Swelling (Tumor)

Contents of the article: **1. Introduction:** Inflammation is one of the most common and complex diseases in medical practice. The inflamed area of ​​skin or soft tissue usually has a brighter color and differs from the surrounding tissue. This sign of inflammation is called a tumor and, as a rule, it is associated with an increasing amount of fluid coming out of the walls of small venous vessels. In medicine, this symptom of a tumor process is usually called swelling.

**2. Description of signs of inflammation:** Swelling is redness, heat, soreness and accumulation of fluids in the area of ​​inflammation. Redness means that the center of the tumor is heating up and blood flow in this area is increasing. When inflammation occurs, the skin becomes red and hot as local blood flow increases to eliminate the inflammation. The heat indicates that the swollen area is also heating up. This happens because the flow of heat from this area is difficult. A high temperature means that immune cells continue to fight the infection, and the protein released by these cells affects nearby areas. Soreness is associated with the same mechanism. At the same time, some painful areas are not only red and hot. This may be due to either damage to the nerve endings in the area or blockage of the lymphatic channels. The urine will appear red because red blood cells enter the area and are ruptured by toxins. Each of these four signs helps the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

The cause of inflammation should be sought in infection, damage to the organ or surrounding tissues and the environment. All of them can cause inflammatory disease.

Depending on the origin, the causes of inflammation may vary. Infectious inflammation associated with the proliferation of bacteria or viruses. Tissue damage caused by exposure to chemicals that disrupts the integrity of the skin. Malignant neoplasms that cause the growth of malignant cells and tissues within the body. After surgery, when the doctor removes the tumor and leaves an open wound at the site of the operation. In all cases, it is important to know the cause and development of inflammation in order to correctly prescribe treatment. To do this, the doctor conducts a detailed examination of the patient and collects an anamnesis of the disease. In addition, the diagnosis of inflammation is established based on clinical symptoms. Although their manifestation may vary from patient to patient, there are common signs of inflammation. For example, any inflammation is accompanied by local redness and swelling, and an increase in body temperature. This distinguishes it from tissue necrosis. Edema is the result of the accumulation of tissue fluid. The consequences of the disease increase and are complicated by the development of pain and temperature reactions of the body, and as a result of the addition of infection - a purulent reaction of the inflamed tissues.

3. Diagnostics: Symptoms help determine the onset of the inflammatory process

Swellings (Tumors) can occur in various parts of the body, including lymph nodes, gums, eyes and other organs. But even a small swelling in one part of the body can lead to serious consequences in other parts of the body. In this article, we will discuss what swelling is, why it occurs, and how to treat it.

Swelling refers to local changes in the shape and size of various organs.