Inject vitamins into the face

For a long time, scientists have been working on creating a “magic” product that can restore tired and fading facial skin to a fresh, youthful and toned appearance. This is how unique vitamin injections of youth were invented, radically changing the quality and appearance of the epidermis in just an hour. It is this popular procedure that we will talk about in our article.

What information will you find out:

What vitamin injections can do


Vitamin injections for the face are called mesotherapy procedures

The second name of this technique, which has restored lost youth to millions of women, is the term mesotherapy. It can show real miracles in renewing and healing the aging epidermis of the face, without affecting the body as a whole.

The spectrum of action of “youth and beauty” injections is wide and varied. They help solve problems:

  1. exhausted, tired and aging skin, experiencing constant stress, lack of care, hydration, nutrition, having peeling, inflammatory processes and age-related wrinkles;
  2. weakness of the epidermis, which consists in reducing the strength of the cellular structure, which instantly manifests itself on the external state of the face, making it blurry, devoid of clear contours and a regular oval;
  3. reduced protective properties (skin immunity), when, under the influence of many external and internal factors, the ability of cells to resist viruses, bacteria, infections, fungal infections, and so on is significantly reduced. As a result, the skin surface may become covered with pimples, ulcers, and acne;
  4. bags and puffiness in the eye area, restoring radiance to the look, eliminating dark circles and the effects of chronic fatigue;
  5. with wrinkles and other age-related changes in the skin, helping to smooth it and even out the wrinkles that have appeared;
  6. dryness and dehydration of the epidermis, filling cells with valuable moisture and helping to enhance their nutrition;
  7. insufficient synthesis of your own collagen and elastin, which significantly increases the elasticity and firmness of skin tissue;
  8. double chin, eliminating this defect and significantly tightening the oval, as well as the contours of the face.

What do vitamin cocktails contain?

The procedure is aimed at rapid rejuvenation and saturation of the skin tissue with valuable substances, represented by:

  1. amino acids – the most important building materials of skin structure cells;
  2. hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water molecules for intensive and long-lasting hydration of the epidermis;
  3. vitamins necessary for the full functioning of cells and the correct passage of basic processes;
  4. minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc), which have an antioxidant and protective effect;
  5. fatty acids that maintain the necessary energy balance of epidermal cells;
  6. enzymes that help accelerate all metabolic processes;
  7. fruit acids with whitening and regenerating effects;
  8. extracts of medicinal plants (for example, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba), which have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

The ingredients of such solutions are active and can cause allergic reactions, so the procedure involves an individual selection of all components of the cocktail, taking into account the patient’s medical history and the reaction of his body to certain components.


Vitamin injections can be done independently at home using a mesoscooter.

When a technique is prohibited

Injection procedures must be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who has completed special training courses and received official permission to conduct such procedures. He must take into account and warn each patient about existing contraindications in the form of:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. allergic and other individual reactions to the constituent components of the drug;
  3. hypertensive pathology (high blood pressure);
  4. exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases;
  5. endocrine, renal, vascular and oncological diseases;
  6. insufficient degree of blood clotting;
  7. acute heart failure;
  8. recently performed plastic or surgical operations on the face;
  9. diabetes mellitus, which is in the stage of decompensation.

How the procedure is performed

After determining the reaction of the epidermis to the composition of youth injections (preliminary testing for an allergic reaction), the cosmetologist performs a thorough cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the patient’s facial skin.

If the pain threshold is low, a layer of a special gel is applied to the epidermis with an analgesic effect, reducing the sensitivity of the receptors and blocking unpleasant sensations.

Using a sterile disposable syringe equipped with a thin needle, the cosmetologist administers a selected and composed vitamin cocktail under the patient’s skin surface, paying special attention to areas of the face with age-related changes and other defects.

A course of vitamin injections is performed once every 7 days for 1 to 2 months. Then a break is taken for six months and, if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

Skin care after manipulation

The first few hours after the injections, traces of the injections in the form of red dots will remain on the face, hyperemia and small bruises are possible, which disappear on their own the next day.

It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics on this day and the next 2-3, so as not to introduce infection into the injured skin layer.

You should protect your skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation - protect the epidermis with sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 35 or wear a wide-brimmed hat (in the summer), and also do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium during the same time period.

Patient reviews about the technique

A large number of women who underwent vitamin mesotherapy (about 90%) were satisfied with the results obtained. However, there are also negative reviews indicating a short-term effect of injections and the need to repeat the full course of procedures. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

  1. Alina, 39 years old

After 35 years, I began to notice negative changes on the skin of the face - pigment spots, dull color, decreased elasticity and the appearance of small facial wrinkles. All this made me terribly angry and irritated, since expensive creams and branded masks turned out to be powerless. I decided to take vitamin injections and was not disappointed in their effectiveness. Literally the next day I saw the first results, and a week later my face became noticeably younger, took on a toned appearance, the skin smoothed out, became elastic, moisturized and radiant, like in youth. Six months have already passed since the sessions, but the effect remains, which I am immensely happy about!

A dark streak began in life, problems appeared with my husband, and it seemed that divorce was inevitable. It’s probably my own fault that I stopped taking care of my skin and using makeup, so the mirror reflected the appearance of at least a 50-year-old woman. A friend said that there was an excellent way out of the situation in the form of vitamin injections, and I immediately made an appointment with a cosmetologist. The procedure was quick, but not entirely successful. In addition to red dots, bruises appeared on the face, it was unpleasant and painful. After 2 weeks, my skin really began to look younger, but the effect lasted about 3 months, after which I was informed that I needed to repeat the series of injections. Since money is a problem now, I will have to choose other rejuvenation methods, which is a pity!

Video: Vitamin C injections

We wish you high-quality and stable results!


Several years ago I was recommended this procedure to nourish my skin after frequent flights. Let's figure out who is suitable for mesotherapy?

  1. For those who have dry skin.
  2. For those who often fly on airplanes.
  3. For those who smoke.
  4. For those who want to get rid of age spots.
  5. For those who have problems with acne or post-acne.
  6. For those who are dissatisfied with the condition of their skin depending on the season (spring and autumn are considered the time of vitamin deficiency).

The injection contains vitamins, so first the cosmetologist takes an anamnesis and finds out if you have allergic reactions to certain substances. Then, after analyzing the age-related characteristics of the skin and the main tasks, he selects an individual complex.

How it all happens (personal experience): The mesotherapy procedure took a few minutes and, despite concerns, turned out to be painless. Before the injection, an anesthetic gel was applied to my skin, then a vitamin solution was injected under the skin with a syringe with a very thin needle. The sensations are not the most pleasant, but tolerable. In my case, the emphasis was on a whitening complex with fruit acids in the composition.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova, cosmetologist:

— Skin aging begins after 24 years, so mesotherapy is used already from 25. Depending on the components, mesotherapy nourishes, moisturizes, fills the skin with amino acids and minerals, and stimulates rejuvenation. If a person does not have allergies, then we usually use a complex that includes more than 20 vitamins. Almost all complexes include hyaluronic acid. It varies in density depending on the client’s age: the older the skin, the denser the preparation should be.

What happens after the procedure (personal experience): Yes, hylauronka was also part of my complex. The thought of aging skin is not very happy, but at that moment I was most worried about whether the marks would remain, since I was getting ready for work the next day.

Red dots remained at the injection sites, which disappeared two hours after the procedure. Luckily, there were no bruises. The cosmetologist did not recommend applying concealer or makeup right away, so it’s better not to plan anything on the “mesotherapy day.” If you make injections in the spring or summer, during the period of active sun, then immediately after the procedure apply a cream with a UV protection factor of at least 30.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova:

— Redness usually goes away within an hour or two, and bruises, if treatment with ointment is started on time, disappear within a week. Mesotherapy is carried out in a course of 7 to 10 procedures, once every 7-10 days. Further according to indications: once every 3 months or once every six months. As a result, the quality of the skin improves, a glow appears, and the skin becomes more elastic. Thanks to mesotherapy, it begins to produce its own hyaluronic acid.

Effective or not?

After the first session, I was very happy: it seemed to me that the result was already there. The skin began to look fresher, the pallor was gone.

Before and after the procedure

But this was a short-term effect. It only took hold after the third session. In total, I did five sessions and repeated mesotherapy a year later.

Advantages of the procedure (according to personal feelings):

  1. nasolabial folds become less pronounced,
  2. the skin under the eyes is more toned and elastic,
  3. complexion is more even.

Overall, there was a feeling of denser, more hydrated and youthful skin, although there were no radical changes in appearance, but the complexion became healthier and more radiant.

By the way, mesotherapy is also used in the neck, décolleté and arms. But I don’t plan to carry it out in these zones yet.

Disadvantages of the procedure (for me personally): not a very long lasting effect. That is, I violated the recommendation of specialists and repeated the procedure after a year, and not after 6 months. In general, as always, we come to the conclusion that beauty requires sacrifice and means.

Possible contraindications. Specialist consultation required

Vitamin injections can contain either one drug or a whole complex of useful components. For cosmetic purposes, vitamin injections are usually given subcutaneously, so they specifically deliver beneficial substances to the required areas of the body.


Indications for beauty injections

Cocktails for mesotherapy contain extracts of medicinal plants, beneficial acids and important microelements. They accelerate metabolism in cells and promote their regeneration. Typically, such procedures are low-traumatic and painless.

Vitamin injections are prescribed to solve various problems:

  1. Tired skin. Premature wrinkles, unhealthy color, dryness, inflammation and flaking can be the result of bad habits, stress, irregular care or unfavorable climatic conditions.
  2. Weak epidermis. Changes in the oval of the face, the appearance of blurred cheeks, and disruption of contours occur due to age-related changes in the structure of the skin and muscles of the face.
  3. Reduced protective functions. Inflammatory diseases, acne, and acne can appear on the skin due to disruption of the sebaceous glands. In this way, they signal a deterioration in metabolism, diseases of the stomach or endocrine system.
  4. Dark circles with bags under the eyes. A tired, haggard appearance can be caused by lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, and poor nutrition.
  5. Hair problems. Hair damage is often caused by exposure to aggressive dyes, ultraviolet radiation, and bleaching. Vitamin injections for hair growth help stop early hair loss and seborrhea. Injections also help with early gray hair, dry, brittle split ends.

Injections for rejuvenation usually include mesotherapy (including hair mesotherapy), biorevitalization, contouring, and Botox. Moisturizing, antioxidant, and nutritional substances are injected under the skin using thin needles. Special techniques allow you to perform injections using lines, frequent points, and intersecting lines.


This method of rejuvenation first appeared in the middle of the last century. Since then, many women regularly undergo “beauty injections.” Injections with vitamins, even in one session, significantly reduce the appearance of age-related changes.



Vitamins to prolong youth

Mini injections can be either in finished form - ampoules, or prepared by a cosmetologist immediately before the procedure. Different formulations are used for different parts of the body. For example, eliminating orange peel on the thighs requires components that relieve swelling and activate lymphatic drainage. When treating rosacea, agents are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Mesotherapy helps to activate the production of collagen or elastin. It is their fibers that are responsible for skin turgor. With the help of therapeutic injections, the oval of the face is tightened and the double chin is removed. Typically, such facial injections are carried out in a course of 8-10 weekly sessions. Each procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. It is enough to carry out such rejuvenation once a year.

Vitamins for hair beauty

A course of mesotherapy is effective for diseases of the scalp. Beneficial substances act directly on the hair follicles. This maximizes metabolism, blood circulation and vitaminization.

Hair injections are part of the treatment of baldness, dandruff and normalization of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to consult a trichologist and follow his recommendations. The main components included in the injection solution are:

  1. Hyaluronic acid.
  2. Fatty acid.
  3. Minerals (magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper).
  4. Vitamins.
  5. Enzymes.
  6. Amino acids.

To carry out the procedure, 2 techniques are used. Manual - these are injections using a regular syringe. The injection method requires special equipment. The device significantly speeds up the process and accurately doses the injection.

Contour plastic

Hyaluronic acid refers to substances that are produced in the body. With age, this process slows down, sagging and wrinkled skin appears. Creases and deep depressions appear in the area of ​​the lips, forehead, nose or eyebrows.


Anti-aging cosmetology has found a way to shape the body and correct asymmetry of the lips, face, post-operative scars, and eyelid lift. By filling such voids with hyaluronic fillers, you can successfully hide age-related changes.

Drug manufacturers:

  1. Swiss "Teoxane".
  2. Swedish "Q-MED".
  3. French "Corneal".
  4. German "Merz Pharma".
  5. Russian "NovoNexus".

Among the biogels: Juvederm, Restylane, Surgiderm, Glytone. Of course, the choice always remains with the doctor. Only he is able to correctly assess the skin type, diagnose the problem and select the correct dosage. Contour plastic surgery consists of one procedure, gives instant results and maintains them for up to 18 months. Facial injections can be combined with other cosmetic methods of rejuvenation.


Botulinum toxin is an organic toxin that causes temporary muscle stiffness. This not only helps smooth out existing wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones. The result lasts for about a year.


Botox injections are indicated if:

  1. Folds on the neck and décolleté.
  2. Wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  3. Horizontal frontal folds.
  4. Crow's feet.
  5. Wrinkles around the mouth and nose.

The active component is included in the preparations Botox (USA), Xeomin (Germany). The drugs differ only in the content of the active substance. The most concentrated is Botox.


The vitamin complex in the form of injections revitalizes the skin well and is recommended for women and men. Using hyaluronic acid with microelements, it will help people under 50 years of age cope with aging skin, uneven relief, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and wrinkles around the eyes.

Preventative programs target early signs of aging. It is enough to conduct 4 courses per year for 2-3 sessions. The therapeutic option is recommended for significant changes (dehydration, decreased elasticity, wrinkles). A course of 3 procedures is carried out, and then a maintenance session every 3 months.

All procedures related to injections require a highly qualified doctor, high-quality medications, and compliance of the location with sanitary standards. You can always request a product certificate and permission to administer injections. In addition, do not forget about basic safety. Among the general contraindications:

  1. Exacerbation of dermatological diseases.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Pregnancy, feeding.
  4. Endocrine, vascular, oncological, renal diseases.
  5. Poor skin coagulation.
  6. Postoperative conditions.
  7. Allergies.
  8. Intolerance to components.
  9. Heart failure.

Cosmetic injections can be conditionally called preventive and therapeutic. The former preserve the natural state of the skin. Typically, their components maintain the water and fat balance of the skin. The latter restore serious dysfunctions or are an addition to drug therapy. In any case, you need to carefully listen to the recommendations of specialists and choose serious clinics.