Signs given by watery urine

Watery urine sometimes occurs, for example, in diabetes; it is accompanied by constant thirst and frequent urges and expires quickly. Sometimes the urine is watery due to the immaturity of the juices or an obstruction preventing the matter from passing out, and sometimes it is due to the weakness of the modifying power and the urine does not pass out easily; it is less dangerous than diabetes.

If the urine in acute diseases remains watery for several days, this indicates clouding of the mind, and if darkness has already arisen and the urine is still watery, this is a sign of imminent death, since the juices rush to the brain and breathing gradually stops.

When the urine changes and becomes thick, but there is no relief, the cause is sometimes the melting of the organs. If watery urine becomes copious during the full rise of the fever, it indicates that a tumor is forming in the lower parts of the body; Regarding the connection between the composition of urine and its color, see also in the following paragraphs.

Know that the wateriness of the urine does not seem to be combined with blackness and redness, and if you see such a combination, then the reason for this is something coloring or a significant strength of the pathogenic quality acting on the urine.