
Pseudoptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid appears to droop, although in fact the levator muscles are intact. This leads to the false impression of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid).

Pseudoptosis can occur for various reasons:

  1. Excess skin of the upper eyelid that covers the pupil and creates the appearance of a drooping eyelid

  2. Swelling or inflammation of the upper eyelid

  3. Increase in the volume of fatty tissue of the upper eyelid

  4. Abnormally deep-set eye

  5. Paresis of the muscles that lift the upper eyelid, without their complete paralysis

To diagnose pseudoptosis, an ophthalmologist performs an examination and excludes true ptosis, which affects the muscles of the eyelid. Treatment of pseudoptosis is aimed at eliminating the cause of false drooping of the eyelid - removing excess skin, treating swelling or inflammation. With proper treatment, pseudoptosis can be completely eliminated.