Prevention Primary

Primary prevention is a system of social, hygienic, educational and medical measures aimed at preventing diseases by eliminating the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as by increasing the body’s resistance to the effects of environmental, industrial and domestic environmental factors that can cause pathological reactions.

The main objectives of primary prevention include: improving working conditions, living conditions, recreation, nutrition of the population, improving the environment, promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing the spread of bad habits. The implementation of these tasks is achieved through the comprehensive implementation of sanitary and hygienic, medical, health, educational and other measures.

Prevention is the main link in the fight against the spread of bad habits from which the population of the Russian Federation suffers. The implementation of this set of measures is facilitated by the approved and legally regulated direction “Comprehensive program “Health of the unborn child” for 2009-2015, which involves the introduction of new approaches to the organization of prevention.” Primary prevention - carried out before the initial signs of deviations in health appear, provides a set of educational, socio-economic and medical measures (installation of plumbing fixtures, compliance with sanitary and hygienic working conditions, proper storage of food products, prevention of domestic injuries, etc.), aimed at maintaining health and preventing diseases, including measures to improve the environment.

For greater effectiveness, secondary prevention is necessary. This method means that any diseases must be excluded as early as possible to prevent the occurrence of a chronic form of the disease. Drug therapy should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor in compliance with the recommended dosages and duration of treatment in order to avoid the development of allergic reactions and side effects, especially in children. Among the prescribed medications, a huge number are prohibited, since the use of these drugs is associated with the risk of undesirable consequences. In accordance with the law, medical care is provided in accordance with clinical protocols and professional standards.