
Prostatography: what is it and why is it needed?

Prostatography is a method for examining the male prostate, which allows you to assess its condition and identify possible diseases. The word "prostatography" comes from the Latin "prostate" (prostate) and the Greek "grapho" (to write, depict), which literally means "image of the prostate."

This research method is used to diagnose various prostate diseases, such as adenoma (benign enlargement), prostate cancer and other pathologies. Prostatography is performed using an ultrasound machine, which transmits sound waves through the prostate tissue and produces an image of the organ on a screen.

To conduct the study, the patient must lie on his side or back, bend his knees and spread them apart. A small sensor is then inserted into the rectum, which transmits data about the organ to the screen of an ultrasound machine. The procedure may cause discomfort or slight pain, but it is usually not serious.

Prostatography is an important method for diagnosing prostate diseases and can help make a diagnosis in the early stages of the disease. Regular testing is recommended for men over 50 years of age, as well as those at risk of developing prostate diseases.

However, like any medical method, prostatography has its limitations and may not always provide complete information about the condition of the prostate. Therefore, the doctor may recommend additional tests to obtain a more accurate diagnosis.

To summarize, we can say that prostatography is an important method for diagnosing prostate diseases and is recommended for men over 50 years of age. Although the procedure may cause discomfort, it is usually not painful and can help detect disease in its early stages. When prescribing a prostatography, the doctor must provide detailed information about the procedure and answer all the patient’s questions.

In medicine, prostatography is a method of diagnostic examination of the male prostate, in which X-ray or X-ray-urological images of the internal organs of the pelvis are taken. These procedures have become widespread in urology and oncourology. For

**Prostatogram or prostatography** is a procedure for studying the prostate gland using palpation and insertion of a special probe (catheter) through the urethra to obtain photo and video images of the condition of the prostate tissue.

This research method is widely used in urology due to its