Attack of the Fall

A falling attack is a condition in which a person suddenly falls to the floor for no apparent reason or sudden change in environment. This condition may be temporary and cannot be explained by medical problems.

Most often, an attack can occur in children and people who have recently suffered an acute illness or already have chronic health problems. Also, attacks can be observed in healthy people due to stress and overstrain of the nervous system. Falling episodes are usually characterized by dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting. In some cases, the attack may last several minutes, but more often it lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. If you have a falling attack, it is important not to panic and quickly help yourself. Lay the person on a flat surface and check his breathing; if he is breathing, then wait until his heartbeat and breathing return to normal. If a person stops breathing, they must call an ambulance. When the attack passes, you can consult a doctor about your complaints so that he can prescribe treatment.
