Hip Replacement

Hip replacement is a surgical operation that involves replacing a diseased hip joint with a prosthesis.

This operation is performed for various diseases and injuries of the hip joint, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, fractures, etc.

During surgery, the surgeon removes the damaged areas of the joint and replaces them with implants. There are several types of hip joint prostheses:

  1. Total hip replacement - all components of the joint are replaced.

  2. Semi-prosthetic hip joint - only the head and/or cup of the joint is replaced.

  3. Femoral head replacement - only the femoral head is replaced.

Modern dentures are made from various materials - metals, ceramics, plastic. They can be fixed with or without bone cement.

Compared to other types of treatment for hip arthritis, hip replacement provides the most lasting effect in reducing pain and restoring joint mobility. After surgery, rehabilitation is required to restore muscle strength and range of motion. A hip joint prosthesis lasts an average of 15-20 years.

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which a diseased hip joint is replaced with a prosthesis. The purpose of this surgery is to restore normal function to the hip joint, which may be affected by arthritis or other diseases.

Hip replacements can be made from a variety of materials, such as metal, ceramic or plastic. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit each patient's individual needs.

Before undergoing surgery, the patient must undergo a thorough examination to determine which type of prosthesis will be most suitable for him. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia and lasts about two hours. After surgery, the patient must stay in the hospital for several days to ensure that everything was successful.

After leaving the hospital, the patient can begin rehabilitation, which may include physical therapy, exercise, and the use of crutches or a cane. Rehabilitation may take several months, depending on the individual needs of the patient.

In general, hip replacement is an effective treatment for hip disorders. However, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all the risks and benefits, and also consult with an experienced surgeon.

The familiar phrase “joint replacement” is used everywhere – from advertising of medical services to thematic journalism. The advertisements usually feature hip implants - this is the most commonly used surgical technique, but it covers only part of the huge and complex shock-absorbing system of our body. Surgeons and orthopedists replace other joints several dozen times more often, and this procedure is called endoprosthetics, not replacement, otherwise both patients and doctors will stop talking about the most interesting type of joint plastic surgery: knee replacement. It is he, the knee, that moves the entire leg, even both (remember how children’s knees shake). He is responsible for freedom in any position, coordination of any movements with weight - the entire haven of his capabilities will be the envy of many of those who are skeptical about the theory