Erectile sinuses

Like any other intestinal disease, the problem of rectal enlargement is one of the most complex and unpleasant. The resulting anomaly is congenital, and the disease itself does not relate to such severe pathologies of the abdominal organs as, for example, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, but it is quite difficult to diagnose. Before the development of complications such as narrowing or displacement of the intestine, anal fissures, rectal prolapse, volvulus and necrosis of areas of mucous tissue, etc., the disease usually does not cause any particular difficulties for the patient. At least until it is at the initial stage of development.

Unlike most problems with the intestines, which just when you think about it, a gag reflex and an uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen immediately appear, the abnormal expansion of the lumen of the rectum does not clearly indicate itself. In people who are faced with this problem in an advanced form, it is often accompanied by periodic bleeding in the anus and severe pain, uneven in intensity and location. In other words, it is impossible to notice this pathology in the initial stages of development unless the patient sees clear evidence of the disease, such as traces of blood on underwear. There is also a serious risk of introducing