
Pseudopelade is a chronic disease of the scalp, characterized by the appearance of multiple foci of skin atrophy with hair loss.

The disease is more common in women aged 30-50 years. The reasons for the development of pseudopelade are not fully understood; a hereditary predisposition and disturbances in the innervation of the skin are assumed.

With pseudopelade, small areas (foci) of baldness of a round or irregular shape appear on the head, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The skin in the lesions atrophies, becomes smooth and shiny. The hair in the lesions falls out completely. The number of lesions can reach several dozen. The merging of lesions leads to the formation of larger, irregularly shaped areas of baldness.

The diagnosis of pseudopelade is made based on the clinical picture. Treatment consists of prescribing immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and vasodilating drugs. The prognosis for pseudopelade is relatively favorable; in most cases, the process stabilizes after a few years. Complete hair restoration is impossible.