Anti-inflammatory drugs for burns


There is probably no person who has never suffered burns in his life. Each of us is capable of thinking about something different, losing attentiveness and coming to our senses only with the burning pain of spilled tea or leaning against a switched-on heater. You can get burns anytime, anywhere. These are sunburns and burns from boiling water, this is a hair dryer accidentally leaned against the neck while drying your hair and a carelessly blown out candle. I could go on for a long time, but the point is that after being burned a couple of times, you will definitely think: isn’t it time to replenish your home medicine cabinet with the best burn remedy to help soothe the pain and speed up skin healing?

Let's try to understand the huge variety of burn remedies available in pharmacies and understand which one is the best.

Panthenol spray
the best universal remedy for household and sunburn, and more

Price an aerosol can with a volume of 130 ml is about 300 rubles.

The spray is a gentle, airy foam that is sprayed from a can directly onto the injured area of ​​the skin. Panthenol spray is recommended not only for sunburn, household burns, boiling water burns, but also for other types of skin damage - abrasions, scratches, postoperative wounds, etc.

The active substance - dexpanthenol, penetrating through the skin, promotes the synthesis of biologically active substances, accelerates wound healing and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The main advantage Panthenol spray can be considered a release form: to apply the drug to the skin, you do not need to use any additional means (cotton swabs, spatulas, etc.), which significantly reduces the likelihood of burn infection.

Negatives the product was not identified, therefore, on a ten-point scale, it was assigned a rating of 10.

Reviews: “Panthenol spray is the best remedy for household burns. It has become an integral attribute in our home medicine cabinet. It is very convenient to apply - given that the burned area is very painful, applying ointment or cream causes severe discomfort. And this drug - I shook the can, sprayed it and forgot."

Bepanten Plus
best cream for burns

Price tubes weighing 30 g are about 250 rubles.

The active ingredient is the same as in Panthenol spray - dexpanthenol, but one of the auxiliary components of the cream is an antimicrobial substance. This makes it possible to comprehensively treat thermal and sunburns, as well as prevent bacterial infections in trophic ulcers, cracked nipples in nursing women, etc.

Conditionallynegative The quality of the cream can be considered the need to apply it to burns and wounds “manually” - directly with your fingers or a cotton swab, which can create discomfort. But the antimicrobial effect of the cream covers this “flaw”, so grade Bepanten Plus – 10 points.

Reviews: “I used Bepanten Plus several times, and each time it was effective. One of the best remedies for burns, but the smell is too “medical”; it is not always convenient to “wear” the cream in a public place."

good remedy for complex burns

Price an aerosol can weighing 80g is about 250 rubles.

Olazol is a whole complex of active ingredients, including an antibiotic (Levomycetin), an anesthetic (Anestezin), a stimulator of regeneration processes (sea buckthorn oil). This “rich” cocktail allows the spray to be used in a wider range: non-healing or infected burns, microbial eczema, trophic ulcers and other conditions accompanied by bacterial infection or causing a risk of it. In addition, anesthesin has a local anesthetic effect, which, in the case of painful burns and injuries, makes it possible to do without systemic pain medications.

TO shortcomings Olazol may include possible individual intolerance to its components, as well as its undesirable use in case of sunburn: the antibiotic contained in the spray can cause an allergic reaction.

Olazol's rating is 9 points out of 10, this is one of the best remedies for complex burns.

Reviews: “My husband severely burned his hand at work, and it was not immediately possible to provide help. A large blister formed on the hand, which burst after a few hours and began to bleed. We recommended Olazol, and we were not mistaken: it relieves pain well, the wound began to dry out within a day. Now even the scar is barely noticeable, although I thought that a huge scar would remain."

best ointment for burns

Price tubes weighing 35 g average 350 rubles.

The main active components of the ointment are substances that stimulate skin regeneration - vitamins A, E and D. By stimulating tissue metabolism, Radevit allows you to accelerate the healing of the skin in case of thermal burns, any uninfected wounds, and also has a symptomatic effect in dermatoses, eliminating skin itching. The product can easily be called one of the best ointments for burns.

In addition, Radevit promotes normal skin hydration. Often the “new” skin that grows on wounds becomes overdried, cracks form on it, as a result of which secondary infection is possible. Thanks to the optimal level of moisture when using Radevit, this risk is minimized.

Main positive The cream has a small number of contraindications: the active components of Radevit are substances present in the human body. Therefore, its use is possible in children under 1 year of age, in pregnant and lactating women.

TO shortcomings There may be a limitation on the time of use: with prolonged use of the cream, the development of hypervitaminosis A, E, D is possible.

Score on a 10-point scale – 8.

Reviews: “At one time I treated a child’s burn from boiling water (small, about 3 cm in diameter). The skin has healed well, a small scar is visible only against the background of tanned skin. But the cream is very greasy and is slowly absorbed."

Sea buckthorn oil
best natural remedy for burns

Price a 50ml bottle costs about 200 rubles.

This is perhaps the most famous and best natural remedy for treating thermal burns. This popularity is due to the almost complete harmlessness of sea buckthorn oil and the absence of contraindications (with the exception of allergic reactions to the components of the oil and/or individual intolerance).

The main active ingredients of sea buckthorn oil: biologically active components that stimulate skin regeneration and healing and provide an antiseptic effect. To treat burns, only natural oil is used - undiluted.

TO positive The advantages of sea buckthorn oil include its versatility and wide range of indications: the presence of this product in the home medicine cabinet is a good help in the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers, thermal burns and even a number of systemic diseases, such as vitamin deficiencies. The oil may contain additives such as cedar resin, which further enhances the effectiveness of the product.

Conditionallynegative Its quality can be called its liquid consistency, which presents a certain inconvenience during application. In addition, the high fat content causes some “danger” for clothing, especially when applied externally to fidgety children.

However, the 100% natural origin of this product, high efficiency and minimal number of contraindications provided it with a score of 10 points.

Reviews: “I never forget to replenish the reserves of sea buckthorn oil in the first aid kit. The best remedy for all occasions: it started when I was treating my youngest son’s burn from a motorcycle exhaust pipe, then while traveling to the dacha I forgot hand cream at home and used the oil (I highly recommend it, by the way ), and now I just can’t do without it!"

First aid for burns

For burns that are not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, a burned area is necessary place for 15-20 minutes under a gentle stream of cold water. After this, you need to dry the burn with soft blotting movements using a sterile gauze pad, and apply a burn remedy.

Apply a dry sterile bandage to a burn with skin damage (make sure that the bandage does not put pressure on the wound). In case of burn injuries with a violation of the integrity of the skin, as well as in case of extensive lesions, under no circumstances use any wound products, even if you are sure of their effectiveness. This is due to the fact that for some time after receiving a burn, the wound remains sterile (due to exposure to high temperatures) and the application of any products, even those intended to treat burns, carries a risk of infection.

Burns requiring medical attention

Treatment of a burn at home is allowed only in cases where it is accompanied by redness of the burned area (small blisters up to 1 cm in diameter filled with clear liquid may appear), and the total area of ​​skin damage does not exceed the size of the victim’s palm. If a burn is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms and circumstances, the victim should be taken to the nearest emergency department:

  1. the affected area exceeds the size of the palm;
  2. burns on the face, genitals, mucous membranes of the nose and/or mouth;
  3. “sticky” fragments of clothing remained at the burn site;
  4. the contents of the blister are opaque (with inclusions of blood and pus);
  5. increased body temperature;
  6. nausea, vomiting, confusion;
  7. the victim is too young or old;
  8. a recent illness that has weakened a person’s immune system.

Before the victim is examined by a doctor, he must be provided with plenty of fluids and rest. In case of severe pain, the patient can be given an anesthetic (in case of confusion or unconsciousness, all drugs are administered only by injection!).

If you have suffered damage due to exposure to heat or chemicals, it is important to take the right measures in a timely manner so as not to cause further damage. Which treatment methods are best to use depends on the degree of damage to the skin. When you need to relieve inflammation, soreness, speed up regeneration and cure a problem area, you have to look into the first aid kit. On the blog of the Tovarik trading platform you can learn about the best effective remedy for skin burns.

There are 4 types of injuries, depending on which therapy is prescribed. Properly performed actions help to quickly reduce discomfort, and the right treatment will prevent complications.

What are the degrees?

1. The epidermis is superficially damaged, slight swelling and redness appear. A slight burning sensation and a feeling of increased temperature in the damaged area, which can occur even from prolonged exposure to sunlight. It usually goes away in a couple of days, leaving no traces behind.

2. In the second case, blisters form, inside of which there is a cloudy content, and the pain is stronger and longer lasting than in the first case. If you carry out therapy and apply the right medicine for skin burns, then everything will heal in 12-14 days.

3. A more serious form when treatment is mandatory. Tissue necrosis begins, which is extremely dangerous to health. A scab forms over the wound, which looks like a dry crust. The affected area and the area around it do not hurt due to damaged receptors; heat and severe inflammation are felt.

In variety “A,” some of the cells are preserved, which promotes further healing. Sometimes it looks like bubbles merging with each other. If infection does not appear, the body will repair itself. With “B,” the entire skin dies, the wounded area will not heal, and a dermis transplant is necessary.

4. Maximum degree. Along with it, black charred skin is formed, muscles are deeply damaged, bones and subcutaneous tissue are melted. In this case, urgent hospitalization and inpatient therapy are required. Even the best remedy for burns at home will not help; systemic treatment and specialist supervision are needed.

At any stage, the main thing is to choose the right tactics and carry out all the necessary measures. The sooner the action is taken, the better the wound will heal.

The most important thing is to quickly stop exposure to the source. It could be heat, fire, or a chemical substance. Then dry ice is applied to the affected area or placed under cold water.

When first aid is provided to a person, it is not advisable to immediately apply burn medications. First, the skin next to the inflamed area is cleansed with ether, then with alcohol. If there are particles of dead tissue in the wound, you should rinse it with saline solution. Such actions contribute to further accelerated healing.

Types by type of impact and area

  1. from liquid - spreads deeper;
  2. from steam - a long, but usually shallow spot, no more than grade 2, occasionally affecting the respiratory tract;
  3. from an open flame - there may be an extended wound without serious stages, often complicated by the need to clean the affected area from foreign inclusions in the form of threads of burnt clothing;
  4. from touching hot objects - swelling can be deep.

Treatment varies depending on the factor.

Treatments for skin burns differ due to interactions with chemical compounds. It is important to identify what exactly the contact was with. Further therapy depends on this:

  1. Acid. Immediately after it appears on the surface of the skin, a scab of coagulated protein is formed. This is the body's defense mechanism that prevents harmful compounds from getting deeper. The stronger the substance, the faster the reaction will be.
  2. Alkali. Causes a different process, softening and stretching tissue. Moves deeper into the body, often reaching grade 2.
  3. Salt of heavy metals. Superficially it resembles the result of contact with acid, usually no more than the initial level.

Damage can be radiation or electrical, combined or combined. The former are often located under the skin and do not require a means to heal burns, the latter appear at the point of entry and exit of the discharge in the event of unsuccessful contact with the current.

Combined - those that include several types of similar lesions. A combination with fractures, dislocations, and incised wounds is also possible.

The type of further therapy depends on the area occupied by the injury. The larger it is, the higher the need to go to the hospital. To determine what percentage of the injury area is occupied, you can count the victim’s palm as 1%. If the size is small, you can choose a remedy for treating burns yourself; if the size is large, it is better to check with your doctor.

In a hospital setting, for a more accurate determination, take sterile cellophane or gauze and apply it to the site. Trace the outline of the burned area, then cut it out and transfer it to graph paper to calculate the exact area.

First aid

The most important thing to do is to eliminate the source of the damage. Further actions should depend on whether there are additional injuries and how severe the damage is.

If at stage 1 the depth is not great, it is worth immersing a part of the body under cold water. This will help reduce fever and soreness. This action can be carried out for up to 15 minutes if the liquid is not lower than 12 degrees. A simple measure will prevent the spread of inflammation and normalize the condition of the skin.

Cold is a remedy for thermal burns, which can reduce or relieve spasms and help make nerve endings less susceptible.

Then you need to check whether there are any remnants of clothing or other foreign bodies left on the surface. If you can’t remove it with clean hands, don’t touch it!

It is important to check that nothing is squeezing or rubbing the damaged area. Then an ointment is applied - you can choose “D-Panthenol”, “Bepanten plus”. If necessary, the patient should take pain medication. You can also wrap only with sterile materials. The use of a bandage is not recommended, as are pressure bandages.

The second degree requires increased attention. If the area is larger than the palm of your hand, you need to consult a specialist and do not use the burn remedy yourself. If the size is smaller, you can correct the situation yourself.

The injured area should be kept under cold conditions for up to 60 minutes until numbness sets in. This is the most effective method to minimize the destruction of the epidermis. If the lesion occurs as a result of contact with a chemical compound, it is first removed from the skin and then washed.

To relieve pain, you can use any painkillers, including injections. You cannot open the blisters yourself, smear them with oil or sour cream, apply cotton wool, or tear off stuck pieces of fabric. If suppuration is observed inside the bladder, it is carefully opened in the hospital. The wound is treated with antibacterial or anti-burn ointment.

The third degree cannot even be alleviated at home. While the ambulance is on its way, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the damage.

The injured area can be covered with a sterile napkin if it is small. In case of voluminous injuries, do not use drugs to treat burns, cover or bandage them.

It is not advisable to give painkillers, as this will complicate the diagnosis. Doctors have to collect anamnesis, but if a person does not feel pain, this is difficult. In addition, home medicine cabinets are unlikely to have sufficiently strong analgesics.

The last degree is characterized by burn shock, increased pressure and excitability of the victim. For a long time he does not feel pain. The skin becomes pale, the affected parts become black and charred. A fatal outcome is possible, so treatment is indicated only in a hospital setting under constant supervision. There is nothing you can do at home; delay is dangerous to your health.

When you can't cope on your own

It is possible to correct the situation on your own in cases where the wound is red and accompanied by slight swelling and blisters up to 1 cm. It is important that they do not fester and do not collectively exceed the size of the palm of your hand. If there are one or more signs of more severe damage, you should immediately go to the hospital.

When to go to hospital:

  1. big square;
  2. there are affected areas on the face, mucous membranes or genitals;
  3. pieces of clothing, dirt and other foreign bodies are stuck;
  4. inside the blister there is blood or pus, emitting an unpleasant odor;
  5. the temperature is constantly elevated;
  6. additional symptoms appeared - vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness or confusion;
  7. a small child or an elderly person was injured;
  8. recently suffered from a serious illness;
  9. the patient has low immunity.

The patient will be examined by a doctor and quickly prescribed treatment; he will be provided with plenty of fluids, rest and the necessary medications. If a person is in severe pain, a local anesthetic is used, tablets or injections are offered, depending on the level of pain.

What will help: recommendations for choosing

You should pay attention to the composition. If there is even a minimal amount of substances that are poorly tolerated by the body, you should not use such a drug.

If the wound is superficial and clean, a sterile bandage and a simple anti-burn cream or foam like Panthenol will be sufficient. If the affected area festers, it is necessary to use antibacterial medications; if the healing period is long, antibiotic ointments should be used. If complications are detected, you should seek professional help, even if the size of the injury is minor. This will help prevent the condition from getting worse.

Rating of the most effective drugs for skin burns

In your first aid kit you must have at least one product that will help in case of injury. There are a lot of medications with this purpose. In this article from Tovariki you can find the most useful ones that can help you quickly.

Panthenol spray

One of the most popular according to buyers. The volume of the can is usually 300 ml. The consistency is airy, light foam, sprayed onto the affected area. Recommended for use for any minor damage. Stimulates the synthesis of biologically active compounds in the body and promotes accelerated wound healing. Relieves inflammation.


  1. Relieves pain
  2. Helps with sunburn, household burns or light scratches on the skin
  3. Disinfects the affected area
  4. Promotes cell restoration


  1. High price

Bepanten plus

With the same active ingredient - dexpanthenol. Additionally, the composition includes an antimicrobial effect, which better helps against burns with the likelihood of contamination of the injury site and prevents bacterial infections. Sold in a 30 g tube.

The downside is that you have to apply the mixture with your hands or a cotton pad, touching the painful skin. In addition, it can leave a greasy mark on clothes. But thanks to its thick consistency, it does not spread and is completely absorbed into the affected skin.


  1. Pleasantly cools damaged skin
  2. Protects the wound from infections
  3. Provides a powerful antibacterial agent


  1. Applying the product to the burn site can be unpleasant and even painful.
  2. Leaves marks on fabric


An aerosol that is effective for complex lesions. The composition includes an antibiotic and pain reliever, as well as sea buckthorn oil, which triggers metabolic processes and regeneration. This medication allows you to relieve pain and inflammation without resorting to taking pills.

Areas of application include non-healing wounds, ulcers, burns of the first and second degrees of severity. It is not advisable to use it only under sun exposure - it can cause allergies.


  1. The product can be used as a local anesthetic
  2. Heals various types of wounds
  3. Prevents inflammation


  1. Not suitable for treating sunburn
  2. May cause allergies


Aimed at skin renewal, excellent for simple problems, and relieves inflammation. Stimulates the body's recovery processes and accelerates healing. Removes itching, moisturizes, prevents the formation of cracks in new tissue. Recommended even for children under 1 year of age and pregnant women. It is important not to use too often to avoid the risk of developing hypervitaminosis.


  1. Cools the wound site
  2. Relieves pain quickly
  3. Promotes wound healing
  4. Moisturizes the skin


  1. Not suitable for long term use
  2. High price

Sea buckthorn oil

An anti-burn product that does its job perfectly. The medicine gained its popularity due to its natural ingredients and harmlessness. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Regeneration and healing are stimulated and an antiseptic effect is provided. It is considered universal - it helps with various diseases and problems. The only downside is that the consistency is greasy and runny. If it gets on clothes it is quite difficult to wash off.


  1. Composition based on natural ingredients
  2. Repairs damaged cells
  3. Protects against infections


  1. Inconvenient when applied to skin
  2. Leaves greasy marks on fabric

Ointment dressing "Branolind"

Material with an antibacterial effect, promoting rapid recovery. Softens the edges of wounds, stimulates tissue renewal, does not allow scars to form, and does not stick to the damage.

It is easy to change, allows oxygen to pass through perfectly, allowing the lesion to heal faster. Much better than simple gauze or bandage.


  1. Convenient to use
  2. Does not stick to the wound
  3. Allows the skin to breathe
  4. Quickly heals any damage to the skin


  1. Doesn't stick to the body at all

Balm “Rescuer”

It has proven itself as a quality remedy for burns and frostbite. Reduces pain, restores cells, soothes the skin.


  1. Contains natural ingredients: sea buckthorn oil and beeswax
  2. Quickly restores skin cells
  3. Suitable for healing any wounds, even insect bites
  4. Cheap


  1. Strong unpleasant odor
  2. Poorly absorbed into the skin

Balm “Guardian”

Thick white mass in tubes of 30 mg. Wound-healing antiseptic that relieves pain and swelling. It has an extensive list of indications for use - dryness, diaper rash, cracks. Relieves inflammation and redness. It has almost no contraindications or side effects.


  1. Heals any wounds on the skin
  2. Pleasant mint smell
  3. Low cost


  1. Leaves greasy marks on clothes

Spray "Emergency"

Indian preparation based on natural ingredients. Able to stimulate healing and regeneration. Relieves pain, reduces swelling, restores minor tissue damage. It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Can stop bleeding and clean the wound surface. Sprays from a distance, there is no need to touch the affected area of ​​the body.


  1. Acts quickly
  2. Prevents inflammation and fungal development
  3. Convenient to use
  4. Tightens the skin at the site of injury
  5. Pleasantly cools


  1. High price

Ointment "Levomekol"

Relieves pain, redness. An old effective domestic product with a new, modern and improved formula. Used after injury to speed up healing.


  1. Accelerates healing
  2. Can be used by adults and children
  3. Excellent disinfection
  4. Not expensive


  1. May cause allergies


Copes with burns, cuts, bedsores. Protects against possible infection, has an antimicrobial effect - prevents suppuration in the wound. Increases the chances of a quick cure.


  1. Heals even deep wounds
  2. Prevents infection
  3. Contains silver ions


  1. Not suitable for treatment of pregnant women and children under 1 year of age
  2. Should be used with caution in people with impaired liver or kidney function.

Safety precautions

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. To avoid it, you should pay attention to a few tips, known from life safety lessons:

  1. Do not leave hot objects within the reach of children;
  2. there is no need to leave the switched-on iron and stove unattended even for a short time;
  3. A double boiler and a multicooker are dangerous equipment and must be handled with care;
  4. Be extremely careful when interacting with caustic chemicals, boiling water, open fire and other things that can cause harm.

The best remedies for burns are caution, attentiveness and responsibility.

Fundamentals of medical knowledge and skills, techniques for providing first aid to victims of an accident or accident

Articles → Preparations for the treatment of burns

Modern means for treating burns

For local treatment of burns many are currently in use modern drugs, from which you can choose a number of the most effective and often used in medical practice. They will be discussed in this article.

To properly provide first aid for burns, it is necessary to take into account the type of impact on the tissue and the type of substance that caused the burn. In the future, for successful treatment of a burn, it is necessary to have an understanding of the biological laws of wound healing. In the healing of a burn wound, three main phases are quite clearly visible: inflammation, regeneration and epithelization.

  1. Inflammatory phase: necrotic masses melt and the wound is cleansed of decay products, damaged tissue and contamination;
  2. Regeneration phase: proliferation of connective tissue elements; Young, vascular-rich granulation tissue develops at the bottom and walls of the wound.
  3. Epithelization phase (closure of the wound with skin): scar formation and final healing of the wound.

At different stages of wound healing, different principles of therapy are used, on which the choosing local burn treatments.

After providing first aid in the first phase of healing of a burn wound, the spread of bacterial infection should be prevented, for which antibacterial and antiseptic agents are used. Further, when the wound has been cleared of necrotic tissue, attention should be paid to the effect on the healing processes and the use of means that promote rapid tissue regeneration.

So, when choosing a means of treating a burn, it is important to remember that the active principle in a particular drug must meet the main problem being solved in a specific phase of the wound process.
According to the active principle, all drugs can be divided into three groups: antibacterial drugs; compositions that stimulate tissue regeneration (healing); compositions that combine antibacterial and healing-stimulating effects.

List of the most effective and frequently used drugs in the local treatment of burns.

Group 1. Antibacterial drugs. This group includes antibiotics and antiseptics.

  1. iodine preparations: iodinol, betadine, vocadine (ointment);
  2. preparations containing ammonium salts: rokkal (solutions), catapol, aethonium;
  3. preparations containing silver: based on highly dispersed colloidal silver - poviargol in the form of a solution or gel; based on silver sulfadiazine - silvederm (ointment, cream), dermazin.

Group 2. Healing promoting drugs: panthenol (aerosol); solcoseryl; actovegin; sea ​​buckthorn oil; propolis.

Group 3. Composition compositions: olasol; levomekol; argakol; amprovisol.

The combined use of these drugs can be found in different formulations. A combination of antiseptics, painkillers and healing-promoting drugs is often used.

Description of some modern drugs for local treatment of burns:

  1. Argakol (glue) is an easy-to-use product, it is a hydrogel with antiseptics (catapol, dioxidin, silver preparation poviargol). Has a strong antimicrobial effect. In addition to treating burns, it is used to treat abrasions and cuts. After application, the adhesive dries to form an elastic, water- and breathable film that can be easily removed with water.
  2. Betadine – active ingredient: Povidone-iodine. A modern alternative to iodine. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Ointment for the treatment of burns and wounds is applied in a thin layer to the affected surface of the skin several times a day.
  3. Katapol – active ingredient: Benzalkonium chloride + Povidone copolymer with crotonic acid. Broad-spectrum antiseptic. For the treatment of burns, it is used externally in the form of a 1% aqueous solution, which is prepared from a 10% solution, diluting it with distilled water. Gauze bandages, napkins or tampons are impregnated with the drug and applied to the wound daily.
  4. Silvederm (silvadene, dermazin) is a sulfonamide drug, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Active ingredient: Sulfadiazine. The bactericidal properties of the drug are ensured by the activity of silver ions. Available in the form of aerosol, cream and ointment for external use.
  5. Solcoseryl – biogenic stimulator of regeneration; protein-free standardized extract from calf blood. Used to improve metabolic processes and accelerate tissue regeneration, in particular for burns. I use gel and ointment to treat burns. The gel is applied to the damaged surface 1-2 times a day; the newly formed epithelium at the edge of the wound is treated with ointment. As soon as the wound stops getting wet, proceed completely to using the ointment.
  6. Panthenol – stimulator of tissue regeneration; active substance: Dexpanthenol, B vitamin. Improves tissue regeneration, has a metabolic and some anti-inflammatory effect. Apply in the form of aerosols or cream. The cream is easy to rub in, so it is especially convenient for light burns and painful sunburn. The aerosol is sprayed onto the affected areas from a distance of 10-20 cm several times a day so that the entire affected surface is covered with the drug.
  7. Amprovisol - aerosol. A combined drug that contains propolis, anesthesin, menthol and vitamin D. It has anti-burn, local anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and cooling effects, and promotes accelerated skin regeneration. Used for sun and thermal burns of the first degree.
  8. Olazol - wound healing agent; combined foam preparation with sea buckthorn oil. Available in the form of an aerosol for external use. It has an anesthetic and antibacterial effect, reduces exudation, promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates the process of epithelization of wounds.

Recently, they have become widespread wound coverings (wipes or bandages with medications pre-applied to a gel or textile base), providing maximum wound sparing, promoting complete regeneration and scar-free healing of the burn.

Examples of some ready-to-use wound dressings:

  1. Activetex – napkins made of a special textile base with various medicines. There are up to 16 options for these wonderful coatings: antiseptics, anesthetics, hemostatics, antioxidants, etc. For the treatment of burn wounds in the inflammation stage they are used Activtex MR (active ingredient: antiseptic Miramistin), wipes with enhanced analgesic effect Activtex HL (active ingredients: chlorhexidine antimicrobial, lidocaine- local anesthetic) and Activtex FL (active ingredients: furagin - antimicrobial, lidocaine).
  2. Biodespol – a therapeutic coating that stimulates tissue regeneration. Contains lidocaine (painkiller) and antiseptic (Miramistin or chlorhexidine). Wounds are quickly cleared of fibrin and areas of thin scab, and active epithelization occurs. The bandage is easy to use and does not injure the wound.
  3. Branolind – a cotton bandage with Peruvian balsam, which is a good antiseptic.
  4. Voskopran – a bandage consisting of a polyamide mesh impregnated with beeswax and antiseptic ointment. Provides good drainage of wound exudate. The Voskopran dressing does not stick to the wound and promotes wound healing without scars.

► For more information about the method of use, contraindications and side effects, see the instructions for use of the drug, which are included in each package.

I hope the above information will help you in choosing the best treatment for your burn.

Literature and links:

- Remedies for burns. Krylov K. M. SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2005
- Medicines. M.D. Mashkovsky. Moscow, “New Wave”, 2002
— KSMU students website: Wound healing

Modern and effective drugs for the treatment of burns, wound healing phases; treatment of burn wounds and scars; ointments, gels, aerosols, wound dressings