
Concept of prognathia

The word “Prognathia” has ancient Greek roots and is translated as alternating jaws or large volume for growth. Language experts say the word was created to refer to man-carving styles in ancient Greece. Initially, it was used only in painting sculptures, where such a term was indispensable, because the front side should look attractive, and without an exaggerated lower part of the face this is impossible. Over time, the term penetrated into everyday life.

Let's figure out how experts interpret the concept of Prognathia? - this word means unilateral distal

Prognathia is the deviation of the upper jaw forward and downward in relation to the lower jaw. This can be caused by various factors such as heredity, injury or disease. Prognathia can lead to various problems such as problems with your bite, changes in facial appearance, and difficulty speaking. To cure prognathia, various treatment methods can be used such as surgery, braces, orthodontic appliances and other methods. The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of prognathism and the individual characteristics of the patient.

In medicine, prognathism is a type of prognathic bite: the upper jaw is located further from the lower jaw than it should be. When closing, the upper and lower jaws can take different positions - either turning in profile, or moving forward. In any case, the dental system creates such forces that this can lead to malocclusion, tooth displacement and deformation of the oral cavity.

Prognation is a condition in which the upper part of the jaw overlaps the lower part. This is a pathological change and can lead to various complications, including speech disorders, problems with the health of teeth and gums. In this article we will look at what prognosis is, what causes it and how it is treated.

What is Prognation? Prognation is a pathology characterized by a discrepancy or deficiency in the distance between the upper and lower jaws. The disease mainly occurs in men in the age group of 25 to 45 years. In dentistry, the following types of prognathia are distinguished: mesial, distal