Signs and qualities of fevers

In fevers from internal tumors, three types of signs and symptoms are observed: signs and symptoms indicating the diseased organ, signs and symptoms indicating the nature of the matter, and signs and symptoms indicating the condition of the patient. As for the first type of signs, these are, for example, a sawtooth pulse and stabbing pain with a tumor in the chest area, as well as a cough, first dry, then wet, and similar symptoms of pleurisy, indicating a tumor in the chest area. Generally speaking, pain or heaviness is felt in the diseased organ, and it is hotter than other organs, and its warmth is higher than usual. Spasms also often accompany hot tumors in organs rich in nerves.

The second type of signs is, for example, an increase in fever every other day, indicating that the fever is yellow gall, and the signs according to the patient’s condition are symptoms that herald well-being or portend death.

Internal tumors sometimes differ in their ability to produce fever, its strength, duration and intermittence; this depends on the size of the tumors themselves, the size of the vessels involved and the location of the tumor. The fact is that some organs are located close to the heart or actively participate with it in diseases, while others are located far from it and participate with it only slightly, such as, for example, the kidneys. Severe persistent fevers do not always occur from tumors in the kidneys; on the contrary, fevers are often intermittent. They belong to the mixed genus, as well as three-day, four-day, five-day and six-day; they cause chills and goose bumps, and their treatment is difficult. They are indicated by heaviness at the site of the kidney and in the lumbar region, pain and the presence of warmth in this particular organ that is higher than usual.

If the organ is located close to the dominant organ or is strongly associated with it and at the same time is very sensitive and rich in nerves, then along with the sharp manifestations of fevers accompanying its tumors, severe restlessness and spasms are observed. Sometimes such fevers are accompanied by unusual symptoms; for example, with a tumor in the uterus, fever is accompanied by headache and neck pain. The heat, although it flares up with such tumors, is not so severe as with a burning fever, unless there is some significant reason for this; The point here is that putrefaction does not spread throughout the body and does not move outward.

The pulse during fevers from an internal tumor is the same as the pulse during putrefactive fever, that is, small at first and giving rapid contractions in the period of extremes.

Then it increases, accelerates and becomes more frequent to a degree depending on the organ and the matter, and as you already know, it can be saw-like or wavy, depending on whether the organ is fleshy or rich in nerves.

The urine in most tumor fevers, as you know, is whitish and poorly colored for the reason that the matter deviates towards the tumor.

Treatment. The treatment of such fevers consists of the treatment of acute fevers after the treatment of tumors, for the basis here is the treatment of tumors, and the use of fever by cooling and moisturizing should not be overlooked. In terms of treatment, such fevers differ from simple hot fevers in that with tumor fevers it is not allowed to drink cold water or go to the bathhouse. If the tumor is erysipelas, then it is permissible to apply cold, actually cooling substances to it from the outside, for example, squeezed juice of lettuce, tenacious or purslane with a small amount of oatmeal from white barley; they are constantly cooled on ice and changed, and sometimes oils from unripe olives or rose oil are mixed with them. Eating chilled, washed lettuce is permissible and healthy.