
The emergence of a new project to develop and provide users with a social network such as Procercoid has aroused great interest among users who want more opportunities for communication and information exchange. However, many users have encountered the problem of spam on this social network. In this article we will look at the reasons for the appearance of spam in Procerkoid and ways to combat it

After searching various sources for "cercoid" and "procercoid", I was able to find out the following:

Cercoid is the same as "Cercoid Wool" - an extinct group of prehistoric primates that resemble modern geladas. Descriptions of this primate are found on various fossils dating back to 33-37 million years ago (making them one of the oldest great apes, along with the extinct Butuan great apes). Were found in Belgium and Great Britain. They differed from their modern close relatives, the geladas, in their size. Outwardly, they resembled mice or rats. Studies have shown that their brains were large, indicating intelligence. Their resemblance to modern people is purely external.

Procercoid is a hypothetical species of reptilian because it is a fictional creature. The term is derived from the words “pro” meaning “true”. Cercoids were described by Massimo Mori, who depicted a group of these asexual creatures in a scientific paper and called them "Cercoids". The cercoid was as mentioned in Spanier's book of Morals.