Immediate Dental Prosthesis

A direct dental prosthesis or immediate prosthesis is a type of removable prosthetics in which a new prosthesis is installed immediately after the removal of a tooth or teeth.

The main advantages of direct prosthetics:

  1. Rapid restoration of chewing function after tooth extraction. The patient can eat immediately after placement of the immediate denture.

  2. Preservation of jaw bone volume by transferring chewing load.

  3. Preventing the collapse of facial soft tissues.

  4. Psychological comfort for the patient from the absence of a toothless gap.

An immediate denture is made in advance using an impression of the patient’s teeth. After the teeth are removed, the prosthesis is immediately installed on the socket and fixed with temporary cement. The service life of the immediate prosthesis is from 3 to 6 months, then it is replaced with a permanent prosthesis.

An immediate dental prosthesis, sometimes also called an “immediate prosthesis,” is not the first design in the evolution of dentistry. Nevertheless, his story is very confusing and interesting at the same time. “Teeth for a day” – now such dentures can be ordered at any dental clinic. Recently it was considered