Propolis for wrinkles around the eyes

It's no secret that bee products have healing properties. Experts use a variety of bee products in the beauty industry. A striking example is propolis for the face. Professional cosmetologists widely use propolis masks for the face and body. They note the effectiveness of such procedures against wrinkles and age-related changes, as well as for maintaining the health and tone of the skin.


Propolis has taken one of the first places in cosmetology. A wide range of modern cosmetic products and limited periods of use of products often make us think about the quality and naturalness of the ingredients of industrial preparations. Therefore, in order to preserve the “youth” of the skin without harm, cosmetologists recommend preparing healing remedies at home. Over the years, propolis for the face has become the main anti-aging remedy for women who do not want to succumb to age.

The miraculous properties of bee glue for the face

Today, beekeeping products in cosmetology are actively used to solve many problems, among which the most relevant are:

  1. fight against fine and deep wrinkles;
  2. elimination of toxins;
  3. restoration of the immune system of the skin;
  4. restoration of regeneration functions;
  5. elimination of inflammatory processes;
  6. wound healing;
  7. restoration of hormonal imbalance.

Thanks to the unique composition of ointments, creams, and propolis face masks, they quickly “solve problems” with the skin and have a positive effect on the epithelium. Of the wide list of bee glue components in cosmetology, the most valuable are: tannins, esters, oils, minerals, a number of vitamins, wax, retinol, thiamine.


Despite the high effectiveness of propolis for the face, its use is not recommended for the following indications:

  1. Individual intolerance to bee products, one of the constituent ingredients for rejuvenation and nutrition of the epithelium.
  2. Age. Not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age.

Alcohol tincture of propolis for the face is not suitable for those with dry skin. To carry out the procedures, it is better to use a water infusion or a pure beekeeping product.

Homemade beauty recipes

Bee products have long been known for their healing properties. However, in modern cosmetology and pharmaceutical scientists actively use them. They are constantly creating new recipes for various cosmetic procedures.

Natural bee product is used at home as a powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial agent, “living water”, accelerating the processes of healing and cell regeneration.

Propolis face masks

A homemade mask with propolis, made by yourself, is a 100% natural remedy that has the most positive effect on the epidermis and protects it from the harmful effects of the environment.
Regular use of a face mask made from bee knot provides a positive and lasting effect of rejuvenation, smoothing out existing wrinkles (age and expression lines), and nourishing cells.

Recipe for the “lazy”

You can make a face mask with propolis quickly and without any hassle if you use a ready-made base. You can buy one at any cosmetology center or specialty store. This could be a cream or mask that suits your skin type.
Preparation: mix 1 sachet of prepared mask base with bee glue (1 tsp) in a small container. Apply the prepared product to your face, rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water.

Regular application of such an “extraordinary mask” has a positive effect on the condition of the epithelium, color scheme, elimination of cosmetic defects, and regeneration processes.

Recipe for wrinkles

The ready-made anti-wrinkle facial product provides deep nourishment to the skin, smoothes wrinkles, improves turgor, and restores water balance.
Preparation: to create a healing mask you will need only 2 ingredients - bee glue (2 g), coconut oil (15 g).

Place ingredients in a small metal container. Place the container in a water bath, bring the mixture to a boil and stir for 3 minutes. Then the propolis mask is removed from the heat and left to cool to room temperature. Apply a warm anti-wrinkle mask evenly to the face and leave for at least 40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the residue with warm water and blot with a napkin.

To more effectively combat age-related changes, you can alternate masks with propolis with honey procedures.

Anti-acne remedy

Propolis is actively used in both folk and traditional medicine for acne and acne. A universal mask with propolis effectively cleanses the pores of the epithelium, reduces inflammation, heals wounds, and nourishes cells.

Preparation: to create a remedy for acne, you need to mix protein, black bread (10 g), alcohol tincture of bee product (20 drops). In a small container, dissolve the black bread pulp with the protein, turn it into a homogeneous mass, then add the tincture. The finished product should be applied evenly to the skin, and after 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Recipe with coconut

A homemade mask with propolis and coconut is recommended for women with dry skin and superficial blood vessels. This mask can be applied to sensitive skin around the eyes.

Preparation: to make a cosmetic product you will need an oil tincture of bee knot. Pour the same amount of alcohol tincture of a natural product and olive oil into a small container, heat the mixture in a water bath for about one hour. Then cool, pour into a glass container and put in the refrigerator. The oil tincture is stored for a long time and is the basis for many cosmetics.

When the oil tincture is ready, you can start preparing a mask based on coconut oil. Mix one teaspoon of bee knot oil and 15 g of coconut oil until smooth and apply to the face with a cotton swab.

The duration of the procedure is 30–40 minutes, after which the remaining product should be removed with a paper towel or cotton pad.

Recipe for wrinkles around the eyes

To smooth out expression lines and age-related wrinkles in the eye area, modern cosmetologists recommend using a fatty base (natural oils, baby cream) and a fresh product from bees.
It's easy to make a mask against wrinkles around the eyes. To do this, you will need to mix any natural oil and bee product in the proportion: 15 g. fat per 1 tsp. substances.

The finished propolis face mask should be applied to the area around the eyes and covered with a piece of parchment. To achieve maximum effect, cosmetologists recommend placing a warm towel on your face. Thus, the benefit of the procedure will be greater, since the substance penetrates the epithelium to deeper layers.

Recipe with bread

Beauty experts recommend making a mask with propolis and bread twice a week for women who have problematic skin and suffer from all kinds of acne.


It is very simple to prepare a healing substance. To do this, just take a small slice (pulp) of rye bread, soak it in water until it becomes mushy. In a separate bowl, beat 1 chicken protein until foamy. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, add 20 drops of propolis alcohol tincture, then apply to the skin and remove the residue after 20 minutes.

Recipe with oatmeal

Oatmeal is perceived in cosmetology as an “extract of youth”. For more than a hundred years, women all over the world have been using oatmeal to rejuvenate and cleanse the body as a whole.
Preparation: In a small container, mix pre-chopped oatmeal (1 heaped tablespoon) and water (3 tablespoons). You should end up with a dough-like consistency. Then you will need to add wheat germ oil (20 drops) and tincture of bee product in water (20 drops). Mix all components thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the finished product to your face and remove with a paper napkin after 20 minutes.

Recipe with honey and semolina

A mask made from propolis, honey and semolina will help minimize age-related changes and maintain the fresh appearance and elasticity of the epithelium. The finished cosmetic product promotes deep cell nutrition, smoothes out fine wrinkles, improves oval shape and skin color.

  1. thoroughly mix honey (1 dessert spoon), bee product oil tincture, semolina (1 teaspoon) in a glass or porcelain bowl;
  2. let the mixture sit for at least 40 minutes.

Apply the finished mask in an even layer on the face. After 30 minutes, remove residues from the epithelium with a paper towel.

Recipe with clay and essential oil

To nourish mature skin, modern cosmetologists recommend adding oils and mineral components (clay) to nourishing masks.

Preparation: combine in one bowl the oils - geranium, sandalwood and lemon essential oils in a ratio of 5:3:2 drops and bee glue tincture (20 drops). Mix everything, dilute with green tea infusion, add red cosmetic clay (1 tbsp.). Apply the finished product to the face, evenly distributing it to all areas. After 25 minutes, remove any residue with a paper towel.

Recipe with cottage cheese

The basis of the rejuvenating propolis face mask is fresh homemade fatty cottage cheese. It is recommended to buy the dairy product “from grandmothers” in the market. Due to the fact that preservatives are added to store-bought cottage cheese, which increase the shelf life of the product, it is difficult to classify it as natural.

To prepare, you need to thoroughly grind the cottage cheese (50 g), add homemade sour cream (1-2 tbsp.). You will need to add bee knot oil tincture (1 tsp) to the creamy mass.

Apply the finished mixture to a previously cleansed face in an even layer. After 30 minutes, remove using cotton swabs or paper napkins.

Banana recipe

One of the most common and simple express ways to refresh your face after a busy day or sleepless night is the banana procedure. To do this you need:

  1. mash 1⁄2 ripe banana;
  2. pour in bee product oil extract (1 tsp);
  3. add chicken yolk;
  4. apply to the epithelium and wash off after 40 minutes,

Healing procedures

At home, you can carry out many medical procedures that will not be inferior in effectiveness to those in the salon. The advantages of such procedures lie in the naturalness of the components used and one hundred percent confidence in their individuality.

Rejuvenating mask

One of the most expensive procedures in a beauty salon is peeling. Why pay more if you can make your face look younger at home?

A homemade mask with propolis is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal proportions (20 ml), alcohol tincture of bee product (20 drops) in a glass bowl;
  2. Add potato starch to the resulting liquid until a sour cream consistency is obtained.

Apply the prepared mass to a previously cleansed face in an even layer, after 5 minutes rinse with cool water. After the first procedure, the skin will tighten, become smoother and velvety.

Skin nutrition

With age, processes in the human body slow down. Skin cells receive fewer useful elements, and accordingly lose their shape and elasticity. To slow down the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible, it is recommended to periodically use a mask with propolis. Mix bee product (1 g), rice oil (20 drops), homemade cottage cheese (20 g), and milk into a homogeneous consistency.

Having obtained a homogeneous mass, as thick as a cream, apply it evenly to the epithelium. After 30 minutes, remove any residue with a waffle towel or sponge.


In the hot season, dust and sun do their “work”. Due to the active influence of UV rays, the skin ages faster. To remove dead cells and relieve the body, cosmetologists recommend cleansing your face once a month with a soda mask.


Preparation: mix all ingredients (you can use bee knot as an alcohol tincture 25 drops), soda (10 g), sea salt (5 g). Prepare the epithelium for the procedure by cleaning it as much as possible from dirt and grease. Apply the product in an even layer, rinse off after 5-8 minutes.


Each woman, having the desire to look “young” and 15–20 minutes of her own time, can independently prepare an oil, water or alcohol based tincture, depending on the purpose of its use.

Let's consider the action of each of them in more detail:

  1. Water. Serves as an excellent basis for preparing tonics and lotions with various bases for the treatment of sensitive epithelium prone to peeling.
  2. Alcohol. It is used to reduce foci of inflammation and rashes (acne manifestations), and to effectively “clean up” sebaceous secretions.
  3. Oily. It is an effective remedy for deep nutrition of the epithelium, the fight against wrinkles, and the basis of massage manipulations.

An ideal option for facial care during adolescence, with active manifestations of acne and inflammation, is a tincture of a beekeeping product. You can effectively cleanse your face with propolis tincture if you first steam your face by applying a warm towel.

You can also prepare a facial toner. To do this, you need to dissolve 25 drops of tincture in 50 ml of herbal decoction (chamomile, sage). Use morning and evening to remove impurities and cosmetics.


An aqueous tincture of bee glue (20 g) and distilled water (200 ml) is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind the beekeeping product thoroughly.
  2. In an enamel (clay) bowl, pour the raw material with water, leave for 5 minutes and drain.
  3. Dry the sediment.
  4. Pour the remaining raw materials with clean water and dissolve in a water bath.
  5. Strain the liquid, cool, pour into a dark glass container, and store in a cool place.

Alcohol infusion

Alcohol tincture of propolis for the face is prepared very quickly. This will require only 10 minutes of time. As well as dark glassware and 10 days for infusing the liquid.
It’s easy to prepare a healing substance based on bee glue:

  1. Grind the raw materials (80 g).
  2. Place in a bowl.
  3. Fill with alcohol (300 ml) and place in a cool place.
  4. Every day you need to shake the liquid in the container.
  5. After 10 days, strain the liquid and use as directed.

Oil extract

A propolis oil tincture for the face is prepared using an alcohol tincture and “healthy” oil (olive, sea buckthorn, etc.). Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and heat the resulting liquid in a water bath for an hour. Then cool the mixture, pour into a glass container and place in the refrigerator. That's all - the ideal basis for many cosmetic procedures is ready.

Cream for everyday use

In almost every specialized store you can find more than a dozen different creams, scrubs, lotions that contain bee products. The main task of these products is proper nutrition, reduction of wrinkles, and the fight “for age.”

Properly prepared cream with propolis can quickly rid the epithelium of age spots, improve complexion, increase immunity, speed up regeneration processes, and reduce inflammation. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to apply nourishing cream to previously cleansed and prepared skin.

Let's take a closer look at the process of creating the cream. Mix the following ingredients in a small container in a water bath:

  1. 30 ml of vegetable oil (grape seed, olive, raspberry, etc.);
  2. 15 g lanolin;
  3. 2–3 g Shea butter;
  4. 5 g beeswax;
  5. 25 ml of rose water (distillate, herbal decoction).

Preparation process: mix all ingredients in a water bath using a whisk or mini-blender. Over low heat with the lid carefully closed, leave the cream to simmer for 40–60 minutes. Add a preservative (lemon juice, rose essential oil). Cool the mixture and place in a clean glass container. Store the ointment in the refrigerator for no more than 4 weeks.

To keep the skin taut and toned, it is recommended to perform a honey facial massage 2-3 times a month.

Propolis home remedies are effective cosmetic products. They are made from natural products that will quickly and safely restore the oval of the face and the color of the epithelium. Bee products are a storehouse of useful components. They help fight problematic rashes, vitamin deficiency, negative impacts of the environment, and age-related changes.

As you can see, bee glue is used to make many cosmetic products at home. A product based on a beekeeping product copes well with acne, inflammation, accelerates regeneration processes, and normalizes skin condition.

Home remedies for wrinkles can easily replace expensive treatments in a salon and have an equally positive effect. Proper use of funds from the family budget guarantees a woman not only a positive effect, but also the opportunity to make another pleasant purchase for herself, pamper her loved ones and receive many compliments.

Uza, or bee glue, is the main apiary product, whose benefits surpass the healing qualities of honey. The properties have found application in folk medicine and cosmetology. The reasons for its prevalence are the function of a natural antibiotic and stimulation of cell regeneration. Therefore, propolis is often used for the face. Preparation of remedies based on bonds is possible at home.


Benefits of propolis for skin

The healing power of a bee product depends on the composition of its components. Uza is a brown or dark green resinous substance produced by winged workers. Bee secretion is formed by collecting material from tree buds with further processing by insects. To this is added a small amount of pollen and wax.

Composition of propolis material:

  1. vitamins – K, A, E, group B, ascorbic acid;
  2. minerals, trace elements – manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium, sodium;
  3. flavonoids, aldehydes, alcohols, polyphenols;
  4. organic acids, essential oils, pollen, resins;
  5. enzymes, amino acid series.


Propolis is used in cosmetology due to the listed composition of components, which together show benefits for the whole body. Effect on the skin:

  1. restoration or activation of protective, immune functions;
  2. cleansing of toxins, waste, decay products;
  3. rejuvenating effect, smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  4. acceleration of the regenerative abilities of cells and tissues;
  5. elimination of acne, blackheads, rashes, age spots;
  6. normalization of the production of collagen fibers and elastin;
  7. strengthening capillary walls;
  8. pain relief, elimination of symptoms of the inflammatory reaction.

Bee glue exhibits natural bactericidal, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. Products made on the basis of Usa are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity or allergies to beekeeping products.

Using propolis for the face

The use of bonds as a healing agent has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin. The prepared mixtures help against acne on the face, blackheads, rashes, and redness. The common problem of sagging, wrinkles, and changes in skin color can also be easily eliminated with regular procedures. Application options: lotions, ointments and creams, tinctures, addition to ready-made cosmetic products.

Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture, used for facial skin, helps strengthen and tone blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Three types depending on the liquid base:

  1. Alcohol is a brown liquid with a yellow or red tone, a specific aroma and taste. Most of the components dissolve in alcohol, which gives the healing infusion its full properties. The product helps oily skin, eliminates acne and other problems.
  2. Aqueous is a less concentrated liquid compared to alcohol tincture. Esters, resins, vitamins do not disintegrate in water, so they are absent in the finished infusion. The water-based product is used mainly for flaking and high sensitivity of the skin.
  3. Oily - appearance, smell, taste are determined by the base taken. When dissolved in vegetable oil, esters and fat-soluble vitamins are transferred to the finished infusion. Benefits: comprehensive skin care, relieving inflammation, enhancing regenerative abilities, rejuvenation.

Varieties of homemade tincture of uza give you the opportunity to choose depending on the type of problem. Contraindications must be taken into account. Alcohol infusion is prohibited for use by people allergic to alcohol.

Cream with propolis

The cream is prepared on a fat basis. Use Vaseline, lanolin, wax or animal fat. Main qualities: healing of minor injuries, fight against pathogenic bacteria, pain relief. Favorable action:

  1. nutrition, skin hydration;
  2. elimination of microscopic wrinkles, age spots;
  3. activation of the immune forces of the dermis.

It is common to use creams as a restorative agent after hardware procedures in beauty salons (peelings, cleansing). Another option is facial massage.

Propolis lotions

In the form of lotions, propolis tincture helps against acne, purulent pimples, dry or oily skin. It is recommended to apply the external healing agent before bedtime. Mode of application:

  1. Take 60 ml of strained herbal decoction of calendula and chamomile.
  2. Add 30 drops of infusion from uzha, mix.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad and apply to the problem area for 5–10 minutes.
  4. Replace with a new lotion, repeat 5-6 times.


The type of tincture used depends on the type of skin: for dry skin - water, for oily skin - alcohol. Lotion made from tincture is characterized by a local effect, this helps to quickly cope with the problem.

Homemade recipes for propolis face masks

According to folk recipes, a homemade face mask usually combines other ingredients with propolis (oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, clay, semolina, chicken eggs). This complements the bond and enhances the healing properties of the mixture.

The recipe depends on the skin problem to be dealt with. Remedies for acne and wrinkles, for rejuvenation, nutrition or hydration, and for dry or oily skin surfaces are common. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The combination of bee glue and coconut oil is an effective home remedy for wrinkles. Beneficial properties: maintaining skin elasticity, returning elasticity, tone, healthy appearance. Recipe:

  1. Melt coconut oil (15 g).
  2. Add propolis shavings (2 g).
  3. Prepare a water bath, place the dishes, stir the mixture.
  4. Boil for 3-4 minutes.


After cooling to a warm temperature, cover the skin on the face with the mixture, spreading it over the entire surface with a brush. After 30–40 minutes, remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin.

Acne mask

Propolis for acne and for cleansing pores and ducts is usually used in the form of an infusion. The main advantage is the removal of toxins and accumulated impurities. Preparation, method of application:

  1. Mix 10 g of black bread pulp and egg white.
  2. Add 20 drops of uzy tincture in alcohol.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Cover the surface of the face with the mixture and leave for 20–25 minutes.
  5. Remove any residue and rinse your face with cool water.

Black bread helps smooth out wrinkles, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieve irritation and inflammation, and restore protective functions. Egg whites enhance the listed properties, eliminate acne and redness.

Anti-greasy mask

A product made from oose, wheat oil, and oatmeal will return a healthy matte tone to the face, reduce the secretion of sebaceous secretions and dry out the skin. Recipe:

  1. Combine 2 small spoons of oat flour with thermal water.
  2. Add 20 drops of tincture of water, wheat oil (1 coffee spoon).
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.


The face is pre-steamed, then the entire surface is covered with the resulting mixture, spreading with a spatula. Leave the healing agent for 20–30 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Mask for oily skin

For high fat content, a product based on tincture and yeast is recommended. The main advantage is the cleansing effect. Preparation steps and application option:

  1. Combine yeast (20 g) with mineral water, 1 ml of liquid from the alcohol.
  2. Mix the ingredients and distribute evenly over the skin.
  3. After 10–15 minutes, wash your face.

Yeast is not very common in folk recipes, which does not negate its effectiveness. Beneficial properties: narrowing pores, eliminating oily shine, reducing the production of sebaceous secretions. Combination with bonds will enhance the healing power.

Mask for dry skin

Using bee glue together with aloe and cocoa extract removes dryness. Recipe, application:

  1. Make an extract from aloe leaves (20 ml), add uzha shavings (1 g).
  2. Place in the refrigerator for 1 day.
  3. Take out and mix with 10 g of cocoa powder.
  4. Cover the face for 15 minutes, rinse.


The beneficial effect of the healing mixture is to get rid of excessive dryness, flaking, nourishment, and saturate the skin with life-giving substances (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants).

Mask with propolis and honey

The combination of natural beekeeping products (honey and bee glue) is a remedy that helps with various facial skin problems. For preparation you will need only natural ingredients.

The recipe is to combine 10 g of honey, 2 ml of propolis tincture with 5 g of semolina. Cover the surface of the face with the mixture, after steaming the skin. Leave for 30 minutes, wash. It is better to wipe your face with a napkin.

Mask with propolis and clay

Clay is often used as a component in cosmetic products. Combination with bee glue significantly enhances the healing power. Recipe:

  1. Dilute red clay (15 g).
  2. Sprinkle propolis shavings (1 g), add pomegranate oil (30 drops).
  3. Cover the skin, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.


Benefits in returning a healthy complexion to the face. Other advantages of a mixture of clay and propolis include the elimination of age spots, sagging, and signs of an inflammatory reaction.

Mask with propolis and apple cider vinegar

A product with the addition of apple cider vinegar to bee glue is used for self-peeling. Recipe:

  1. Mix 5 g of starch with 20 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add 15 drops of alcohol infusion.
  3. Stir, cover the front surface, leave for 10 minutes.

The useful composition helps to rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers and activating cell renewal. The beneficial effect of apple cider vinegar also lies in disinfection.

Rejuvenating mask

For older women, the beneficial composition of an anti-aging product will help them fight skin changes. Recipe:

  1. Rub the banana through a sieve, add the yolk, 5 g of oil tincture.
  2. Mix, cover the face with the mixture, pressing firmly to the surface.
  3. Leave for 40–50 minutes, wash.


The healing properties of the mixture are aimed at removing puffiness, circles under the eyes, smoothing age-related wrinkles and folds. A nice bonus is the correction of the shape (oval) of the face.

Nourishing mask

To nourish the skin, you will need to evaporate 20 g of cottage cheese in milk, grind until smooth, mix with 1 g of propolis and 20 drops of rice oil. The mass should be applied evenly for 30 minutes, then remove the residue and wash. Benefits for the skin in nutrition, moisturizing, getting rid of wrinkles.

Exfoliating mask

To remove the stratum corneum (dead cells) you will need a mask of 25 drops of alcohol infusion, 10 g of soda, 5 g of sea salt. Mix the components and apply to pre-moistened skin. Leave for 5-7 minutes. The power of the healing mixture is in activating renewal processes.

Propolis is a panacea for problematic facial skin. The bee product provides the skin with maximum concentrations of beneficial substances, which improves the appearance of the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, heals, eliminates age-related changes, acne, acne.

Propolis is very useful for the skin of the face, and for the skin in general, due to the numerous beneficial properties of this beekeeping product. As scientists say, propolis is one of the few substances in the world that contains almost all the vitamins and nutrients necessary to maintain life.

Unlike honey, propolis consists of the resinous substance of deciduous tree buds and the resin of coniferous trees, and its color varies from brown to green.

Bees use propolis as a substance to disinfect the hive, as well as to seal cracks and isolate foreign objects in the hive. It is also used by bees to protect their hives from adverse weather conditions and pests such as insects and even bears.

Scientists have proven that bees also use propolis to inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens in hives, such as bacteria and fungi.

A number of studies have found that propolis has antimicrobial properties, especially in relation to human health. For example, numerous publications quote that propolis has a strong antiviral and antibacterial effect and even helps destroy cancer cells (see Propolis for immunity and cancer treatment).

As you know, propolis has the following pronounced beneficial properties:

  1. antiviral property
  2. antifungal property
  3. anti-inflammatory property
  4. antibacterial property

Due to the fact that propolis is a natural product with numerous beneficial properties, it is used for various purposes, both for the prevention and treatment of many diseases (see What propolis treats: list of diseases). The skin of the face and the whole body is no exception, because propolis can not only protect our skin, but also treat it. Centuries of experience and scientific research tell us that propolis is successfully used for:

  1. skin lesions
  2. in surgery
  3. skin wounds
  4. burns
  5. ulcers
  6. skin and eye diseases
  7. in gynecology
  8. and of course, propolis has gained great popularity in the form of cosmetics

History tells us that people have used it for thousands of years due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Modern research shows that the use of propolis gives good results in the treatment of many types of skin diseases.

Topical use of propolis for skin diseases

Studies have shown the effectiveness of propolis in the treatment of athlete's foot, skin tuberculosis, alopecia, psoriasis, various microbial and chronic eczemas, pyoderma, skin inflammation associated with trichophytosis, as well as burns. Propolis can be applied to the skin in the form of:

  1. 10-50% propolis ointment or cream
  2. 10-20% water tincture of propolis
  3. propylene glycol containing 3.6% propolis
  4. or even an alcoholic infusion of propolis

You can buy ready-made propolis-based products or prepare them yourself, read about here - Propolis. Cooking recipes. Propolis tincture.

Other methods of external use of propolis

The use of propolis for herpes, herpes zoster, genital herpes and hemorrhoids gives very good results (see How to prepare ointment with propolis for hemorrhoids). Egyptian propolis and more are successfully used to treat skin for various types of warts.

Warming patches with propolis and beeswax can be used to treat arthritis and arthrosis, sprains, physical injuries, inflammation of muscles, nerves and body tissues. Propolis ointment is also effectively used for these purposes.

However, when using propolis externally, you need to be careful, as it can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Before using it, make sure that applying propolis to your skin does not cause an allergic reaction.

Why is propolis used in cosmetics?

Propolis is used in medicinal cosmetics due to the fact that it has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis effectively eliminates acne and pimples, improves microcirculation in skin tissues, reduces pain and slows down the aging process. It has low toxicity and good skin compatibility, despite the risk of allergic reactions.

As a rule, 1-2% propolis is added to skin lotions and cosmetic creams.

Propolis is used:

  1. In deodorants and antiperspirants as an antibacterial agent.
  2. In shampoos and hair lotions, as it eliminates dandruff and regulates sebum secretion.
  3. In anti-acne products, since propolis has an antimicrobial effect.
  4. In aftershave products, as it helps eliminate inflammation and rapid healing of damaged skin areas.
  5. In skin cleansing creams and lotions, as it contains cleaning agents and serves as a natural preservative.

Propolis is also an excellent oral care product. According to S. Bogdanov, propolis can be used as a cosmetic for the skin and oral cavity to prevent various dental problems, such as:

While using propolis from baccharis does not cause any problems, you should still test yourself for allergies before using propolis, which is predominantly sourced from poplar.

What are the benefits of propolis for facial skin?

Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, propolis helps prevent and treat herpes on the lips. Propolis helps reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and smoothes the skin, helping to retain more moisture, which makes your skin more youthful, soft and beautiful. Propolis perfectly cares for sensitive skin and helps reduce redness in case of any irritation. This redness may be associated with acne and pimples that occur on the face, especially during adolescence. Propolis helps to effectively combat various types of rashes on the facial skin and eliminates minor and moderate forms of acne.

Propolis for facial skin: relieves inflammation, eliminates pimples and acne


№1. In a study published on, conducted in 2013 at a burn center in Brazil, the effectiveness of Brazilian propolis skin cream was compared with silver sulfadiazine in the treatment of minor burns (superficial second degree), where the burn covers less than 20% of the total surface area bodies.

The study found that wounds treated with propolis skin cream were less inflamed and scarred faster than wounds treated with silver sulfadiazine.

It was concluded that propolis skin cream has a beneficial effect on the healing of burn wounds. Regular use of propolis increases its antimicrobial and wound-healing effects.

№2. A review of studies conducted in Eastern Europe states that propolis is effective in treating ulcers, burns, healing damage resulting from radiation treatment of cancer and poorly healing wounds. Propolis is also used to accelerate wound healing after surgery and burns.

Cuban scientists recommend mixing honey, propolis and anise oil for a better healing effect.

№3. Other studies on the successful use of a 30% aqueous solution of propolis extract for skin lesions such as ischemic ulcers, trophic ulcers, venous ulcers, iatrogenic lesions and ulcers were also analyzed. Positive results are observed after the first week of treatment. According to the authors of this study, wound healing effectiveness is closely related to the concentration of propolis in the solution.

№4. Another study using propolis ointment in the treatment of 22 chronic wounds (11 trophic ulcers, 7 pressure ulcers, 2 diabetic ulcers, and 2 wounds resulting from trauma) found that 8.2% of the affected tissue were necrotic. After treating the wounds with propolis extract, no necrotic tissue was observed. Healing time was 13.2 weeks. All patients with chronic wounds complaining of pain reported improvement.

Please note that natural products always work over an extended period of use, as they stimulate the human body to heal itself.

№5. S. Scheller from Poland treats his patients with an alcoholic extract of propolis for burns, leg ulcers, bedsores, osteomyelitis and infected wounds.

№6. In the Russian center, scientists used 15% propolis in animal fats or vegetable oils to treat burns. This ointment with propolis has an analgesic and bactericidal effect, and also accelerates wound regeneration. Propolis Heliant (a propolis-based preparation that also contains a mixture of sunflower oil and heavy fractions of dark natural wax) is successfully used to treat burns, wounds, skin diseases and for cosmetic purposes for facial skin.

№7. Scientists also tested the effectiveness of propolis in the treatment of patients after surgery for thyroid goiter, patients with difficult-to-heal and recurrent wounds and ulcers, and patients with nonspecific rectal inflammation. They also tested the effectiveness of propolis as an additional agent in the eradication of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, which cause gastric and duodenal ulcers. The propolis preparation was found to be highly effective, very well tolerated and has virtually no side effects.

№8. In a study using propolis produced by bees from Baccharis, published in PubMed, it was found that optimal wound healing results could be achieved using propylene glycol containing 3.6% propolis. At this concentration, all bacteria on which the experiments were carried out died.

Ointments or creams with propolis, 10-20% aqueous or glycolic tinctures with propolis were used. Alcohol tinctures of propolis were not used.