
Pseudocavities are not caverns, but false representations of them. They arise as a result of misunderstanding of terminology and the use of incorrect diagnostic and treatment methods. In this article we will look at the main causes of pseudocavities and how to eliminate them.

Causes of pseudocavities

  1. Incorrect diagnosis. Some doctors may mistake another pathology for a cavity, for example, a cyst or granuloma. In this case, it is necessary to conduct additional research to ensure that the diagnosis is correct.
  2. Use of incorrect treatment methods. Some treatments, such as physical therapy or acupuncture, can cause pseudocavities. For example, during physical therapy, an existing pseudocavern may expand, causing it to increase in size.
  3. Insufficient qualification of the doctor. Some doctors may not have enough experience with cavities and may not know how to properly treat them. As a result, errors in diagnosis and treatment may occur.
  4. Insufficient control over treatment. Some patients may not follow the doctor's recommendations for treatment, which can lead to worsening of the condition and the appearance of a pseudocavern.
  5. Insufficient patient information. Some patients do not understand what a cavity is and how dangerous it can be. As a result, they may not follow doctor's recommendations and make treatment errors.

How to prevent the occurrence of pseudocavities?

To prevent the occurrence of pseudocavities, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Contact a qualified doctor who has experience working with cavities.
  2. Follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment and health monitoring.
  3. Do not violate the doctor’s recommendations and do not use incorrect treatment methods.
  4. Educate the patient about what cavities are and how dangerous they can be.
  5. Regularly undergo medical examinations and monitor your health.

Pseudocavity is a medical term used to describe a condition in which changes appearing on radiographs that resemble a cavity (cavity), but when examined with tomography or direct microscopic examination, no evidence of a cavity can be detected.

The emergence of pseudo-cover