Scratch test

Scratch test: Method for diagnosing dysfunction of the median nerve

In the medical field, there are many methods for diagnosing various diseases and disorders. One of these methods is the Scratch test, which allows you to identify dysfunction of the median nerve responsible for the innervation of the fingers. This method is based on the observation that the patient, placing his hand with his palm on the table, cannot scratch it with the nail of the second finger.

The median nerve is one of the three main branches of the brachial plexus and provides motor and sensory functions to the second, third, and half of the fourth fingers. When it is damaged or compressed, various symptoms occur, including numbness, weakness, and impaired motor skills in the said fingers.

The Scratch test is a simple and accessible diagnostic procedure that can be performed by a physician in a clinical environment. To perform it, the patient is asked to place the hand with the palm of the hand on a flat surface, for example, on a table. Then he is asked to scratch the surface of the table with the nail of the second finger. If the median nerve is functioning normally, the patient will be able to perform this action without any problems. However, if the function of the median nerve is impaired, the patient experiences difficulty or is unable to perform this action.

It is important to note that the Scratch test is not the only method for diagnosing dysfunction of the median nerve. It is often used in combination with other clinical and instrumental techniques such as electromyography and neuromuscular stimulation. The integrated use of various methods makes it possible to more accurately determine the presence and extent of damage to the median nerve.

The Scratch test is a useful tool for clinicians, especially in the fields of neurology and orthopedics, when median nerve dysfunction is suspected. It allows you to quickly assess the condition of the nerve and determine the need for further research and treatment.

In conclusion, the Scratch test is a method for diagnosing median nerve dysfunction based on the patient's difficulty in scratching a table with the fingernail of the second finger. This simple and accessible method can help doctors quickly identify dysfunction of the median nerve and take appropriate measures for further treatment and rehabilitation of the patient.

The scratch test is a diagnostic method that is used to determine the state of motor function of the median muscle nerve. This nerve is responsible for the movement of the hand and fingers, and its disruption can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as numbness, tingling or muscle weakness.

The method involves the patient placing their hands on a surface and the doctor checking to see if they can scratch them with their nails. If the patient cannot do this, then this indicates a dysfunction of the median muscle nerve and is an indication for more detailed research and possible treatment.

The reason for this test is the inability to move the patient’s hand normally. Because of this, the patient cannot scratch the surface and the presence of a violation is already visible. The method is based on the following principle: the lower the strength of the muscles responsible for moving the hand, the more difficult it is to perform the task necessary for the procedure.