Signs given by the eyes

Sunken and sunken eyes, not due to weakness, insomnia or fasting, are not a good sign, and greyness, almost purplish redness or blueness of the whites of the eyes is also a bad sign. The reduction of one eye in acute diseases, sarsame and similar ones, is a very bad sign, and if the patient does not see anything, this is a disastrous sign. Contraction of the eye muscles and strabismus are a bad symptom in acute diseases: if strabismus occurs only from a spasm affecting the muscle, but not from damage in the brain, then an indication of this is the absence of clouding of the mind and similar phenomena.

As for the signs associated with what appears and appears before the eyes, black stripes most often indicate vomiting, and red, sparkling ones in most cases foreshadow bleeding from the nose and upward deviation of blood. Other signs also indicate both. Involuntary effusion of tears, especially from one eye, is not a good thing, unless there are signs of crisis through nosebleeds and this is indicated by various precursors of nosebleeds in the presence of other favorable symptoms.

With regard to tears, one must keep in mind their scarcity or abundance, liquid or thickness, warmth or coldness, and whether they come out voluntarily or involuntarily. An aversion to light is not a good sign, and if the desire for darkness intensifies, then the disease is fatal, of course, in the absence of tension and pain in the eyes; if this is not the case, then photophobia occurs from a decline in the strength of the mental pneuma.

A stopped, motionless, unblinking gaze is not good, a significant accumulation of pus little by little is also malignant. Very dry pus is also bad. This kind of pus arises due to the inability of the innate natural power of the eye to cause the maturation of matter, therefore, when there is an abundance of it, it seems as if something has stuck into the eye and wants to come out. It cannot be said that this occurs due to the abundance of moisture flowing into the eyes, which nature is unable to bring to maturity, because the eyes in this condition of the patient are dry and sunken, and the signs of their dryness are obvious, so such pus quickly dries out.

One of the signs corresponding to all the others is that on the eyeball, when the eye is open, something like a cobweb accumulates, which then spreads to the eyelashes, and pus forms; this happens continuously and is a harbinger of imminent death.

Severe redness of the eyes, which remain red at the height of the fever, is an evil sign, indicating a hot tumor in the brain or at the mouth of the stomach; when the red turns into peacock or blue, it is even worse. Protruding eyes are also not a good sign, and an abundance of sparks is a bad sign, and it often occurs due to a lot of hot juices or from tumors in the brain area. If the eyelids remain open during sleep, and this is unusual for a given patient, then this symptom is not good; Dry eyelids are also a bad sign.

When the eye, while awake, remains open and does not blink, even if you bring your finger close to it, this is a killer symptom; widening of the eyes with delirium with weakness of strength is also a sign of death.

They say that if a pimple like a grain of white lentil pops up under a person’s eye, he dies on the tenth day; Such a patient develops a craving for sweets.