Transparent beige foundation color

Why is the undertone not determined by the color of the veins and do you need an adjuster?


The foundation of a cosmetic bag and half the success - This is a properly selected foundation. You can live beautifully without it, but it’s hard to imagine technical and complex makeup without a tone that will allow colors to lie as cleanly as possible, and shapes and textures not to conflict with each other. The times when foundations could not be recommended for regular use are far behind us. New formulas have more and more advantages: many of them have additional caring effects; in the cold season, the coating can protect the skin from aggressive external influences, and a wide selection of textures allows you to choose the ideal invisible assistant. Together with makeup artist and author of the blog Super make up Suka Gevorg, we are trying to figure out how not to make a pocket-draining mistake, what adjusters are and how to find your ideal color.

Hue and undertone


You can find all the basic rules on how to choose the right decorative product in the mandatory set of any beauty blog: it is recommended to determine the skin tone by the color of the veins on the wrist or by applying a white sheet to the face. These tips are not universal, so even those with an even and stable complexion should take into account the nuances. In addition to genetics, the condition, and therefore the color, of the skin is influenced by many factors - if once everything is taken into account, then it will be possible to get rid of painful searches for a long time.

There is no single regulation in describing skin color, so foundations are sold under a variety of lush names. You can hear up to a dozen designations of undertones: golden, bluish, olive, reddish, greenish. Let's agree that for our explanation five will be enough: the undertone can be, as is clear from the popular assortment, yellow or pink, as well as olive or neutral (in such skin several pigments are found in almost equal proportions). For dark skin, red is also used. With the main tone, things are much easier - shades are ranked by saturation from light to dark, and not only professional brands have a large selection.

The yellow undertone is the most problem-free, especially today: suitable shades of varying degrees of intensity can easily be found among Korean-made foundations. Such skin usually does not require strong color correction, and ideal coverage is easy to achieve using even the lightest fluids. You can change the base if your skin tans easily in summer, but it is possible that you can get by with one suitable color, complementing it with bronzer. For those with pink undertones, it’s a little more difficult. Even on healthy and well-groomed skin, areas where blood vessels are naturally located closer to the surface can be noticeable - as a rule, this is the nose area. During the cold season, redness, which may not be to everyone's taste, becomes a regular companion every time you go outside.

Those with pink undertones are often advised to choose a product with yellow undertones to compensate. Gevorg explains that this should only be done if you really don’t like strong redness or want to hide rosacea: “If you have a face with a pink undertone, then you need to relax and choose a shade of foundation that matches your skin color. And if you have problem skin, closely spaced blood vessels and a distinctly pink complexion, I would advise trying light moisturizing textures like CC creams. Then, when choosing a color, you can place more emphasis on the yellow undertone. This simple technique will help create a visual sense of an even complexion.” It should be noted that special labeling, again due to the lack of any consensus in the name of the products, can be deceiving. A color labeled as “beige” can have both yellow and pink undertones, so clarification will never be superfluous.

Olive skin undertone is not that common and is defined as yellow with a greenish tint. It is because of this that even very fair skin can appear dark, so rich foundations with a yellow undertone are suitable for her. The rarest neutral shade can go well with different bases depending on the owner’s preferences - when choosing, it is important to choose the perfect color saturation. Special products exist for these complex skin tones, too—look for them from professional brands like MAC, NARS, and Make Up Forever.

Color customization


Brighteners and darkeners (or adjusters) of foundations, which previously were not even found in every makeup artist’s cosmetic bag, have recently become easy to buy for anyone. If the base suits you in all respects except color, then proper customization can work wonders. Gevorg reminds us that, first of all, these products are a type of foundation, differing only in an extremely dark or light shade. So, if there is an available alternative, the bank can easily end up being thrown onto a distant shelf over time.

The makeup artist explains what you need to consider when using such a product: “The lightener has its own texture, light (like the white tone of MAC Face and Body) or much denser (white adjuster Manly Pro). When you mix your foundation with a drop of adjuster, the texture also changes. Here's an example: if you take the light, dewy shade of Chanel Vitalumière Aqua and lighten the shade with MAC Face and Body, the tone density remains the same low. And if you use a light BB cream and try to mix it with the Manly Pro white tone, the overall consistency of the product will immediately become quite thick.”

There are also subtleties in handling color: the most popular mass product, The Body Shop adjuster, contains pink pigment, so if you are not faced with the task of “cooling” the tone at all, it may not be suitable. It is possible that the solution to the problem already lies somewhere among the rubble of cosmetics. For example, Gevorg prefers to use a very light Sephora moisturizing concealer as an adjuster. Thus, your favorite concealers in very light or very dark shades and comfortable textures can perfectly play the role of a customization product - as a rule, among professional brighteners and darkeners, the choice according to this criterion is very meager.

Most products that are intended for daily use do not provide dense coverage, which is not what you should expect from them. The makeup base significantly helps the correct shrinkage of the color of the foundation. Among them there are products intended for color correction - Givenchy Actimine, Smashbox Photo Finish Color Correcting Primer and many others. With their help, you can easily give the skin the desired neutrality, and then apply the main tone.

How to choose funds


Of course, the best option is obvious: you need to try everything on your face. The inner side of the hand is a bad helper in this sense. The skin color of this part of the body often differs from the skin color of the face, and it is quite difficult to adequately assess whether you have chosen the desired coverage density. It is very important to test in natural light, but unfortunately it is a rare beast in our stores. A good solution is to consult a makeup artist who will help you decide not only on the color, but also on the composition that suits your skin type and the general set of products that you need. Many people recommend choosing a tone so that there is no need to complete your makeup with powder, which may not suit problem skin.

If a curse hangs over you and your favorite products are being discontinued, then Findation is a fairly accurate service that searches for similar foundations among all the products it knows. The Temptalia blog has the same function - in addition, there you can choose a foundation based on the main characteristics: undertone and shade.


Very often, girls face problems when choosing a foundation, since it must not only flawlessly mask any imperfections, but also even out the tone of the face, as well as suit the skin type. The beauty of all makeup as a whole will directly depend on how correctly the foundation is chosen.

Popular range

When making foundations, manufacturers often produce many different shades for each line of cosmetic product. Their number can sometimes reach fifteen to twenty or more.

The most popular shades, which are usually presented in all the most famous brands, are peach, sand beige, ivory, golden beige (“light tan”), juicy sunny, porcelain, porcelain color (without yellow), green with a yellow undertone, as well as without yellowness, sand, caramel and many others.


Note: Even if the foundation comes in a transparent container, there is no way to determine how it will look on your skin. You won’t be able to choose a shade of cream from a palette in a magazine. The selection of foundation can only be done by applying different shades of the product to your skin. This can be done in specialized cosmetic stores, in the windows of which there are samples of each cosmetic product on sale.

Remember: If you choose the wrong cream tone, you risk ruining your entire makeup. In this case, the skin of the face will look unnatural, and it may also be very different in color from the neck and other open areas of the body.



How to choose one that is not visible on the face?

It’s very easy to choose the ideal product – just carry out a simple test. You need to apply a little foundation to the cheekbones, wrist or chin. If possible, it is better to apply the product directly to the face. Be sure to wait five minutes after application.

If you guessed right with the tone, the cream will be invisible on the skin - as if it were completely transparent. The skin with the product applied should look fresher, and the complexion should be even and beautiful.



How to choose according to skin tone?

When choosing a foundation, you must first determine what skin tone you have. To do this, just look carefully at your wrist in natural light. Pay attention to the wreaths on the hands. If their shade is slightly bluish, your tone is cold, but if the wreaths have greenish, yellowish or olive shades, your tone is warm.

Girls with cool skin tones should choose foundations with pinkish tones, while those with warm skin tones should choose shades of beige.

If you cannot clearly decide what tone you have (warm or cool), you can opt for products with neutral colors that are universal for all types.

Very often, when choosing a shade of foundation, ladies focus on skin color. There are two main types:

  1. Reddish pink skin (found in people with good active blood circulation) - for such girls a cream in pink shades is suitable.
  2. Tan skin (found in people with a high melanin content) - golden and brown shades of foundation are ideal for owners of this type.



How to make the tone lighter?

Many makeup artists, who are guided by the basic rules of cosmetology, advise when choosing a foundation to choose a product that is one tone lighter than your skin tone. Thanks to this, the tone will look more natural and give the skin freshness and beauty.



Many cosmetic companies are engaged in the production of foundations, among which there are brands that are very popular and in demand among customers. This Avon, Faberlic, Maybelline, L’Oreal, Max Factor and many others.

When choosing a manufacturer, pay attention to several main important points:

  1. product characteristics;
  2. availability of the desired shade of the product in the manufacturer’s palette;
  3. cream consistency;
  4. availability of the required volume of product and a dispenser convenient for you;
  5. price range;
  6. additional properties (sun protection, nutrition, tightening and many others).





On the Internet, many fashionistas share their reviews of all kinds of foundations from different manufacturers. They like some brands more, others less. This is not surprising, because the choice of cosmetics is a purely individual matter. What suits one person perfectly, others absolutely dislike.

You can only choose a product that is 100% right for you through practical means. However, be sure to also pay attention to the reviews of girls on various forums - this way you can at least identify your favorites and weed out completely low-quality products.


On one issue, however, the opinions of all the girls agree. If you choose the right foundation and apply it correctly, it will not only hide all the imperfections of your facial skin, but will also protect it from ultraviolet rays and other external negative influences. The foundation will nourish the skin, keeping it youthful, healthy and beautiful.

How to choose your ideal shade of foundation, watch the following video.

As you know, high-quality makeup is simply unthinkable without a perfectly even and smooth skin texture. To mask minor facial defects - pimples, redness, shallow wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes - such an indispensable cosmetic product as foundation is intended. Along with corrective properties, modern foundations can perform a number of other tasks - moisturize, nourish, mattify and even slightly tighten the skin. The ability to correctly select and apply foundation is considered half the success in creating beautiful makeup. At the same time, illiterate use of this extremely important beauty product can be an even bigger mistake than neglecting its use. If, when you see a wide range of foundations, you are at a loss, not knowing which one is right for you, it’s time to acquire another skill as a professional makeup artist. You will learn about all the intricacies of choosing a foundation for the face from the current issue.


How to decide on “your” foundation: basic rules

  1. If you are planning a trip to a cosmetics store, prepare your skin for testing the foundation - do a light homemade peeling and moisturize your face with cream. Go shopping with a perfectly clean and always makeup-free face.
  2. Give preference to stores with good lighting. Try to choose your foundation in daylight. Ideally, it is better to go outside and once again make sure that you did not miss the shade. Please note that you will only be able to see the final color of the tone after it is completely absorbed. For this, as a rule, 5-7 minutes are enough.
  3. Good stores always have foundation testers and samples. To evaluate the compatibility of the cream with your natural skin tone, apply it not to the back of your hand, as is often recommended, but to the lower cheekbone. It is this area that is closest to the color of the skin on the face and neck.
  4. The absence of visible transitions between natural and tinted skin is a sign that you have chosen the right foundation.
  5. When choosing between two shades of cream, give preference to the one that is a shade lighter than your face. If you want to achieve the effect of darker skin, use bronzer for this purpose, but in no case a dark tone.
  6. Evaluate how comfortable the foundation is on your face. If you feel tightness or a filmy effect on your skin, pay attention to other brands of foundation.
  7. Another important nuance is the texture of the tone. If it is light and translucent, then the cream will blend into the skin almost perfectly. It is typical for products with a dense texture that when applied to the skin they look a little darker than in reality.
  8. If you need to correct the oval of your face, you will need 2 foundations - one tone lighter and one tone darker than your natural skin tone.


Foundation according to skin color and type: secrets of compatibility

To understand the algorithm for selecting a foundation to match your complexion, it is important to know which color type your skin belongs to. There are three main skin tones: cool, warm and neutral. The following tips will help you determine your skin type.

Cool skin tone

  1. the color of the veins on the inside of the wrist is close to blue or purple;
  2. Silver jewelry suits you better;
  3. you look great in pure white and black outfits;
  4. When exposed to sunlight, your skin tends to quickly burn and turn pink;
  5. you have blue, gray or green eyes. Hair color is light, light brown or black with silver, ash, bluish or purple tints.


The mysterious Liv Tyler has a cool skin tone

Warm skin tone

  1. the veins on the wrist have a greenish tint;
  2. Gold suits you better than silver;
  3. the beauty of your skin is emphasized by ivory, off-white and brown outfits;
  4. When you sunbathe, your skin acquires a golden brown hue;
  5. you have brown or hazel-green eyes and copper, brown, wheat, golden or black hair with a reddish tint.


The beautiful Kim Kardashian has a warm skin tone

Neutral skin tone

It is a mixture of warm and cold tones.


Charming Megan Fox's skin tone tends to be neutral

In terms of the most suitable shades of foundation, the recommendations are as follows:

  1. cool skin tone: foundations in light pink tones;
  2. warm skin tone: beige and apricot shades;
  3. mixed skin tone: natural range of colors.

So, if your skin has a pink undertone, go for beige rather than pink. For yellowish skin, shades from the beige-pink palette are recommended. The ideal foundation for dark skin is dark beige, beige-apricot, rich caramel or chocolate. A refreshing pinkish-orange tone is needed if the skin has a grayish, earthy tone. Light peach tone is good for pale and dull skin. If your face experiences periodic redness, replenish your makeup bag with a foundation with a slight greenish tint. But pinkish foundations are definitely not your option.

An equally important aspect when choosing a foundation is your skin type. For oily and combination skin with problematic T-zone, oil-free, water-based foundations are recommended. As a rule, such creams contain sebum-regulating substances that perfectly absorb fat from the surface of the facial skin and at the same time normalize the secretion of sebum. These include zinc, sulfur and B vitamins. Unlike oily skin, dry skin does not need matting, but additional hydration. Foundation components such as aloe, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, plant extracts and all kinds of oils (avocado, coconut, grape seed, etc.) contribute to the nutrition and good hydration of dry dermis. We recommend taking a closer look at widely advertised BB creams. Such products perform several tasks simultaneously - provide skin care, moisturize, vitaminize, improve the texture of the dermis, and neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. The choice of foundation for mature skin also has its own characteristics. In this case, it is important not only to improve the texture of the skin, but also to disguise its age-related changes. This task is feasible for creams with a lifting effect. Often they contain anti-aging additives - moisturizers, antioxidants, vitamins, glycolic acid, caffeine, special plant extracts, etc.


Classification of foundation creams depending on texture

Foundation cream-mousse. Suitable for creating light natural make-up. It is durable and has a pleasant texture. Cream mousse is good because it is almost imperceptible on the skin. Very often it is applied only to the T-zone. In general, this product is intended for mature and combination skin that is not prone to flaking. Cream mousse copes quite poorly with masking defects on the face (redness, pimples, dark circles under the eyes). Foundation with powder effect. Indispensable for oily and inflammation-prone skin (without severe acne). Helps to disguise minor imperfections, but does not create the effect of a mask on the face. Thanks to its combined texture (powder + foundation), it perfectly mattifies the skin. It has a thick and viscous consistency. Ideal for use in the cold season. Not suitable for skin with wrinkles and enlarged pores. Does not require additional powdering of the face. Foundation cream-gel. Thanks to the gel base, this foundation is absorbed very well. It should be applied in a very thin layer. It has a lighter and more transparent texture than creamy toners. Recommended for normal skin. Foundation spray. Aimed at evening out the texture of the face and giving it a beautiful, uniform color. Very easy and quick to apply to the skin. It has good durability and an almost weightless texture. Designed to disguise various skin imperfections (with the exception of obvious acne and unevenness). Suitable for girls who prefer nude makeup. Liquid foundation. Despite the rather dense texture, this cream lays on the skin in an even thin layer. Has excellent masking properties. Reduces the severity of age spots and vascular networks, making facial skin more even. In liquid foundations for oily and combination skin, the proportion of powder prevails over the oil component. But creams for dry skin have an oily texture. Compact foundation. This cream is a real lifesaver for those with problem skin. The texture of compact foundations is medium density. If there is a need to reduce it, you can dilute the cream with a makeup base. To enhance the effect and improve the durability of makeup after applying a compact tone, it must be fixed with a thin layer of powder.

And finally, a few words regarding the methods of applying different types of foundation. To apply cream and liquid foundations to your face, you can use a brush, sponge or fingertips. As for mousses and sticks, the fingertips interact much better with them. Following the massage lines while applying foundation will ensure uniform pigment distribution and prevent skin stretching.


Photos: Viewside, Diamantat, All-pix, Hochu, Joinfo, I-gency, Shpilkiplus