Procedures for narrowing pores on the face

Enlarged pores on the face look unattractive. Externally, they age the skin and certainly cause blackheads and acne. But this problem can and must be fought.

Professional help for enlarged facial skin pores

Beauty salons offer a wide selection of cosmetic and hardware procedures to solve the problem of enlarged pores:

  1. Mechanical facial cleansing;
  2. Darsonvalization;
  3. Cryomassage;
  4. Peeling;
  5. Photorejuvenation;
  6. Microdermabrasion;
  7. Carboxytherapy.


The choice of a specific procedure depends on the wishes of the client, the condition of his skin and existing contraindications.

Mechanical facial cleansing

During mechanical facial cleansing, the first stage is the removal of makeup and surface impurities using special lotions suitable for the client’s skin type. A scrub is then applied to lightly exfoliate dead cells. After the surface of the skin is cleansed, the cosmetologist begins a deeper cleansing. To do this, apply a mask with a pore-dilating effect to the skin of the face. Within 20 minutes, you may feel a tingling and burning sensation that accompanies the rapid opening of the pores. It's not very pleasant, but quite tolerable.

Then the mask is removed and the specialist proceeds directly to mechanical cleansing of the face. At the same time, the master’s hands are sterile and wrapped in disposable gloves. During mechanical cleaning, special tools can be used to remove sebaceous plugs and milia (deep-seated white spots). The process of mechanical facial cleansing can be slightly painful.


After the pores are cleaned to their very core, the patient is applied a soothing mask with a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which will help quickly narrow the pores. After a while, the mask is removed, the skin is covered with a thin layer of talc and darsonvalization is performed. This will help remove redness faster and further disinfect the skin. At the end of the effect of darsonval, a nourishing cream suitable for its type is applied to the facial skin.

In the first few days after mechanical cleansing of the face, redness and minor abrasions may persist. But soon it will go away and the skin will take on a radiant, fresh look. Pores will be clearer and visibly smaller.

Typically, proper mechanical facial cleansing lasts at least 1 hour 30 minutes. It is permissible to repeat the procedure no more than once every 2 months. One session costs about 1,500 rubles.

Mechanical cleaning has contraindications:

  1. Pustular rashes;
  2. Inflammatory processes of the skin;
  3. Herpes;
  4. Eczema;
  5. Dermatitis in the acute stage;
  6. Menstruation.

Darsonvalization as a method of narrowing pores

Darsonval acts on the skin with alternating current of high power and frequency, but of low strength. Current pulses improve blood circulation and metabolism in cells. The darsonvalization procedure promotes noticeable cleansing and narrowing of pores, eliminating irritation and inflammation. The production of natural collagen increases, making the skin smoother and tighter. Scars left after fighting acne are noticeably dissolved. Bags under the eyes go away. Before the session, the facial skin is cleansed of external impurities and cosmetics. A thin layer of talc is applied to improve the sliding of the mushroom-shaped glass electrode, in which current pulses will be created when it comes into contact with the skin. The patient feels only a slight tingling sensation and pleasant warmth.

One procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Its average cost is 250 rubles. The course consists of 15 visits to a cosmetologist, which are carried out daily or every other day. The greatest results can be achieved by repeating the course of darsonvalization 2-3 times with an interval of 30 days.

Darsonvalization of facial skin is suitable for both oily skin types and excessive dryness. But there are also contraindications:

  1. Boils;
  2. Malignant and benign formations;
  3. Increased nervous excitability;
  4. Body temperature is higher than normal;
  5. Diseases of the heart and respiratory system;
  6. Tuberculosis;
  7. Implanted pacemakers.

It is best to carry out the procedure in a relaxed, calm state, preferably in a lying position. It is not recommended to use mobile devices during the session.

Facial cryomassage for enlarged pores

Cryomassage is an excellent way to combat the problem of enlarged pores. The procedure involves applying cold, namely liquid nitrogen, to the skin of the face using a special applicator. Liquid nitrogen does not come into direct contact with the skin, because an air layer instantly forms between them. Such short-term contact is beneficial for the cells and vessels of the dermis. Skin tone noticeably improves, pores become smaller, and a healthy, radiant complexion appears.


Before cryomassage, make-up removal and superficial cleansing of the face from the production of sebaceous glands and external impurities are required.

One procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes and costs about 600 rubles. It is recommended to repeat them 2-3 times a week in a course of one month. It is permissible to repeat a cryomassage course no more than twice a year.

Contraindications to cryomassage are:

  1. Acne in the active stage of inflammation;
  2. Herpes;
  3. Allergic reaction to exposure to cold;
  4. Frequent headaches;
  5. Nervous excitability;
  6. Epilepsy.

Peeling against enlarged pores on the face

Peeling is a fairly effective remedy for enlarged pores. But this procedure can only be carried out in professional institutions by the hands of a qualified craftsman. Peeling is divided into several categories, depending on the depth of impact on the skin:

  1. Light peeling is carried out using low concentration fruit acids. This procedure promotes cell renewal by removing old particles. The skin gets rid of acne, blackheads, fine wrinkles and pigmentation. The pores are noticeably narrowed. This peeling can be done at any time of the year, but in summer it is necessary to use sunscreen;
  2. Medium intensity peeling is performed with trichloroacetic acid. It will not only quickly tighten pores, but also promote deep cleansing and renewal of the skin. This procedure will require subsequent care and avoidance of sunlight;
  3. Deep peeling is not recommended unless specifically indicated. This procedure is similar to surgery and is carried out under ideal sterile conditions by applying phenol. Deep peeling will not only tighten pores, but also get rid of deep age wrinkles and pigmentation. This procedure requires a long recovery process.

Light peeling is recommended to be done no more than once a month. Peels of stronger impact can be repeated once every six months or even once a year. The cost of one procedure starts from 700 rubles and depends on the characteristics of the specific choice.

Contraindications to any type of peeling:

  1. Skin wounds;
  2. Herpes;
  3. Diseases of ENT organs;
  4. Increased body temperature;
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period.

Photorejuvenation and getting rid of enlarged pores

The process of photorejuvenation involves the impact of a light beam on the dermis and deep into it. As a result of penetrating light frequencies, the acceleration of metabolism, the process of cell regeneration and the production of natural collagen and elastane are provoked. Small facial wrinkles are smoothed out. Pores become smaller and age spots disappear. The problem of spider veins is eliminated.


A photorejuvenation session lasts 15-20 minutes and costs an average of 3,500 rubles. The course consists of five procedures with an interval of two weeks between each.

Photorejuvenation has its contraindications:

  1. Active stage of herpes;
  2. Inflamed acne;
  3. Oncological diseases;
  4. Presence of a pacemaker;
  5. Blood clotting disorder;
  6. Eye diseases;
  7. Dark skin;
  8. Pregnancy and lactation;
  9. Taking antibiotics;
  10. Fever.

Microdermabrasion and its effects on pores

Microdermabrasion allows you to rid your facial skin of enlarged pores, age spots, wrinkles and scars. During the procedure, the cosmetologist polishes the skin using a machine that supplies aluminum oxide or diamond chips. Already after the first procedure, the effect is noticeable.

Before starting microdermabrasion, make-up removal and superficial cleansing of the face are required. Then the main procedure is carried out. Afterwards, a mask is applied, the composition of which depends on the problems and skin type. At the end of the session, a nourishing cream with vitamins is applied.

Typically the course consists of ten procedures, but their number can be increased if necessary.. One visit to a beauty salon for microdermabrasion will cost approximately 800 rubles.

Sanding skin using a jet of air and abrasives has its contraindications:

  1. Allergy to the composition of abrasives;
  2. Inflammatory processes on the skin in the active stage;
  3. Pregnancy.

Carboxytherapy for enlarged pores

You can get rid of the problem of enlarged pores, improve your complexion, lighten age spots and smooth out wrinkles with the help of carbon dioxide. This is exactly how carboxytherapy works.

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to perform 10 procedures with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. One session lasts 50 minutes and costs about 1,300 rubles.


Contraindications to carboxytherapy are:

  1. Herpes;
  2. Dermatitis in the active stage;
  3. Heart and lung diseases;
  4. Hypertension;
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period.

When choosing a beauty salon, it would be a good idea to first inquire about its reputation and the equipment and preparations used for the procedures. After all, facial skin is very sensitive and is not at all suitable for experiments.

Home methods for cleansing and reducing enlarged pores

Each of the procedures offered by salons can be adequately replaced with a homemade beauty recipe:

• Mechanical facial cleansing can be done independently. To do this, you first need to remove makeup and external impurities from your facial skin using a cleansing lotion. Then steam your face over a steam bath with brewed herbs - chamomile, calendula, oak bark. After the pores are wide open, mechanical deep cleaning of the pores is carried out with sterile hands using a clean cloth. After this, it is useful to treat the skin with calendula tincture diluted 1:1 with sodium chloride. Finally, vitamin cream is applied.


  1. Darsonvalization can also be carried out at home. The Darsonval device can be purchased at a pharmacy and used according to the attached instructions. It will be much cheaper, and the benefits from the purchase will be many times greater. Before the procedure, you must wash thoroughly using a cleanser suitable for your skin type. At the end, a nourishing cream must be applied;
  2. A wonderful alternative to cryomassage would be ice cubes from your own freezer, prepared from chamomile infusion. By taking up the healthy habit of “washing your face” every morning with a cube of frozen chamomile, you can give your skin a healthy glowing appearance, elasticity and prolong youth;
  3. A gentle home peeling would be a tablespoon of soda, diluted with water to a paste. A drop of tea tree essential oil and a drop of lavender oil are added to it. Aromatic soda is applied to the skin of the face and massaged over it for 5-7 minutes. Then you should wash your face with warm running water and apply cream with vitamins.

Masks made from cosmetic clay purchased at a pharmacy effectively combat enlarged pores. In addition, clay draws out all the contaminants from the depths of the pores, in return endowing the cells with useful minerals. Cosmetic clay is divided into color categories, so you can choose the type that suits your skin type and taking into account existing problems.

To tighten pores and deeply cleanse them, it is useful to wipe your face with a slice of lemon and honey.


Cause of Enlarged Facial Pores

It is generally accepted that enlarged pores on the face are a genetic feature of a person. But this opinion is in most cases wrong. The reason may be:

  1. Poor nutrition;
  2. Stress;
  3. Using low-quality cosmetics and untimely or incomplete removal at the end of the day;
  4. Neglect of moisturizing creams and belongings;
  5. Sunburn;
  6. Use of alcohol tinctures on the skin, not diluted to low concentrations.

The problem of enlarged pores on the face does not come suddenly. Therefore, in addition to measures to eliminate this defect, it is worth thinking about the cause of its occurrence and changing something in your own lifestyle.

If you have oily skin that looks unsightly, don't worry. There are many different techniques for how to narrow pores on the face using salon techniques offered by modern cosmetology and home remedies of traditional medicine. Be sure to try several recipes.

Oily facial skin is characterized not only by a greasy, unpleasant shine and constant rashes, but also by enlarged pores. They make the skin texture lumpy and uneven, which spoils its appearance.

However, modern cosmetology in Chelyabinsk and traditional medicine have in their arsenal many techniques and methods for solving this problem. Find out how to tighten the pores on your face quickly, safely and efficiently. And start by figuring out why you have them too wide.

Causes of enlarged pores

The skin is very elastic, so few people are born with enlarged pores. Most often, they open and do not return to their original state under the influence of any external factors.

If you suffer from this scourge, be sure to find out why your face resembles a dishwashing sponge and not a pouring apple. If you know the enemy, it will be much easier to deal with him. So, the pores expand in the following cases.


If you are used to using cheap decorative cosmetics or have not changed them for a long time, in the end you will not be able to escape from enlarged, large pores on your face. This will also happen to those who have not trained themselves to remove makeup before going to bed. This is especially true for powder and foundation.


A controversial issue, but existing. Many cosmetologists believe that if your parents have oily skin characterized by enlarged pores, then there is every chance of inheriting this scourge from them and fighting it all their lives. After all, this factor can no longer be changed or eliminated.


There are several periods in a woman’s life when her hormonal levels undergo major changes. It is at these moments that pores tend to expand the most.

Firstly, This is puberty. This is not difficult to verify if you look at teenage girls.

Secondly, this is pregnancy. Thirdly, menopause. There is no need to despair, because with proper care and preventive measures, this problem at these moments will not be so relevant.


Unfortunately, this is the most common reason why pores are in a constantly enlarged state. Few people lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Fatty, fried, pickled food, after processing, creates a mass of unnecessary, harmful substances in the body that seek release through the pores and settle, clogging them.

Bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine, especially in large quantities, will never allow you to narrow the pores on your face. The only way out is to drink less alcohol and limit your smoking.


Do you like to bask in the solarium and at the same time wonder why the pores on your face are constantly enlarged? Give your skin a break from ultraviolet radiation - and a pleasant result will not take long to arrive.

If you correctly determine why you constantly have to tighten the pores on your face, you can eliminate the triggers from your life. This will be the best prevention. Only after this is it advisable to seek help from modern cosmetology and once and for all forget that you have encountered such a problem. We will now talk about preventive, and not yet curative, measures.

Do you know that pores Is this the respiratory organ of our skin? Through it, most of the oxygen enters our skin cells. On the one hand, if the pores are too narrow, through them the saturation of tissues with this useful substance will be minimal, which is also bad. On the other hand, through enlarged pores, toxins and dirt from the atmosphere around us enter the dermis.

Prevention for narrowing pores

How to minimize the negative impact of external factors on the pores of our face? A few useful tips will help you in this matter. All this needs to be done before going to the salon or using folk remedies. Without preventative measures, pores will continue to enlarge again and again if the root cause is not addressed.

  1. Avoid smoky, stuffy rooms. Take more walks in the fresh air.
  2. Visit either the bathhouse, the swimming pool, or the sauna every week.
  3. Try to drink and smoke less.
  4. Train your face to contrast washes.
  5. Use cleansing cosmetics regularly: toner, scrub, foam.
  6. Stress is also very bad for the skin. Therefore, try to maintain peace of mind and good mood.

Now you know what to do if the pores on your face are constantly expanding. Train yourself to care for your skin correctly, in accordance with the recommendations given above, and then the problem will go away by itself. Remember: without prevention, treatment will turn out to be a temporary measure that will save only for a limited period. Make sure this doesn't happen.

Some scientists believe that pores cannot expand or contract because they are not muscles. Some people naturally have more, and some have less. Therefore, all preventive, therapeutic and cosmetic measures are aimed only at cleaning them and making them visually smaller.

True, most cosmetologists do not share this opinion and claim that the pores on the face both narrow and expand, since the skin is very elastic.

Salon techniques for narrowing pores

By turning to a professional cosmetologist for help, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. You will be offered several methods on how to narrow enlarged pores, because this problem is effectively solved by many salon procedures.

Their choice will depend on the individual characteristics of your skin and the financial capabilities of your wallet. Most often, cosmetologists recommend using the following techniques:

  1. cryotherapy - exposure to cold on the skin, as a result of which it reflexively narrows the pores, sebum production slows down, the color becomes lighter and more natural, acne disappears;
  2. chemical peeling various acids, most often fruit ones: malic, tartaric, acetic; as a result of this procedure, the bottom of the pore is raised, which is why it becomes visually much smaller;
  3. mechanical peeling is also capable of narrowing pores, but cosmetologists in salons are in no hurry to offer this procedure because of its pain and high invasiveness;
  4. photorejuvenation — hardware laser technique that allows you to even out skin texture, narrow pores, and remove dead skin cells;
  5. microdermabrasion — elimination of dead cells using a diamond tip, as a result of which pores narrow, collagen production is stimulated, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out;
  6. darsonvalization - ultrasonic effect on enlarged pores.

As practice shows, not everyone rushes to beauty salons for help. Most of the owners oily skin I’m interested in how to tighten pores at home using folk and natural remedies. Well, traditional medicine answers this question with a large number of recipes for masks and compresses that intensively narrow pores.

Don't get too carried away with pore-cleaning cosmetics. This is, of course, a necessary thing, but going too far here is very dangerous. By aggressively affecting cells, they thereby provoke even greater expansion of pores.

So, clean it no more than once a week. And if you have to choose, it’s better to give preference to steam baths.

Home Remedies

Homemade facilities, narrowing pores on the face, are very effective due to their naturalness and regular use. If you regularly use them to care for your porous skin, it will look much better.

You can do this comprehensively, choosing several procedures at once, or you can use a single, but very effective recipe. At home, you can narrow the pores on your face as follows:

  1. regularly wipe the skin of the face (it is better to do this in the morning) with ice cubes with herbs, fruits and berries - this is a kind of home cryotherapy, in no way inferior in its effectiveness to salon techniques;
  2. peeling: there are scrubs specially designed for skin with enlarged pores;
  3. washing with rose water and herbal decoctions;
  4. homemade masks made from cosmetic clay, fruits, berries, protein;
  5. adding essential oils of dill, fennel, caraway, cedar, pine, spruce to the products, and you can also make multi-component aromatic mixtures from them;
  6. contrast washes: first wash with cool water and then hot;
  7. exclude from your diet fatty, pickled, smoked foods and carbonated drinks, which contribute to an even greater expansion of the pores on the face.

Now you know how to remove pores on your face using folk remedies at home, what procedures to use for this, and what recipes are best to choose. The most popular are all kinds of masks made from natural, fresh products, medicinal herbs and oils.

By choosing a specific recipe for your skin, you can improve its condition in a short period of time. Usually the result is noticeable after the first procedure.

Those women who have enlarged pores combined with dry skin are very unlucky. There is such nonsense. Masks for narrowing pores, as a rule, have a drying effect, which can cause a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

Recipes for masks to tighten pores

The best mask to tighten pores on the face is the one that suits your skin most effectively. That is, it should not cause allergies and contain familiar, familiar components.

Don't chase exotic ingredients that don't always live up to their purpose. Therefore, take the choice of a recipe for such a mask very seriously.

Mask with cosmetic clay

Mix and beat kaolin (1 tablespoon), glycerin (1 teaspoon), fennel essential oil (2 drops), mineral water (2-3 tablespoons) until creamy. Apply the mask to a cleansed face for 20 minutes, sprinkling with water from time to time to prevent drying. Rinse off with warm water.

Aromatic mask made from essential oils

Mix essential oils of mint, lemon (1 drop each), jojoba and hazelnut (5 ml each), leave for an hour, apply to face for 15 minutes, remove excess with a dry paper towel.

Linden flower mask

Chop fresh linden inflorescences, pour 1 tablespoon of the raw material with hot (but not boiling) water (100 ml). Place on low heat and heat until thick. Apply it warm in a thick layer on the face for 20 minutes. Remove with a dry cotton pad, then wash with cool water and lubricate the skin with regular cream.

Orange mask

Many people are interested in how to tighten the pores on the nose, because this part of the face is sometimes the most problematic. On the cheeks, forehead and even chin, the pores look normal, but on the nose they are enlarged. In this case, an orange mask will perfectly cope with the deficiency, perfectly narrowing pores and eliminating comedones. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the orange slices, mash them to a puree with a masher or a wooden spoon. Apply the resulting mixture to your nose, cover with a paper napkin and keep it there for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

Berry mask

Mash fresh strawberries to a puree, mix them (2 tablespoons) with 1 egg white of a homemade chicken egg, starch and unrefined vegetable oil (1 teaspoon each). Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, rinse first with warm and then cool water.

Oatmeal mask

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to flour, mix (1 tablespoon) with pre-dried lemon zest crushed into powder (the same amount), add egg white whipped into foam, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Remove with a paper towel soaked in warm water, then wash with cold water.

Knowing how to clean and tighten the pores on your face at home, you can no longer feel complex about the condition of your skin. Its relief will be significantly leveled, the color will improve, and the pores will become less noticeable.

Thanks to the cleansing properties of such masks, blackheads and pimples will form much less frequently. Feel the beauty of these products by regularly using them to maintain the beauty and health of your skin.

women's online magazine

Why do pores on the face become more noticeable?

Enlarged pores on the face occur as a result of overworking of the sebaceous glands. This defect brings a lot of trouble to its owners, since enlarged pores do not look very aesthetically pleasing or attractive. Concealing skin with enlarged pores is often problematic. To do this, you need to know exactly how and in what quantities to apply makeup products. A large layer of foundation applied to the skin does not mask the flaw, but only focuses attention on it.

The cause of enlarged pores underlies the health of the entire body. Hormonal changes, as a result of improper functioning of the glands, also negatively affect the health of the skin. Some of the most important reasons for enlarged pores are improper care, sunburn, poor diet, bad habits, stress and much more. As you can see, there are a great many reasons for this cosmetic defect. How to tighten pores so that your skin looks fresh, healthy and youthful? There are several options to solve this problem.

Facial cleansing for enlarged pores.

Problem skin always requires special care. The correct facial cleansing procedure is half the key to success. To clean skin with enlarged pores, it is good to use washing gels with scrub particles. These products will help your skin get rid of excess sebum and dead skin cells that clog pores. These products should be used no more than 1-2 times a week.

Also, to cleanse the skin, it is necessary to resort to face masks, preferably with a steaming effect. When applying such masks, the main attention should be paid to the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Masks should be used no more than 1-2 times a week, after cleansing the skin.

Cleansing face masks for enlarged pores.

1. White clay mask.

Mix clay with water to a paste and apply to face. Leave this mask on for 15-20 minutes, without allowing it to dry out: periodically moisten your face with water, apply damp gauze over the clay.

2. Peeling mask made from oatmeal.

Steam a small amount of oatmeal with warm water. Apply the mixture to your face while lightly massaging your skin. Leave the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. If desired, you can add natural fruit acids to the mask: apple, cherry, lemon juice. In addition to cleansing, this mask can improve your complexion and significantly tighten pores. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the skin, giving it a healthy color and reducing unevenness.

3. Cleansing compress made from herbal decoctions.

Brew a tablespoon of chamomile, sage or string of herbs in a glass of water. Prepare a piece of fabric. Soak a cloth in the broth and apply to face for 7-10 minutes. This compress will soothe the skin, help the pores open and release particles of impurities contained in it.

How to tighten pores on your face.

If the pores on the face are very pronounced, wiping with cosmetic ice will help. This kind of ice is not difficult to prepare at home: brew a decoction of chamomile, sage or string herbs, add a few drops of lemon juice, pour into molds and put in the freezer. Ice should be used instead of morning wash - lightly massaging the skin of the face and neck.

Can reduce skin oiliness and increase its tone lemon juice. To do this, you need to wipe your facial skin once a day, especially problem areas, with citrus juice. Do not use this method if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

For enlarged pores, a procedure such as cosmetic cryomassage with liquid nitrogen helps well. It is better to entrust this procedure to a clinic or beauty salon that provides this type of service.

The use of essential oils in combination with purchased products also has a beneficial effect on skin health. Coffee, lemongrass, and cumin oils are suitable. These products soothe the skin well, making its color healthy and reducing unevenness.

Help from cosmetologists in narrowing pores.

Enlarged facial pores are a reason to visit a professional cosmetologist's office. A specialist in this field will help you choose products to care for problem skin and prescribe a number of procedures to effectively reduce the defect. In addition to modern methods, only a specially trained person can prescribe a diet, following which you will achieve great success in solving the problem of enlarged pores on the face.

To narrow pores, specialists carry out a number of procedures: mechanical facial cleansing, laser skin cleansing, superficial cryomassage using liquid nitrogen, laser skin resurfacing. If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, the question of how to narrow pores on the face will be resolved in several visits to the cosmetology office.

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