Signs that indicate a good crisis

Know that the best sign of an excellent crisis is the complete completion of ripening, the onset of the crisis on one of the days favorable for it, which we will talk about later, and the fact that it is foreshadowed by the corresponding day of the days of the omen. Such a crisis is carried out by evacuation, and not by movement or eruption, and exactly the juice that causes the disease is removed, directed in the appropriate direction, and the evacuation is tolerated with ease.

A good crisis is ensured by the nature of the disease in relation to its variety, when, for example, a three-day or burning fever gives rise to a crisis corresponding to it, as well as by its qualities, when the state of strength and pulse is as it should be. If, during the hours of manifestation of severe signs of strength, the strength is great and the pulse is clear and strong and, especially if it becomes stronger, its unevenness decreases and it becomes even, this is the support on which one should build, and the completion of this is the feeling of relief and well-being that comes after the crisis.

Know that when various Evil signs appear simultaneously, but the day is a crisis, then hope is stronger and more certain than if the situation is not so, and one should build on this. Often the frightening symptoms intensify, but you see that the pulse is healthy, strong and even and this gives you hope.

Know that if a person with good juices falls ill and maturity is shown in his urine from the beginning of the disease, then you can be calm, and whenever frightening signs appear, you should rejoice at this, for the crisis is getting closer.