Provisanie skin on the face

Young skin is smooth, elastic and glowing with health. All this ensures the dense extracellular matrix of the dermis, the tone of muscle tissue and the correct location of the fatty layer of the hypodermis - subcutaneous fatty tissue. On average, after 25 years (sometimes a little earlier, sometimes later), the renewal of cells in the stratum corneum slows down, the amount of hyaluronic acid produced decreases, and dilated blood vessels become more noticeable. The general structure of the extracellular matrix of the dermis, which is the framework of the skin, gradually weakens, and signs of ptosis begin to appear: the face becomes plump and puffy, loose folds form, and the “turn” of the cheekbones changes.

Age-related changes flip the “beauty triangle” (high cheekbones, thin jaw lines) 180º: the jaw line widens and weakens, the cheeks become flatter, and the corners of the mouth drop down.

The main reasons for the development of ptosis

Facial ptosis can manifest itself in different ways, and methods of dealing with it will depend on the severity of the manifestation. At the request of Marie Claire, Galina Ryazanova, chief technologist of the laboratory of modern cosmetics MIXIT, told how the 3 degrees of ptosis differ and what signs can be used to visually diagnose them (look in the mirror). Most often, the first degree of development of ptosis appears at 30-35 years, the second and third can become noticeable by 40-45 years.

Most of the fair sex are very sensitive to their appearance and tirelessly monitor it to prevent premature wrinkles and aging.

However, not all women still realize that a mask for sagging skin is just a home measure to maintain beauty, which is not able to restore elasticity. In order to always remain fresh and attractive,
It is important to know the main sources of flabbiness and withering, as well as to be able to recognize them in a timely manner in order to combat them.

Why does the skin on the face sag ↑

The reasons for sagging skin are quite simple and banal. Most often, the oval of the face floats and the skin loses elasticity because the biological clock, alas, is constantly ticking and the time comes when a woman’s hormonal function declines.

Often this process takes effect after 30-35 years, and sagging is caused by the fact that the natural production of collagen and elastin in skin cells decreases.
That is why these substances can be found in anti-aging creams of many well-known brands - they are designed to prevent premature ptosis of the facial skin.

However, sometimes for a number of reasons, for example, due to excessive sunbathing, smoking, alcohol and junk food, the skin begins to lose its freshness long before the natural aging mechanism starts. Also, there are by no means isolated cases when such a phenomenon is caused by unfavorable genetics - very often overweight women look older than their real age, and their facial contours are unclear even in their youth.

In this case, you can try to lose weight to improve the contours of your face, but it is important to be careful here: suddenly losing extra pounds will only make your problems worse.

In their fresh youth, many girls' faces look rounder and somewhat wider than they do over the years - after 25 years, this fat layer gradually thins out, and therefore the skin seems to float down, the face becomes thin, and its features become sharper.

Sagging facial skin after losing weight: what to do ↑

Sometimes young ladies turn to specialists in the hope of restoring skin elasticity after unsuccessful weight loss. However, side effects after unsuccessful weight loss cannot be corrected either by creams or masks.

It is in cases where noticeable sagging of the oval has occurred against the background of sudden weight loss that we can say that no creams or masks will help - such measures are good in the initial stages, when there is no pronounced ptosis.

How to tighten sagging skin on the face ↑

Today, progressive measures to combat sagging and premature wrinkles are the best means to stay young as long as possible. The list of these measures includes hardware procedures that are provided in beauty salons, and “smart” creams with a lifting effect and effective masks, which contain special substances and, of course, injections and surgical interventions.

Surgical methods ↑

Lipofilling will allow you to remove sagging skin, which has become very widespread - we mentioned this procedure at the beginning of the article. On the operating table, the surgeon, using a special device, first removes some fatty tissue from your body (usually it is taken from the thighs, abdomen, etc.), and then uses a cannula - a device similar to a large syringe - to distribute the fatty tissue under the skin of the face.

This measure gives instant results and provides a lasting effect - with the help of lipofilling you can fight with dark circles around the eyes, and with deep wrinkles, and with wrinkled skin on the hands.
Also, the list of effective beauty procedures for restoring elasticity includes beauty injections - they are relatively affordable and safe, and if performed by a professional plastic surgeon, you can get a beautiful result without the “pumped-up face” effect. This includes injections with hyaluronic acid, Botox, and other similar drugs.
Naturally, in some cases, for example, when a woman is already well over forty or with severe ptosis and sagging skin that cannot be eliminated in any other way, real plastic surgery comes to the rescue - a lift.

But modern methods make it possible to abandon the dangerous classical operation, which leaves unsightly scars and requires a long recovery period. Nowadays, temporal facelift is increasingly being performed - a procedure in which small incisions are made in the temple area, through which the lower part of the face is lifted. After a temporal lift, you can go out into the world already on the second or third day, and the effect after it comes instantly: the contour of the face becomes clear, nasolabial furrows disappear, and jowls disappear.

Hardware cosmetology ↑

Thanks to modern technologies, slight sagging on the face can be eliminated very quickly. In the arsenal of good beauty salons, special procedures are provided, the essence of which is to enhance the regeneration process in soft tissues and cause blood flow to the upper layers of the skin.

Due to this, the color and oval of the face improves, and the process of natural elastin production starts. The cost of such procedures is usually quite high, and for a lasting effect at least 5-10 sessions will be required.
Also, in the fight for elastic facial skin, special peelings help, which act directly on the deep layers of the dermis without burning the upper ones. Thanks to this, after the procedure there are no typical peeling side effects - peeling, burning and redness.

Massage will also help restore youth to the cells of the dermis and get rid of sagging face - like other methods, it resumes normal blood flow in the soft tissues, thereby enhancing metabolic processes and causing the accelerated formation of new skin cells.

With comprehensive facial skin care, you can achieve the desired result: symptoms of facial skin laxity will significantly decrease, recommendations will help prolong youth and maintain attractiveness.

The skin on the face is sagging, what should I do? This question worries many men and women who have crossed the threshold of youth or have suddenly lost weight. Changes in the face become more and more distressing every day, and people begin to try to restore firmness and elasticity to the skin at any cost. In this publication, we’ll talk about how to properly eliminate sagging skin on the face and neck, consider both salon and home methods of dealing with this problem, and touch on the issue of food and gymnastics to maintain skin tone.

Causes and symptoms of sagging skin

When a person gets better, the face becomes fuller first. In the cheek area, between the facial muscles, there are pouches in which fatty tissue is formed. It is very difficult to remove it. After losing weight, the stretched skin of the face sags under the weight of the bags, and sagging cheeks appear. The same effect is observed with age. Collagen production decreases, the skin becomes less elastic, flabby and, ultimately, sags. In addition to the skin in the cheek area, areas around the eyes and mouth, the transition zone to the neck and the temporal part sag on the face.

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Disruption of the thyroid gland greatly affects all organs, including the skin. Failure of the endocrine system can lead to obesity or sudden weight loss. Metabolic processes begin to work incorrectly, and the epidermis undergoes severe changes, manifested in the form of acne, sagging, dryness, and wrinkling.
