
Pseudosch isophiria

Pseudoschisis Ophir and I is a mental disorder that can cause various symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, apathy and others. This condition is often confused with schizophrenia, however, it is not related to it. Some symptoms of pseudosha

Pseudostichophrenia is a condition characterized by irregular thinking, emotional disturbance and behavioral changes. It is caused by chronic stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and chronic fatigue.

Signs of pseudosticophrenia Symptoms of pseudosticophrenia are varied and depend on the severity and type of disorder. The disorder manifests itself as:

- Intellectual delays - Excessive excitement and anxiety - Replacement of sentence parts and words Signs of pseudostyxophrenia most often appear in people aged 30 years. These include phobias and fears that arise suddenly, fear of specific objects, unfamiliar places, and people. To improve the patient’s condition, it is important to identify the cause of the disorder and try to eliminate it. Treatment of pseudostyxophrenia is carried out using psychotherapeutic methods, eliminating the causes that contribute to the occurrence of the disease.