Pichler prosthesis

Pilchler prosthesis

**Pilchler prosthesis** is a prosthesis used to replace damaged or missing body parts. It is a device consisting of mechanical and electronic components that allows a person to restore lost function while maintaining their individuality and lifestyle.

In 2015, journalists from Izvestia reported that the invention was obtained by German biochemist Tim Pfeifer. The discoveries he made made it possible to develop neuroprosthetic technology.

This prosthesis consists of a frame made of carbon fiber and tissues attached to it, such as nerve fibers, muscles and skin. The frame part of the prosthesis is reinforced with metal plates and screws, which ensures its strength and reliability.

The use of a Pilcher prosthesis not only restores lost functions, but also improves the quality of life of patients. Cases have been described where, as a result of using this device, patients were able to return to their usual activities, such as playing football or playing sports.

However, before using a prosthesis, a number of studies and tests must be carried out to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Currently Pilcher prostheses are used