
Primolut-Nor is a drug used to suppress lactation and contraception. It is an analogue of a hormonal drug of plant origin. Thanks to its low price, the drug has gained immense popularity. However, before use, you must consult your doctor. Country of origin: Germany. For diseases associated with cycle disorders in women, Progesterone, a hormone of the corpus luteum, is used. It does not affect the further functioning of the ovaries, but promotes the development of the fetus in the mother’s body. If progesterone production is insufficient, second-phase insufficiency will develop and there may be a risk of miscarriage. This will cause a lack of nutrients in the body of the embryo, thereby causing its cessation. The rate of progesterone production is 70–80 mg/l per day. Therefore, if he cannot cope, special drugs are prescribed. Nemestran is considered the most effective among them. Preparations that contain this hormone are used to achieve the following goals: interruption of uterine bleeding; prolongation of the first phase of menstruation