

Primrose is a plant that is widely known for its medicinal properties. In this context, it is important to note that primrose is valued not only for its healing properties, but also for its beauty. Thus, primrose has become a symbol of health and beauty, which makes it a welcome guest in any summer cottage or garden.

Short description

Primrose (primrose) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the primrose family, 30-150 cm high. The flower looks like a large golden lemon with a fringe of yellow petals. A whole blooming rose can be hidden under the guise of a flower. When these occur in large numbers, it seems

Primrose is a medicinal plant that is used in folk and traditional medicine in the form of tinctures and infusions. When obtaining medicine from raw materials, the pharmacological characteristics of the plant are taken into account. Since the plant contains many biologically active substances that have a positive effect on human health. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining medicinal raw materials from the plant and its use.

Primrose is initially harvested when the plant is in flower. Each flower is a source of three components: vitamin C, carotene and essential oil. Collection is carried out in sunny weather, and it is better to do this in the morning, before all the flowers bloom. This is necessary to obtain the highest amount of nutrients contained in the plant. The collected flowers are first cleaned of contaminants and dried. Vitamin C is preserved during drying, but carotene is completely lost under the influence of high temperatures. True, the result is very valuable medicinal raw materials. You don’t have to pay much attention to its storage, since it is almost indestructible. For example, you only need to take into account the humidity conditions where it is located. Room temperature is considered ideal. In addition, it should preferably not be exposed to direct sunlight.

In medicine, tinctures made from primus are used. In order to prepare them, take two or three grams of the plant per two hundred milliliters of alcohol. There may be more of the latter. It all depends on what parts of the primus are used. That is, you need either whole water, or its flower part, or one liter of purified water and three grams of dried raw materials. The finished product is infused for a month. Then it is filtered. Then it is infused again for a week. The finished medicine is taken ten drops three times a day. In addition to Primus, an infusion can be made based on calendula. They take it the same amount as at