Pimple on lip itches

A small pimple on the lip can ruin even the most pleasant impression of a person. It looks ugly, it hurts, itches. What if it rips open and becomes infected, and the already severe rash will have to be treated. It is absurd to be afraid of such formations; it is simply useful to know how to defeat them.


What you have to deal with

Only a specialist, with a careful examination, can accurately diagnose the type of inflammation. Sometimes you have to take a scraping to determine the cause.

There are several types of formations that grow in the most visible and sensitive place:


Comedones manifest themselves as blackheads, small cloudy pimples on the lips. They originate inside closed sebaceous glands or signal excessive formation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. They occur under the nose, at the top of the chin, as there are myriads of sebaceous and sweat glands that play the role of moisturizing.

Common reasons are insufficient hygiene, unsuitable, expired cosmetics. With increased production of sebaceous secretions, cosmetologists determine the skin type as oily. It is more susceptible to contamination than dry cover: dust gets into the enlarged pores, blocking the access of oxygen.

Therefore, an indispensable measure is to properly cleanse your face: remove any remaining makeup before going to bed, use non-aggressive care products (creams, serums with a light, non-greasy texture). Wash your face with warm water, not hot: it causes increased oil production, which will worsen the problem. After cleansing, tone - close the pores. When we treat pimples on the lip, we must abandon decorative cosmetics, especially stop trying to disguise the bumps.


Pustules also pop out due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. A little later, the inflammatory process begins, and acne appears under the lower edge of the mouth. Usually a purulent pimple on the lip is formed due to a common “dirty hand infection”. The habit of touching your face with unwashed hands, biting your nails, picking up a pen or pencil with your teeth leads to suppuration. These white pimples on the lips are distinguished from pimples by the redness around the pus-filled head. It indicates the presence of infection.

Other sources of abscesses, or omentums, turn out to be more serious. For example, a rash under the lips, like pimples around the mouth, is formed due to an allergic reaction to cosmetics, cleansers, or food. It disappears if you change lipstick, facial wash, and eat fewer foods that cause allergies. When pustules form around the mouth, you need to remember what physical and psychological stress you had to endure. The epidermis here is a kind of indicator of the body’s adaptive abilities; rashes in this place indicate stress. Pimples above the lip sometimes signal problems with the facial nerve, so it is better to also consult a neurologist.

Hormonal imbalance can cause acne on the lip. In a woman, a change in hormonal levels occurs before menstruation, during pregnancy. In a child, pimples on the lips most often appear at the age of puberty (puberty). The primary task is to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria throughout the face: squeezing out inflammation yourself is prohibited.

White pimples on the lips can be caused by a gastrointestinal disorder. Traditional Chinese medicine even projects problems of internal organs here. For example, if a tubercle appears under the lip, this is evidence of a disease of the small intestine, above the upper one - a disease of the upper part of the stomach, on the lower part - of the lower part. But traditional medicine partially shares the opinion of the eastern aesculapians. Doctors recommend reviewing your diet, including fresh vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products (preferably homemade yogurt, cottage cheese), drinking more water, and increasing the amount of protein consumed instead of fats and carbohydrates.


If a pimple pops up on your lip and is filled with a clear, sometimes slightly green liquid, this is a sign of herpes, otherwise known as a cold. It originates under the influence of a viral infection that infects most people. To make sure that a pimple that pops up on your lip is not herpes, you need to analyze what caused it. A water pimple on the lip is formed when the virus is activated under the influence of cold temperatures, after overwork: the immune system that restrains the disease becomes weak. First, a single pimple pops up on the lip, itches and hurts. Later, a group of blisters appears nearby, united into a spot. The itching intensifies, eating, drinking, talking becomes very painful. Without treatment, the virus spreads further, the blisters burst, forming oozing sores.

Having discovered an impressive size pimple on the inside of the lip, specialists will immediately recognize stomatitis. It can affect the entire mucous membrane: tongue, gums, tonsils, palate.

The main factors of the disease:

  1. allergy;
  2. poisoning;
  3. failure of the heart, liver, kidneys, endocrine, digestive systems;
  4. infection;
  5. injuries, burns.

Without treatment, stomatitis forms ulcers (in medical terminology - aphthae). There is a foul smell, the ingress of acid and salt causes unbearable pain.

Often the rash becomes a consequence of other diseases (acne, demodicosis) or turns out to be a lipoma - a benign formation in the form of a compaction inside the skin.

To push or not to push – that is the question


Dermatologists and cosmetologists will say in unison: you cannot suppress inflammation! And they will be right. Does someone who has previously forgotten the rules of hygiene guarantee sterility when extracting pus? Squeezing out abscesses at home always risks spreading germs. Then one small pimple can become the source of a big problem. Therefore, only a doctor should remove a pimple on the face. There is no question of squeezing out herpes or stomatitis: this is strictly prohibited.

What to do when it’s somehow embarrassing to go to the dermatologist with one “upstart”? Treat it with disinfectants and help it ripen. Alcohol and lotion will be good helpers. When pus appears at the top of the lesion, use ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, to speed up the process. After the seal breaks, it must be treated with an alcohol solution at least twice a day. Hydrogen peroxide will have to be put aside, otherwise a noticeable scar will appear. If the cause of the outbreak is an allergy, it is necessary to resort to antihistamines. The main thing is to eliminate the irritant.


These tips apply if the pimple on your lip is not herpes. This virus affects the body completely; local treatment alone is powerless. Dermatologists advise taking antiviral drugs (Cycloferon, Acyclovir, Pharmciclovir, Valtrex) and vitamin complexes orally. To support immunity - teas made from rose hips, echinacea, raspberry and currant leaves. External healing is carried out using ointments “Zovirax”, “Gerpevir”. You can use a cheaper analogue - oxolinic ointment, but we must not forget: when interacting with air, it becomes purple in color. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out such therapy at home, with maximum free time.

In some sources you can find advice to cauterize a viral rash with alcohol, tinctures of calendula, and propolis. It is better to avoid this, because alcohol will only irritate the inflammation and damage the tissue. It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of earwax, rubbing with your own hair, or chicken egg film. Essential oils of fir and tea tree have good antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, but they are more suitable for ulcers.

Only a dentist should deal with stomatitis; it is he who will select effective methods of therapy. If going to a specialist in the near future is not possible, you can prevent the spread of tubercles throughout the entire mucous membrane using the Metrogyl Denta gel, lubricating the affected areas with it. Rinsing with a solution of furatsilin, decoctions of chamomile, sage, and hydrogen peroxide diluted with water (1:5) also works well.

In any case, self-medication and excessive arrogance will not lead to anything good. You need to consult a doctor so that later, instead of suffering because of scars and spoiled appearance, you can enjoy a beautiful, fresh look.

Goodbye, pimples

In order for the “pimply” issue to bother you less often, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. control your hands: avoid touching your face, do not press on anything;
  2. choose the right cosmetics, cleansers, and care products;
  3. treat respiratory diseases in a timely manner;
  4. forget fast food, processed foods, eat only healthy foods;
  5. smoking, alcohol - fight;
  6. avoid overwork, get enough sleep.

If the hated pimples on your lips still appear, it is better to seek help from a dermatologist.

A pimple popped up on my lip. Painful, itchy. This didn't happen before. Then they jumped up on their stomachs. They itch too. it hurts more than usual

If the so-called “Pimple” pops up in the form of small blistering rashes, the lip also has its own swelling, slight redness - then perhaps you have herpes. All the symptoms you described really look like herpes. With herpes, the usual symptoms are as follows:

  1. itching, burning, pain.
  2. swelling.
  3. general malaise or weakness.
  4. other symptoms: headache, fever.

Herpes often appears due to weakened immunity, due to hypothermia or overheating of the body. In general, to get rid of herpes, you should use special ointments that are sold in pharmacies, and vitamin C will also come in handy.

Do not take any pills, buy Infagel ointment at the pharmacy, and lubricate the pimples twice a day, morning and evening. If it is herpes, then after a few days there will be no trace of it; if it is chickenpox, the same thing. All viral diseases, stomatitis, gengevitis, chickenpox and much more are treated with Infagel. It does not smear or flow, forms a film, and prevents herpes from spreading further. Costs about 90 rubles.

Pimples on the lips are often confused with herpes (fever or cold sores), among other conditions that characterize this phenomenon include acne. However, there are many differences between a pimple and herpes. Acne can cause a pimple to appear near and directly on the lips (including the corner of the lip, the upper and lower lip, or even the inner lip). How to treat these formations on the face if they already exist? And what to do to prevent them from appearing again?


A lip pimple is a peculiar skin condition in which dead skin cells get stuck in hair follicles, turning them into small reddish lesions, which cannot be said about herpes. Most people tend to have a whitish tip, a sign that they are filled with pus and/or are inflamed hair follicles.

In most cases, pimples do not heal quickly and there is a tendency for them to reappear. You may even encounter marks or scars. To distinguish a cold from a pimple, you just need to listen more closely to your body. In the absence of typical symptoms of a respiratory disease, the neoplasm is most likely an ordinary pimple. These pimples can appear on the lip line, in the corner (mouth), on the inside, near the lips. Anyone can encounter this phenomenon.

In fact, many people often suffer from acne at certain points in their lives. Perhaps an important issue to look into is identifying the cause of these lip pimples. This is worth doing before looking for treatments.

Causes of acne on lips

At all, pimples on the human body are caused by:

  1. Bacteria;
  2. Overactive oil glands;
  3. Irritation of hair follicles due to dead skin cells.


In addition, hormonal imbalance may be the cause. It can cause pimples at various stages of growth, including those near the mouth. For example, most women will experience pimples on their lips during pregnancy due to hormonal changes during this critical stage of their lives. Likewise, during puberty (especially in teenagers), there is a higher chance of acne due to overactive glands and hormonal changes.

Sexually transmitted diseases. As already noted, sexually transmitted herpes infection can cause acne. However, they are easy to distinguish as they will be in small clusters and have a canker-like appearance.

Skin type. Another possible cause of pimples could be your skin type. Generally, people who have oily skin are found to be more prone to acne compared to other skin types.

Inexpensive and low-quality makeup. Some of the inexpensive lip glosses, lipsticks, moisturizers and balms have been linked to lip acne. Most of these products may contain harmful and low-quality ingredients that are absorbed into the skin. Moreover, they “clog the pores in the skin surrounding the lips.” This may promote bacterial growth.

Allergic reactions. If pimples appear every time a person uses certain lip products, it may be an allergy to some of the ingredients present. Additionally, some people are allergic to even the best quality lip care products.

Contaminated and expired care products. Using contaminated or expired lip care products can cause these pimples. Once these lip care products become unusable, they can easily contain some pathogens that will enter the lips and cause pimples and other infections.

Wrong diet. Eating fatty, unhealthy foods, as well as a poor overall diet, does not have the best effect on the human body. This can lead to the formation of pimples on the body. A person is likely to experience acne or blackheads due to such products.

Personal hygiene. Similar to body acne, blemishes can be caused by poor hygiene, which may include not cleansing your lips after eating greasy foods (this can cause oil to build up and block the pores along your lip line).

Medicines that contain corticosteroids. People who use medications containing corticosteroids or lithium tend to suffer from acne in general. These medications are believed by experts to be behind the appearance of these pimples even on the lips.

Other causes of pimples

Exists many other reasons such pimples. Some of these reasons include:

  1. prysh-na-gube-cheshetsya-cgrWCPh.webp

    Smoking – It has been observed that smokers tend to face such problems.
  2. Fluoride in toothpastes – Some people react to fluoride in toothpastes and may develop pimples.
  3. Stress – Some people complain of acne that occurs as a reaction to stress.
  4. Harsh environmental conditions and pollution.
  5. Some people experience genetic factors.

Treatment of acne on lips

But what to do if the pimple has already popped up? How to treat this formation? The most important part of this discussion is how to get rid of lip acne. But along with treatment, it is necessary to consider prevention methods, thanks to which pimples will not be able to appear.

Careful makeup selection lips As noted earlier, makeup can clog the pores around the lip skin and cause acne. When choosing lip cosmetics, you should give preference to those that have less pigment. The more pigmented the product, the more likely it is to clog pores.

In addition, you should give preference to cosmetics whose main components are olive oil and panthenol. Olive oil and panthenol are less irritating than coconut oil, although it is advertised as a good moisturizer.


Anti-acne products. It is important to regularly get rid of excess fat on the lip line. Using a cotton pad soaked in salicylic acid toner can ensure that the skin is thoroughly cleansed. If pimples occur too often, you can try using various anti-acne products, as well as some mouthwashes. Creams containing 20 percent azelaic acid and 5 percent benzoyl peroxide are good for acne. It is also worth purchasing lotions and creams that contain zinc. This helps fight acne.

Cleaning lips. Exfoliation can be done using any good exfoliator available in the market. This will remove dead skin, the accumulation of which can lead to acne.

Hot or cold compresses. A good home remedy for pimples is a hot compress. You need to take a clean piece of cloth, moisten it in warm water and apply it to the part of the lip with the pimple. This will help soothe and reduce its appearance, especially if your lips are swollen. Sometimes cold compresses can also be helpful.

Facial care products. Some facial products can affect the lips and cause acne. It's worth trying different lotions and soaps to see if it makes a difference. A cleanser with lavender oil, tea tree oil, and sea anemone can help keep lips looking healthy.

Apply products with alpha hydroxyl acids. Another simple home remedy for acne is to topically consume foods rich in alpha hydroxyl acids. You can try using citrus fruits, as well as grapes, apples on your lips to help remove any dead skin as well as open clogged pores on it.


Good diet and plenty of water. It is important to ensure that the diet is rich in zinc, magnesium, vitamins A and E, as these can work well in combating acne and pimples. Retinol, for example, is rich in vitamin A, which is why it is used to treat acne. You should stay away from caffeinated products and stay hydrated.

Stress management. People with a lot of stress in their lives should focus all their efforts on treating the stress condition. Stress is harmful and promotes the formation of free radicals, which can cause early aging and skin problems.

Some herbs and ointments may help. You can use products such as castor oil, eucalyptus, basil and apply them to the affected area.

Having tried all of the above and not seeing any signs of improvement, you need to contact a dermatologist for further treatment and consultation. This is recommended for people who have chronic acne. Treatment such as steam laser therapy may be ideal if the condition is chronic.