Decongestant masks for the eye area

Homemade cosmetic procedures will help eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

They are carried out using self-prepared masks, which not only neutralize the problem, but also provide gentle care for sensitive skin, nourish and moisturize it, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Ingredients for making masks

Puffiness under the eyes is the result of excess moisture accumulation. For this reason, sodium salts are deposited in blood vessels and skin cells. In turn, this leads to swelling of the skin in the lower eyelid area. To prevent or eliminate swelling, you need to use masks made from foods rich in potassium. This element prevents the accumulation of sodium salts.

Products that can combat swelling include:

  1. parsley;
  2. lemon balm;
  3. potato;
  4. cucumbers;
  5. chicken eggs;
  6. natural honey;
  7. apricots;
  8. chamomile;
  9. Birch buds;
  10. jojoba oil.

Masks to eliminate puffiness under the eyes

By performing simple cosmetic procedures at home using folk remedies, you can increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin and relieve swelling.

Self-prepared masks will stimulate the production of collagen, normalize lipid metabolism, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

A parsley-based product will help quickly relieve puffiness under the eyes, smooth out expression lines, and lighten dark circles. It is prepared from 3-4 sprigs of fresh parsley and a tablespoon of sour cream.

The skin in the eye area is delicate and thin, so it is better to take sour cream with a high percentage of fat content.

Grind the greens in a mortar and add sour cream (chilled). Clean your face of makeup, apply the mask with your fingers to closed eyelids and the area under the eyes. Keep for 15 minutes.

Repeat the procedure up to five times a week.

  1. From raw potatoes

The mask will eliminate morning puffiness and have a good lifting effect.

To prepare the product, you need simple ingredients: one medium-sized potato and a tablespoon of heavy cream or sour cream (homemade).

The potatoes are washed, peeled and chopped with a blender or grater. The potato mass is combined with a dairy product. The components are mixed well, the mixture is cooled slightly and applied to previously prepared small gauze napkins or cotton pads, which are applied to closed eyelids for 20 minutes.

  1. From lemon balm and bread

A compress of white bread soaked in squeezed lemon balm juice will help remove excess liquid. Exposure time 15 minutes. Remains of the product are removed with cold tea leaves, after which the skin is wiped dry with a napkin.

The mask will not only help hide bags under the eyes, but also make the skin in this area more elastic.

Carefully separate the white from the egg, add a pinch of sea salt to it and beat into a thick, stable foam.

Apply foam around the eyes in a dense layer. Keep it until the protein settles and dries.

Remove the mask with a napkin soaked in green tea. To avoid a feeling of tightness, the skin is treated with cream after the procedure.

The mask has rejuvenating properties, provides deep hydration, and accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

To prepare, you need to use half a peeled and seeded cucumber and a teaspoon of rice oil.

Prepare a puree from the cucumber, add oil and stir. A homogeneous mass is spread on napkins, which are applied to the eyelids for 20-30 minutes.

Similar procedures are carried out three to five times a week.

  1. Infusion of birch buds

Infusion of birch buds helps eliminate swelling well.

It is prepared as follows: one hundred grams of raw material is poured into a glass of cold water, the container is covered with a lid, and left for 12 to 24 hours. After this, one raw, grated potato is added to the infusion.

Apply the prepared product to the skin around the eyes; after 20 minutes, the residue is washed off with water or chamomile decoction.

The procedures are carried out once every three days.

  1. From apricot and chamomile infusion

Mash a few apricots to make a puree. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile decoction into it. Scramble one chicken egg a little and add to the total mass. Mix until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

Apply the prepared composition to the skin using a brush. After fifteen minutes, remove the remaining mask with a napkin.

This procedure helps to quickly relieve puffiness and hide dark circles. Thanks to a decoction of chamomile, the mask has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Eliminating swelling with cosmetic ice

The best way to relieve swelling and swelling is to apply cold to them. To do this, apply the following to problem areas: wet towels, cold metal objects, frozen foods wrapped in a napkin. But it is much more convenient, effective and safe to use specially prepared ice cubes for these purposes.

Ice used for cosmetic purposes is prepared in advance. It is better to do this in summer and autumn, when there are a lot of vegetables, fruits and fresh herbs. These products are used in making ice and make it healthier.

The cubes are frozen in separate small molds so that one cube is enough for one procedure. Once the ice in the mold has completely hardened, the cubes can be placed in one bag or container and stored for a couple of months.

Use ice carefully. To prevent it from causing harm, the cube should be moved over the skin, without stopping for a long time in one place. They wipe with ice not only the area under the eyes, but also the bridge of the nose; it is also susceptible to swelling, but they are not so pronounced.

If during the session there is numbness of the skin or a burning sensation, the procedure is stopped.

  1. cucumber ice

Using cucumber ice is good for the skin. As a result of its use, it brightens, becomes elastic, looks young and fresh.

Ice is prepared from cucumber juice and spring or simply purified water, mixing them in a 1:1 ratio.

  1. Parsley ice

Removes morning puffiness of the eyelids, bags and blue circles under the eyes. Ice is prepared from parsley infusion. Four tablespoons of fresh chopped herbs are poured into a thermos and poured with a liter of boiling water. Leave for at least two hours, then strain, pour into molds and freeze.

Instead of fresh herbs, you can use dry herbs, but in this case the infusion is prepared at the rate of one and a half tablespoons of raw materials per liter of boiling water.

When trying to eliminate wrinkles, puffiness, and blueness under the eyes, you need to not only carry out the appropriate procedures, but also try to prevent the causes of their appearance. It is necessary to ensure a good night's rest, proper nutrition, give up bad habits, and avoid stressful situations.

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Delicate sensitive skin needs a mask against puffiness under the eyes, because the changes occurring in the body make themselves felt “on the face.” This is expressed in darkening and fading of the epithelium, so-called “bags” and “bruises” form under the eyes. There can be many reasons for this: from overwork to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and body systems, but in any case, a mask for bags under the eyes will be a useful tool in facial skin care.

What components will be useful against swelling and bags under the eyes?

Swelling under the eyes is formed due to excess moisture in the body. When deposited in skin cells, sodium salts lead to this unattractive effect. Therefore, in order to reduce and completely get rid of swelling of the lower eyelids, you need to use products containing potassium. This element prevents the deposition and accumulation of salts.

Potassium is found in the following foods:

  1. potato;
  2. carrot;
  3. apples;
  4. bran;
  5. wheat;
  6. parsley;
  7. apricots;
  8. jojoba oil;
  9. honey;
  10. Melissa.

But the remedy made from cucumber is especially popular: such a mask will quickly relieve puffiness under the eyes, gently cleanse, and moisturize the skin. These products can be used separately, but for greater effect it is recommended to combine several items together.

Many girls prefer to fight swelling with the help of natural anti-edema masks, since you can always rub the ingredients yourself on a fine grater, without worrying about the integrity and safety of delicate thin skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists also advise paying attention to homemade masks for bags under the eyes. But in order not to cause harm, it is important to know some of the nuances of using such restorative agents:

  1. the skin in the eye area is thinner and more vulnerable than in other parts of the body, so you cannot rub, stretch, or put pressure on it;
  2. Only light textures of products that do not require additional movements to enhance absorption are suitable;
  3. store-bought creams, tonics, masks contain preservatives and parabens, so they can easily provoke allergies and irritation in this delicate area;
  4. the eyelid borders the mucous membrane of the eye, so the choice of components should be approached with extreme caution;
  5. Before applying any mixture, a rapid test for allergic reactions must be carried out;
  6. if the decongestant eye mask is very greasy or heavy, this will lead to the opposite effect, moisture will not be removed from the body, and the bags will become even larger. Keeping the mask on for a long time causes the eyelids to become heavier;
  7. to apply the mask, use patches or a cotton pad folded in half, which helps to evenly distribute the composition, preventing it from getting into the eye;

Attention! You should try to avoid recipes containing any oils, as they will only make the eyelid heavier and increase swelling.

Swelling and bags under the eyes are not a harmless aesthetic defect, as cosmetologists claim. With constant swelling, the eyelids experience enormous tension. The eyelid gains moisture and gradually tightens. And if at the same time there are constant fluctuations with the outflow and inflow of moisture in the subcutaneous tissues, the skin loses its tone, weakens and ages faster.

Therefore, you need to immediately get rid of the first signs of this phenomenon with the help of a mask against puffiness under the eyes, the instant preparation of which is possible even at home. There are remedies that do not require preparation. A striking example is herbal ice cubes or warm herbal infusions, which stimulate lymph flow and relieve swelling.

Contraindications for use

Masks for bags under the eyes prepared on the basis of natural ingredients are absolutely harmless and are suitable for everyone. Every second woman thinks so. Really, if all the ingredients are from the garden, why worry? But even the use of such harmless means has its pitfalls.

Dermatologists prohibit the use of decongestant masks in the following cases:

  1. infectious eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, inflammation);
  2. allergy to components contained in the recipe;
  3. mechanical eye injuries;
  4. expired products or their low quality;
  5. specific qualities of some products (acid content in lemon, tomatoes and strawberries; pungent taste and smell of ginger, mint).

Therefore, if a product has a number of useful properties and has a positive effect in solving any cosmetic problem, this does not mean that it is beneficial for the eyes.

How to quickly put your face in order, watch the video:

The best recipes for masks for swelling and bags under the eyes

Every day the collection of useful recipes against swelling is replenished with new remedies. But we figured out how to fight puffy eyes a long time ago, so today we can safely highlight proven and effective masks for bags:

  1. A potato mask will not only relieve puffiness under the eyes, but will also create a tightening effect. Method of preparation: grate peeled potatoes on a fine grater or chop in a blender, mix well with 0.5 tbsp. l. sour cream and place on closed eyelids for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water;
  2. finely chopped parsley (50 g) is poured with green tea (2 tsp), squeezed out and applied through gauze to the swelling;
  3. slices of white bread dipped in lemon balm decoction will also soften, tone the face and solve the problem of swelling;
  4. grated egg and apricot pulp (100 g) are poured with chamomile infusion (50 ml); if the mask drips down your face, you can thicken it with potato starch;
  5. The most important masks under the eyes at home are express remedies for swelling, which do not require any conditions or even accompanying ingredients. It's simple: rings of fresh cucumber or apple are placed on the eyes. The vegetable can be grated and mixed with liquid honey, which will make the skin soft and velvety;
  6. boiled buckwheat also perfectly removes skin imperfections, and soaked in milk, it additionally nourishes and refreshes the skin;
  7. Cereal varieties and bran also help remove moisture from the body. For cooking you need 1 tbsp. l. pour bran with warm milk until a not too thick paste forms, add a few drops of retinol. After 15 minutes, rinse off the dried composition with mineral water. After the procedure, the skin is treated with cream.

It is important! Lemon will help lighten dark circles under the eyes, but you should use it with extreme caution, since acids can cause severe irritation. This ingredient must be supplemented with others and diluted with water.

How often can you make masks?

Correct and regular application of homemade masks will help avoid swelling and get rid of existing bruises and bags under the eyes. To do this, you should follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. thoroughly clean your face before treatment;
  2. keep the mask on your face in a lying position so that the product does not get into your eyes;
  3. procedure time – from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the active composition;
  4. Wipe off the remaining particles of the masks with a napkin, rinse your eyes with clean warm water, you can use soothing chamomile and other herbal decoctions;
  5. After the mask, the skin should be treated with a nourishing cream.

Masks are applied once every 3 days. After 3-4 weeks, foam the product with a different recipe so that the skin does not get used to it. It is important to prepare the mixture before direct application so that only fresh product is applied to the face.

Watch the video to see what doctors say about swelling under the eyes:

Thus, with the help of homemade masks, you can remove even the most intense circles under the eyes. Such measures are especially important for women in adulthood, when metabolic processes slow down and the eye skin is most in need of emergency, but at the same time very delicate therapy.

Swelling around the eyes is a violation of lymph flow. The reasons can be very different: sleepless night, abuse of smoked and salty foods, various diseases. Regardless of what caused the swelling under the eyes, it is possible to remove them at home. Popular and accessible techniques and recipes will help hide unsightly baggy hair and tidy up your face.


  1. General principles of combating edema
  2. Cosmetics for puffy eyes
  3. Cosmetic ice - an affordable solution against swelling
  4. Homemade masks for bags and swelling
  5. Diuretics for bags around the eyes
  6. Massage against puffiness under the eyes


General principles of combating edema

There are different ways to remove swelling. Not all of them are safe; some can cause harm not only to the skin, but also to health. You should not give injections or resort to other serious procedures at home. For them there are specialized clinics and salons with qualified cosmetologists and doctors.

  1. All cosmetics and home remedies must be tested for tolerance. On thin and delicate skin, allergic reactions occur more often.
  2. Refrigerated foods and objects are used to eliminate swelling. Hot and warm masses should not be applied.
  3. Cosmetics are always applied from the bottom up, as if tightening the skin.
  4. If the problem appears suddenly and the situation only gets worse every day, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Video: How to get rid of swelling

Cosmetics for puffy eyes

The problem of edema is always relevant, so cosmetic manufacturers are actively working in this direction. Various new products regularly appear on store shelves: creams, gels, masks. Overhead patches are very popular now. All these remedies give a very good effect if used regularly and correctly.

How to enhance the effect of cosmetics:

  1. Creams, gels and masks are applied only to a cleaned surface. To remove decorative products on delicate skin, it is better to use soft foams and mousses.
  2. It is better to store cosmetics for bags and puffiness under the eyes in the refrigerator, never reheat them before use.
  3. Any cream will work better if used regularly. It is important to consider the information provided by the manufacturer.
  4. The skin gets used to certain cosmetic compositions, stops reacting, and there are no positive results. It is recommended to periodically change the manufacturer or series.
  5. You need to apply creams and masks under the eyes with your ring fingers, and do not stretch the skin under any circumstances. Otherwise, wrinkles will join the swelling.

All industrial products are aimed at combating swelling and improving skin quality. Some of them have a lightening effect, meaning they help get rid of bruises and dark circles. There are creams that affect blood flow, promote the removal of fluid in the right place, and give a healthy color. Do not apply creams and gels immediately before bedtime. The product must be completely absorbed, this requires at least an hour.


Important! Anti-edema cosmetics should have a light consistency, absorb quickly, and not leave an oily sheen. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect, the eyelids will become heavy, and the condition of the skin will worsen.

Cosmetic ice - an affordable solution against swelling

Cold is the first remedy for swelling around the eyes. You can apply any available means to the problem area. Usually these are chilled spoons, wet towels and napkins, sometimes they just use food from the freezer. But ice cubes are much safer, more effective and healthier.

For cosmetic purposes, ice must be prepared in advance. By the way, it is better to do this in the summer, during the season of fresh herbs and cheap vegetables. Ice cubes are frozen in special molds. It's better not to make them too big, just for one time. After freezing, you can pour the finished pieces into a bag, tie them and store them for several months.


Important! Ice can harm delicate skin. You cannot keep the cube in one place for a long time, you need to move it around the entire eye, not forgetting the bridge of the nose; there is also swelling on it, although not as pronounced. If burning or numbness occurs, stop the procedure immediately.

Cucumber Ice Recipe

Removes puffiness under the eyes, cucumber is good for the skin, makes it more elastic and youthful.

Fresh cucumbers, maybe overripe
Purified or spring water

Wash the cucumbers, cut into pieces, pass through a juicer. There is no need to cut off the ends or remove the seeds; all excess will go into the pulp. Mix pure cucumber juice with water 1:1, pour into molds, put in the freezer.

Parsley ice recipe

Brightens the skin, removes bags and blue under the eyes.

Parsley – 2 tbsp. l.
Water – 500 ml

Chop fresh parsley. You can also use dry grass. In this case, the quantity is reduced by three times. Pour into a thermos, pour boiling water over it, leave for two hours. Cool, strain, pour into molds and freeze.


Homemade masks for bags and swelling

Homemade masks for the eye area are prepared from foods and herbs. The leader is cabbage. You can grind a few fresh leaves and simply apply the pulp or wipe the problem area with squeezed juice. You can also make ice from it. In addition to cabbage, there are other skin-friendly foods that will help solve the problem.

Basic principles of using masks:

  1. You need to apply the mask not only under the eyes, but also on the eyelids, around the outer and inner corners. It is important not to get on mucous membranes.
  2. It is convenient to use gauze or simply fabric blanks. That is, you need to apply the mixture first on them, then apply it to the desired area, it is better to take a horizontal position.
  3. All masks against swelling and bags are washed off exclusively with cool water. A suitable cream will help enhance the effect of the home remedy.

Along with the mask, impurities can penetrate into the inner layers of the skin, so it is important to thoroughly clean the surface with warm water and a suitable cleanser.

Potato mask

Lightens the skin, removes swelling, and has a lifting effect.

Potatoes – 1 pc.
Cream or sour cream – 1 tsp.

Use chilled ingredients. Wash a small potato, peel it, finely grate it or grind it in a blender. Combine with heavy cream or sour cream. Apply the resulting mass onto cotton pads or folded pieces of gauze in an even layer. Apply to closed eyes, take a lying position, leave for 20 minutes.


Parsley mask

Removes dark circles, swelling, can be used to combat freckles.

Fresh parsley – 1 bunch
Sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.

Choose fresh and juicy parsley. Rinse thoroughly, dry, grind in any convenient way, you can grind with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add sour cream to the green paste, stir and apply to the problem area around the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes.

Curd mask with cucumber

Soft cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.
Yolk – 1 pc.
Cucumber – 20 g

Finely grate a piece of cucumber, add soft cottage cheese, grind together. Prick the yolk, squeeze the liquid contents into the mask, stir. Fold pieces of gauze into 4-6 layers, moisten with water and squeeze well. Apply a mask to the workpieces, dividing the entire mass in half. Apply to closed eyes for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Diuretics for bags around the eyes

The cause of edema is most often the accumulation of excess fluid. If the kidneys cannot cope with their work, then you need to consult a doctor. If swelling under the eyes appears after eating salty food at night, then diuretics will help remove excess water. By the way, sugar also retains liquid. A piece of cake and candy eaten the night before is bad for more than just your waistline.


All diuretics can be divided into two groups. The first type includes medications that should preferably be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Failure to comply with dosages and self-prescription entails serious consequences. The second group includes herbs, foods, teas, that is, fluid is removed in the safest ways, which, with an adequate approach, cannot cause harm.

Available diuretics:

  1. Green tea. You can drink it with lemon or other additives, but only without sweets.
  2. Hawthorn. Leaves and berries are used, and decoctions and water infusions are prepared from them.
  3. Parsley. A concentrated infusion is also prepared from the greens or brewed as tea. You can take it orally and additionally apply lotions to the area around the eyes.
  4. Compotes from viburnum, rowan, apples, lemon. You can mix different types in arbitrary proportions, drink throughout the day, and sweeten only with honey.
  5. Flaxseed decoction. A very useful product for the whole body, removes water, removes swelling under the eyes.

The method of preparing decoctions and infusions is indicated on the packaging. You can also find all the contraindications there. It is important to remember that most diuretics lower blood pressure, so they are not suitable for all people. If, after systematic use of decoctions or teas, dry lips appear or the skin peels, or discomfort occurs in the mouth, you need to take a break.


Massage against puffiness under the eyes

Massage can be used not only against swelling, but also against wrinkles, as well as for preventive purposes. If the technique is correct and all the nuances are taken into account, the procedure will only bring benefits. It can be combined with the use of creams or masks; they will provide better glide and prevent injury to delicate skin. Essential oils that have a decongestant effect are added to them: sandalwood, myrrh, neroli, roses. One drop mixed with the cream base is enough.

Main types of massage:

  1. Ordinary. The skin is stroked from the bridge of the nose to the temples. It is important to lift the folds, direct them upward, and tighten them. 20-25 strokes under each eye are enough.
  2. Spoons. They are pre-cooled; it is better to have a supply in the freezer. Stroking is also done with spoons; you can also simply apply it for a few seconds and tear it off.

Massage should not be done for any infectious or viral diseases, irritation or other damage to the skin. It is also contraindicated for any mental disorders. Doctors find a relationship between the nervous system and the area around the eyes.

Video: Five ways to get rid of bags under the eyes