Signs caused by the condition of the tongue, mouth and adjacent organs

Blackening of the tongue during acute fevers indicates the malignancy of the disease; dry mouth and saliva are also not a good sign. If the tongue first dries out, and then, in the period of limit, becomes rough and then turns black, this is a fatal sign, especially on the fourteenth day.

Know that strong bad breath in acute diseases is a sign of death, for it indicates the spoilage of all juices. If one lip rises above the other, but not naturally, this is not a good sign; Tightening of the lips during acute fevers is also a bad sign. Cracks on the lips during fevers indicate intense burning, and their wrinkling and coldness are a bad sign. If the mouth is constantly open during acute illnesses, this is a bad sign.

Excessive dryness of the tongue is not a good sign. They say that if, during an acute fever, something like black chickpea grains or castor bean seeds appears on the tongue, it means death is near, and the patient then wants something hot. Roughness and dryness of the tongue are a sign of leopard. When you see that the tongue is rough and its color has changed, look carefully so that it does not turn out that the cause of this is something coloring, and know that the prevailing juice does not always color the tongue until the substance of the juice or vapor from it rises to the tongue from any participating organs.