
Psychotic disorders are a group of mood disorders that cause mental and cognitive dysfunction. They lead to abnormal thought processes and behavior, which are accompanied by strong emotional manifestations and a feeling of disintegration of the self. They are often part of a variety of mental and medical illnesses and can cause depression, mania, schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations, inability to care for oneself, and sociopathy.

Psychotic disorders can occur at any age, but they are more common in people over 60 and older adults. The causes of these conditions still remain unclear. Some researchers suggest that there may be genetic or hereditary causes of psychotic disorders. Others believe that it may be due to many factors, including hormonal imbalances, mental factors, brain damage and biochemical changes within our body.

Symptoms of psychotic disorders:

- * Delusion * - a feeling of complete or partial loss of one’s own personality and ability to think. - *Hallucination* - the perception of non-existent objects or events around oneself. - *Nonsense* - a firm belief in the reality of a non-existent fantasy. - *Disorganization* - disruption of the structure of thinking and action. - *Dysphoria* is a strong and uncontrollable desire to show negative emotions towards oneself or other people. - *Psychomotor agitation* - excessive activity of the body to such an extent that a person feels unable to control his movements. - *Fatigue and weakness* is a common feeling that accompanies all psychotic disorders. - *Loss of energy* - sharp decrease