A brain with a balanced nature is a brain that is strong in its sensory, rational and motor actions, balanced in expelling what is expelled from it and in retaining what is retained, firmly opposed to harmful phenomena. Hair with a balanced brain is blond in childhood, fiery red in youth and blackish at the time of completion and growth. They are distinguished by medium curliness and smoothness, they grow and remain young for the prescribed time and turn gray no earlier and no later than their natural time; Baldness also does not come quickly.
Galen believes that excessive warmth of nature gives rise to disorder of consciousness and delirium; To this should be added frivolity, the rapidity of the emergence of intentions and a variety of plans. Coldness, according to Galen, gives rise to dullness and sluggishness of movements; to this should be added slowness of thought, difficulty in thinking and laziness. Dryness causes insomnia, and insomnia indicates dryness, provided that the insomnia does not arise from liquids with the properties of bavrac and is not accompanied by heaviness in the brain, a constant flow of excess from it and other signs of the presence of moisture. After all, salty moisture and moisture with the properties of bavrac, according to Galen himself, gives rise to insomnia, as happens in old people. As for humidity in general, it gives rise to deep sleep, but the above-mentioned condition should be kept in mind. Galen also believes that the proof of the predominance of some disorder of nature without matter is the absence of the outflow of excess in the presence of a sign of disorder of nature, and the proof that the disorder predominates in the presence of matter is the outflow of excess. We say that this is so if there are no blockages and there is no weakness of the expelling force; We have already mentioned the signs of this and are done with it.
Signs of the hot nature of the brain are the rapid growth of hair at the beginning of childhood or in the womb, its black color initially or the rapid darkening of light hair, curly hair, rapid baldness, rapid congestion and heaviness in the head from random causes, such as from incense and the like, irritation from pungent odors, shortness and sensitivity of sleep, clear visibility of the blood vessels of the eyes, some mental acuity, rapid changeability of thoughts and intentions, like in children. Other signs: warmth of the body to the touch, redness of the face, maturity of the excesses being poured out and expelled and the balance of their composition in comparison with other people.
As for the signs of the cold nature of the brain, such are the abundant secretion of excess, with the mentioned reservation, smoothness of the hair, its slight blackness, rapid graying, rapid response of the brain to damage, an abundance of discharge, the appearance of a runny nose from the slightest reason, little visibility of the blood vessels of the eyes, long sleep. In appearance, such a person looks like someone dozing, his eyelids move slowly, and he is stable in his intentions, like old people.
And the signs of a dry nature of the brain are the purity of the exit routes for excess, clarity of feelings, the ability to stay awake for a long time, the strength of the hair, the speed of its growth due to the smokiness of the nature in the first years of life, rapid baldness and curly hair. Signs of a wet nature: smoothness of hair, slow growth, slow loss of hair, vague sensations, an abundance of excess and effluent, and deep sleep.
Signs of a dry and hot nature include: lack of excess, distinctness of feelings, severe insomnia, short sleep, rapid hair growth at the beginning, its strength, blackness and curlyness, very rapid baldness, hotness of the head to the touch, its. dryness with obvious redness of the face and eyes, changeability of intentions and haste in them, strength of mind and memory and speed of mental functions.
As for the signs of a moist and hot nature of the brain, then if the nature is not too far from balance, the complexion is good, the blood vessels are distinct, the skin is hot and soft to the touch, the excess is more abundant and mature, the hair is smoother and rather lighter, baldness does not occur soon, the brain quickly warms and hydrates. If the nature is far from balanced, then the brain turns out to be painful, its substance is quickly damaged by heat, cold and putrefactive diseases; Such a person’s feelings are sluggish and vague, his eyes are weak; he cannot stay awake for a long time, and he has confused dreams.
The signs of a cold and dry nature are as follows: the head is cold to the touch, the complexion is changeable, the blood vessels on the head and in the eyes are not visible, the hair is reddish, thin, grows slowly, baldness does not occur soon, especially if dryness does not prevail over coldness. Such a person suffers from cooling drugs in the presence of the mentioned condition, his sensations are clear in his youth, but when he is far advanced in years, the sensations quickly weaken and he becomes decrepit. The skin around his head tightens and wrinkles, he ages quickly and his health becomes unstable. Sometimes his head is light and the passages are open, and sometimes it’s the other way around.
As for the cold and damp nature, then with it a person sleeps a lot and deeply, his feelings are vague, he is lazy and dull, a lot of excess comes out of his head; Such a nature is also indicated by slow baldness and rapid occurrence of catarrh.