Pimples like blisters on the body

Watery pimples on the body of an adult can appear suddenly against the background of absolute well-being. The rashes can be localized anywhere, but if they occur on the palms, fingers or face, they cause special suffering to the patient.

There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by watery rashes on the body. Only a doctor can correctly assess the nature of acne, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, so the main recommendation is to consult a therapist or dermatologist.

Skin rashes comments from a dermatologist!

The most likely and common causes of watery acne on the body of an adult are:

  1. Allergic reaction to foreign antigens (allergic urticaria);
  2. Dyshidrosis (dyshidrotic eczema);
  3. Maceration of the skin as a result of frostbite or burns;
  4. Miliaria (papular, red, crystalline forms);
  5. Mycotic skin lesions (dermatomycosis);
  6. Infectious diseases (infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, chicken pox, molluscum contagiosum);
  7. Dermatosis of pregnant women.

What unites such different diseases is the similarity of the clinical picture - the presence of watery pimples. The rash is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. They look like a tubercle filled with liquid (vesicle);
  2. The sizes of the vesicles are varied - from a few millimeters (the size of a millet grain) to a centimeter (the size of a bean);
  3. The number of pimples – from single to multiple (drain);
  4. Almost always accompanied by itching, swelling and tension of adjacent tissues;
  5. The contents of the vesicle range from light serous to serous-hemorrhagic in nature, there is never purulent content inside, the exception is the addition of a secondary bacterial infection;
  6. After opening a watery pimple, a crust forms in its place, under which epithelization takes place;
  7. Depending on the etiology, the contents of the vesicle may be infectious to surrounding tissues and people (molluscum contagiosum, herpes virus); “Read also: Pimples on the face before menstruation”
  8. The most unfavorable and clinically significant location for watery pimples is the face and hands.

Watery pimples on the face.

Watery pimples on the face have their favorite localization depending on the cause:

  1. Herpes simplex virus. In the acute stage of the disease, vesicles with clear liquid appear on the mucous membrane of the nose, oral cavity, and red border of the lips;
  2. Herpes zoster. Watery blisters are located on the skin of the face along the facial nerve, causing severe pain;
  3. Pemphigus. With this autoimmune disease, the rash first appears on the oral mucosa and then spreads to the skin of the lower face and neck;
  4. Neurodermatitis. A disease of allergic origin with the spread of watery pimples mainly on the skin of the cheeks, chin and forehead;
  5. Hives. Vesicles can appear on any part of the face, but if they are in a place with thin skin, they cause severe swelling (eyelids, lips). “Read also: Essential oils for acne”

Considering such a variety of diseases with the presence of watery pimples on the face, which differ radically in etiology and pathogenesis, self-medication is extremely undesirable. Only a doctor can help without causing harm.

General directions of therapy can be the following:

  1. Antiviral;
  2. Immunomodulatory;
  3. Antiallergic;
  4. Anti-inflammatory;
  5. Epithelializing.

You can temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms with the help of folk remedies. For example, a solution of potassium permanganate, freshly squeezed aloe juice, a decoction or tincture of calendula will have an anti-inflammatory, drying, antibacterial effect, which will promote recovery without the development of complications.

Watery pimples on fingers.

If rashes on the face mostly cause aesthetic problems for the patient, then watery pimples on the fingers can lead to loss of motor function. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the infectious factor in the formation of vesicles:

  1. Scabies (caused by the parasitic mite scabies itch);
  2. Molluscum contagiosum (has nothing to do with crustaceans, the disease is caused by a virus);
  3. Mycosis (fungal skin infection);
  4. Chicken pox (viral disease).

If the role of an infectious agent is excluded, then you should think about the following possible causes of the disease:

  1. Allergy (most often this is direct contact with an allergen: a chemical, plant, environment);
  2. Miliaria (the process of sweating is disrupted when the secretion of the sweat glands is inside their ducts);
  3. Internal diseases of the body (endocrinopathies, stress conditions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).

Help for the patient depends on the cause. It is better if it is provided by a qualified specialist. The main directions of therapy are determined by the nosological form:

  1. For scabies, it is possible to use sulfur ointment, Spregal, and consult an infectious disease specialist.
  2. Molluscum contagiosum is treated with surgery, laser therapy and cryodestruction.
  3. For mycoses, Clotrimazole, Mycoseptin and other antimycotics are prescribed in the form of solutions and creams.
  4. Chickenpox does not require specific treatment; blisters with liquid are treated with a solution of brilliant green.
  5. For allergies, take systemic antihistamines and local applications with antiallergic ointment.
  6. If there are internal diseases, then treatment is aimed at compensating for the underlying disease, normalizing hormonal levels, and eliminating the stress factor. “Read also: Diet for facial acne”


Often, instead of a regular pimple with white contents, a watery papule appears on the skin. It may have a black rod in the middle, which indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the cavity with the acne. It happens that small watery pimples appear and disappear on their own.

The cause of temporary rashes may be excessive wrapping during the cold season, when the glands have to actively produce sebum. But a water pimple with additional symptoms and characteristic locations signals the development of a serious pathological process.

Reasons for appearance

The most common cause of watery acne is an allergic reaction of the body. The skin reacts by increasing the production of sebum when it comes into contact with an allergen - plant pollen, insect bites, waste products of bed insects. You can become the owner of a transparent pimple by wearing synthetic clothing, which prevents the penetration of air and provokes increased sweating.

Hormonal disorders and pathological processes in internal organs are serious causes of skin rashes. Therefore, you should not ignore a transparent pimple; it is a sign of danger to your health.


Depending on the characteristic features (size, quantity, structure) of transparent papules, it is possible to identify the specific disease that provoked their appearance.

on the face. Watery pimples are most common in this area. on the forehead and cheeks for atopic dermatitis. Mostly young children suffer due to weak immunity. Reddened areas of the skin become covered with a small rash with a watery liquid inside; on the back. Red, watery pimples in this part of the body develop after severe itching on the skin. As they mature, they burst, forming a large inflammatory zone. This pattern of skin rashes is characteristic of urticaria. In addition to the back, watery blisters can be located on the lips and cheeks. This disease is accompanied by fever, chills and headache; in the mouth and on the lips. With herpes infection, a watery pimple on the lip itches and hurts. Over time, the papule bursts, releasing fluid, and a crust forms in its place. The number of herpes rashes increases with a sharp decrease in immune defense. In this case, the localization site may expand, and watery pimples will appear in the mouth; on the legs and feet. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) causes watery pimples to appear on the feet. They itch and eventually burst, forming inflamed spots. The danger lies in the increased risk of damage to damaged skin from fungal infections. Watery pimples on the legs of a child are especially susceptible to this due to insufficient hygiene; on hands and fingers. Constant contact with cleaning products with chemical components leads to dry skin. Therefore, watery pimples on the palms are a reaction of the epidermis to an external irritant. The formation of watery pimples on the hands that itch and occupy the space between the fingers can be a symptom of psoriasis; on the neck. Failure of the endocrine system, expressed by obesity, provokes disturbances in the process of sweating. People who are overweight often develop watery pimples on the neck and skin folds. Miliaria is a collection of small papules with liquid that do not cause itching or pain; in the intimate area. Watery pimples in the groin in most cases are serious. Their appearance in an intimate place may be a consequence of staphylococcal, streptococcal and herpes infections, or the human papillomavirus. Watery pimples on the labia cause itching and burning, causing painful urination.

Watery pimples on the body of a young child occur due to untimely changing of the diaper. If they have a pinkish tint and the baby’s body temperature rises slightly, then most likely he has caught an infectious disease - chickenpox.

Treatment methods

Treatment of watery acne begins after collecting anamnesis and diagnosis.

For viral diseases, the dermatologist prescribes antiviral drugs - Ibuprofen, Nimesulide. They relieve inflammation and soreness of the skin. Watery pimples on skin from herpes infection are treated Acyclovir, Viferon, Gevisosh, Florenal in the form of ointments. Taking antihistamines (Loratodine, Cetirizine, Suprastin) indicated for allergic rashes. Apply zinc ointment or Desitin cream for watery pimples on the body of an adult with a pathological increase in sweating.

Traditional methods and remedies

To quickly relieve skin itching and pain, you can use proven traditional medicine.

blackberry leaves

The preparation process is simple - pour the crushed dry plant into 100 ml of boiled water, let it brew for 1-2 hours, wipe the affected skin several times a day.

Lemon and celandine

Mix lemon and celandine juice in equal proportions. Soak a cotton pad in the healing liquid and apply to the herpes rash. Place a piece of cling film on top and secure with adhesive tape. Leave it on all night.

Tea tree and bergamot oil

Pour 2 drops each of tea tree and bergamot oil into a small container, add 1 tsp. alcohol The resulting solution is accurately applied to watery papules.

Any manipulation of skin rashes at home must occur with the permission of the attending physician.

Preventive measures

  1. To prevent the appearance of watery acne on the back and other parts of the body, you should follow simple rules:
follow the basics of proper nutrition; allocate enough time for rest; avoid allergens; do not use cosmetics with ingredients that dry out the skin; avoid skin contact with chemicals; wear clothes made from natural fabrics; do not overheat the body with layers of warm clothing; use various means of protection against infectious infections.

Preventing the appearance of large watery pimples cannot be done without strengthening the immune system. Therefore, if you want to have healthy skin and the whole body, then you should walk more in the fresh air, carry out hardening procedures, and take complex vitamins. And then it will be difficult for viruses and infections to break through the strong defense.

The appearance of any skin defect can be perceived negatively by a person and cause a large number of unpleasant symptoms. This disadvantage especially concerns women who pay attention to the appearance of the slightest acne.
