.

Therefore, if you encounter an unusual skin reaction to the gel ointment, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Can the ointment be used in combination with other products and formulations?

Yes, you can. The ointment from a German manufacturer is 100% compatible with other medications (both local and general).

The active ingredients are not absorbed into the blood, so the composition can be used while consuming alcoholic beverages.

The price for Contractubex gel ointment is too high. Are there cheaper analogues on sale?

We already wrote above that the cost of the composition starts from $10 (which for many is not the easiest burden).

If you were looking for anti-acne products with a similar principle of action, we recommend paying attention to:

Contractubex or Dermatix? Which drug is better?

Dermatix is ​​a silicone gel that is used to protect against the appearance of scar tissue. The main substances that are contained in the gel are polymeric organic compounds based on silicon.

The main effect of the composition:

  1. maintaining the water balance of the skin;
  2. reducing the risk of pigmentation;
  3. elimination of discomfort, burning and itching;
  4. reduction of protruding parts of dense connective tissue.

Dermatix does not guarantee complete relief from acne, scars, or external damage.

The composition has a good therapeutic effect and can be applied to difficult areas (for example, it can be used on the surface of the face without fear of the risk of allergic reactions).

Dermatix dries quickly on the skin, so it is easy to apply and use.

Contractubex or Mederma. Which product is better to use?

If you have money, we recommend buying and applying Contractubex ointment to the damaged surface.

If you are on a limited budget, you can use a simpler and more effective analogue - Mederma.

The pharmaceutical drug is similar in composition, but the main effects are fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory.

Therefore, dermatologists and cosmetologists still recommend using Mederma to treat acne and severe acne.

How is Contractubex gel ointment sold in a pharmacy? Prescription or over-the-counter?

The composition can be purchased at any pharmacy and is available without a prescription.

How to store Contractubex anti-acne gel ointment? What are the expiration dates?

The German manufacturer set the shelf life at 4 years. The composition of Contractubex must be stored in a dry place (of course, away from children). The storage temperature of the drug should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Are there any special instructions for using the ointment to treat post-acne?

During conservative measures aimed at eliminating scars, scars and other dermatological problems, you need to adhere to a special schedule.

It includes the need to avoid ultraviolet radiation and the requirement to protect affected areas from high or low temperatures.

It's not just about the risk of allergic reactions. The problem is that when exposed to these factors, the effectiveness of the composition decreases.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Is it possible to use Contractubex for post-acne during pregnancy?

Yes, you can. The manufacturer does not prohibit the use of the composition during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

It has been proven that the components of the composition are not absorbed into the regional bloodstream and do not spread throughout the body.

This means that external use of gel-ointment for post-acne and scars is safe for the body of a young mother and child.

As a rule, young women use the composition as a cream for stretch marks (a problem that makes itself felt during the postpartum period).

Before using the composition, it is better to consult with a cosmetologist or a dermatologist: there are situations in which the product cannot help.

Does Contractubex help with post-acne? Reviews from those who have used the ointment

On the Internet you can find positive and negative reviews about the use of the gel. Some complain about low efficiency, some have problems with quality, some complain about the persistence of skin imperfections.

The main features you need to keep in mind are listed below (based on reviews posted online):

to obtain the effect, you must use the composition for 6 months; old scars cannot be removed with this gel (if you have such a problem, you should turn to laser surgery); new damage (especially if it is small, if it has just appeared) can go away in 10 days. There are no traces of scars; scar tissue from applying the composition does not resolve; rubbing 2-3 times a day was not enough for some; users advise applying the composition to damaged areas 5 times; after the first and second endoprosthetics, it is worth using the product to speed up tissue healing and reduce the risk of scar formation; the product helped cope with pigment changes and “spots” caused by chickenpox (even if you had it in early childhood); As a drug for eliminating acne and pimples, Contractubex gel is 100% suitable. When it comes to “old scar” tissue, both cosmetologists and dermatologists express doubts; The gel ointment also does not eliminate acne spots. These pigment changes disappear on their own within 1 week after formation; The product is not suitable for everyone. For some, it gave a positive effect after 1-2 weeks, while others faced the risk of a severe allergic reaction.

The manufacturer from Germany includes instructions with each package, but before using the composition it would be better to consult with an experienced specialist (cosmetologist, dermatologist).

For example, with old scars that formed a long time ago, you have to put up with the impossibility of such treatment. Laser resurfacing and other similar procedures will be required.

TOP 3 facts from the article instead of a conclusion!

Contractubex for post-acne includes onion extract (Aliicepaesquamae extract), as well as Heparin sodium and Allantoin. It also contains additional excipients. The product is available in the form of tubes of 20 and 50 ml. Anti-acne cream ointment is quite expensive: the price starts from $10. The product has analogues: Aekol, Vinilin, Algofin, Vundehil, Dermatix or Mederma. The product can be used even by pregnant women. It is not absorbed into the blood, so the ointment is used while consuming alcoholic beverages.

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On the advice of a cosmetologist, I had to use this effective product. Contractubex perfectly smoothes and evens out the surface of the skin. Even those around me noticed my results. The product is worthy of attention.

I had a small trace left from the scar, no matter what I tried to remove it, but in the end Contractubex gave results. I just had to use it for a long time, about 6-7 months. But it was worth it. So be patient and don't stop smearing.

Contractubex for wrinkles is a pharmaceutical gel for external use, developed by the famous German company Merz Farma (Germany), which released the first contraceptive and the first anti-wrinkle cream. The main effect of the drug is aimed at eliminating cicatricial lesions and scars from the surface of the skin. And recently it was noted that the drug also has pronounced anti-aging properties.

Its regular use allows you to get rid of wrinkles on the face and décolleté. This effect is achieved thanks to specially selected components included in the drug. The combination of active ingredients ensures the activation of regenerative processes in tissues, normalization of water balance, and increased elasticity and firmness of the skin.


Contractubex has established itself in cosmetology as a highly effective remedy that helps in the fight against wrinkles, deep scars, and stretch marks. The active components of the drug are:

  1. Liquid Capae onion extract helps eliminate inflammation, suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, and stimulates cell regeneration processes. The R component has a positive effect on the metabolism of connective tissue, prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands, and smoothes the surface of the skin.
  2. Allantoin is a multifunctional ingredient in cosmetics. It has anti-inflammatory properties, softens the surface layer of the epidermis, and has a pronounced healing effect. The substance minimizes the likelihood of scar formation after injuries, relieves irritation and itching that accompany the wound healing process.
  3. Heparin - improves the condition of the skin, thins the blood, eliminates inflammation, evens out the skin texture. Heparin activates metabolic processes in tissues, relieves swelling and saturates the skin with oxygen.

The product also includes the following auxiliary components:

  1. sorbic acid is a moisturizing substance that has an antimicrobial effect;
  2. xanthan gum – helps preserve the properties of the cosmetic product;
  3. methyl parahydroxybenzoate – a synthetic preservative;
  4. polyethylene glycol is a humectant and solvent.
  5. purified water – serves as a solvent for active substances;
  6. flavored oil is a natural flavoring.

Features of application

Before using the drug, it is advisable to consult a qualified specialist and carefully read the instructions. You should also do an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of gel to the wrist and leave it for a while, observing the skin reaction. In the absence of alarming symptoms, you can begin therapeutic procedures.

The use of the product requires compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening before bedtime.
  2. Before applying the gel, the skin must be cleansed.
  3. To improve the effect, you can steam your face with chamomile infusion.
  4. The drug is applied in a thin layer to problem areas with massaging movements.
  5. Under the eyes, the product is applied as carefully as possible, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane.

Side effects

When using Contractubex, local allergic reactions may develop, manifested in the form of redness, peeling, and itching. In rare cases, negative manifestations such as:

  1. skin atrophy;
  2. pustular rash;
  3. hives;
  4. irritation;
  5. edema;
  6. pain in the area where the product is applied;
  7. feeling of skin tension.

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients. If skin manifestations appear. then they go away without any treatment. In this case, there is no need to stop treatment.


Contractubex has virtually no restrictions on its use. It does not have a negative effect on the body, so it can be used by patients of any age category.

Persons with an allergic predisposition should use this, as well as any other, remedy with caution. If burning, itching, or redness occurs, you must immediately remove the drug from the skin and seek medical help.

Contractubex – plasters

Contractubex is available not only in gel form, but also in the form of a patch. It is used to eliminate scars, scars, but it is also suitable for getting rid of wrinkles. The duration of use of the patch is three months.

The product helps improve skin condition, relieves irritation, eliminates the feeling of tightness, and stimulates regeneration processes in tissues.

The patch looks like a thin elastic plate that can be applied to any area of ​​the skin. The product does not cause allergic reactions, so it can be used without fear at any age.

The patch should be used as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin before applying the product;
  2. remove the protective film from the adhesive part of the patch;
  3. stick the plate onto the desired area of ​​skin;
  4. you can use several patches at once;
  5. The duration of the procedure is 6 hours;
  6. perform manipulations once a day.

To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to perform the procedure daily for three months.

  1. It is forbidden to apply the patch to open wounds and burns. Contact with mucous membranes should be avoided.
  2. It is not recommended to resort to such treatment for persons with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.
  3. If redness, irritation, itching or burning occurs in the area where the patch is applied, its use should be discontinued. Rinse the damaged surface thoroughly with water and consult a doctor.
  4. Do not use the product after the expiration date.
  5. When the patch is opened, it must be used within two weeks; after a longer period, the product is considered unsuitable.

It is important to remember that facial skin is a reflection of the condition of the entire body, so special attention should be paid to your internal health.

This means that in addition to using cosmetics, it is necessary to balance your diet and spend more time in the fresh air. You also need to remember about physical activity and proper sleep, while taking a responsible approach to skin care. For all this, she will definitely thank her owner with her beautiful appearance.